<% module_namespacing do -%> class <%= model_klass.name.pluralize %>Controller < ApplicationController <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # Mark this as a JSONAPI controller, associating with the given resource <%- end -%> jsonapi resource: <%= model_klass %>Resource <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # Reference a strong resource payload defined in # config/initializers/strong_resources.rb <%- end -%> strong_resource :<%= file_name %> <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # Run strong parameter validation for these actions. # Invalid keys will be dropped. # Invalid value types will log or raise based on the configuration # ActionController::Parameters.action_on_invalid_parameters <%- end -%> before_action :apply_strong_params, only: [:create, :update] <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # Start with a base scope and pass to render_jsonapi <%- end -%> def index <%= file_name.pluralize %> = <%= model_klass %>.all render_jsonapi(<%= file_name.pluralize %>) end <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # Call jsonapi_scope directly here so we can get behavior like # sparse fieldsets and statistics. <%- end -%> def show scope = jsonapi_scope(<%= model_klass %>.where(id: params[:id])) render_jsonapi(scope.resolve.first, scope: false) end <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # jsonapi_create will use the configured Resource (and adapter) to persist. # This will handle nested relationships as well. # On validation errors, render correct error JSON. <%- end -%> def create <%= file_name %>, success = jsonapi_create.to_a if success render_jsonapi(<%= file_name %>, scope: false) else render_errors_for(<%= file_name %>) end end <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # jsonapi_update will use the configured Resource (and adapter) to persist. # This will handle nested relationships as well. # On validation errors, render correct error JSON. <%- end -%> def update <%= file_name %>, success = jsonapi_update.to_a if success render_jsonapi(<%= file_name %>, scope: false) else render_errors_for(<%= file_name %>) end end <%- unless omit_comments? -%> # No need for any special logic here as no_content is jsonapi_compliant. # Customize this if you have a more complex use case. <%- end -%> def destroy <%= file_name %> = <%= model_klass %>.find(params[:id]) <%= file_name %>.destroy return head(:no_content) end end <% end -%>