module ETL #:nodoc:
module Processor #:nodoc:
# Processor which is used to bulk import data into a target database. The
# underlying database driver from ActiveRecord must support the methods
# +bulk_load+ method.
class BulkImportProcessor < ETL::Processor::Processor
# The file to load from
attr_reader :file
# The target database
attr_reader :target
# The table name
attr_reader :table
# Set to true to truncate
attr_reader :truncate
# Array of symbols representing the column load order
attr_reader :columns
# The field separator (defaults to a comma)
attr_accessor :field_separator
# The field enclosure (defaults to nil)
attr_accessor :field_enclosure
# The line separator (defaults to a newline)
attr_accessor :line_separator
# The string that indicates a NULL (defaults to an empty string)
attr_accessor :null_string
# Initialize the processor.
# Configuration options:
# * :file: The file to load data from
# * :target: The target database
# * :table: The table name
# * :truncate: Set to true to truncate before loading
# * :columns: The columns to load in the order they appear in
# the bulk data file
# * :field_separator: The field separator. Defaults to a comma
# * :line_separator: The line separator. Defaults to a newline
# * :field_enclosure: The field enclosure charcaters
def initialize(control, configuration)
@file = File.join(File.dirname(control.file), configuration[:file])
@target = configuration[:target]
@table = configuration[:table]
@truncate = configuration[:truncate] ||= false
@columns = configuration[:columns]
@field_separator = (configuration[:field_separator] || ',')
@line_separator = (configuration[:line_separator] || "\n")
@null_string = (configuration[:null_string] || "")
@field_enclosure = configuration[:field_enclosure]
raise ControlError, "Target must be specified" unless @target
raise ControlError, "Table must be specified" unless @table
# Execute the processor
def process
return if ETL::Engine.skip_bulk_import
return if File.size(file) == 0
conn = ETL::Engine.connection(target)
conn.transaction do
conn.truncate(table_name) if truncate
options = {}
options[:columns] = columns
if field_separator || field_enclosure || line_separator || null_string
options[:fields] = {}
options[:fields][:null_string] = null_string if null_string
options[:fields][:delimited_by] = field_separator if field_separator
options[:fields][:enclosed_by] = field_enclosure if field_enclosure
options[:fields][:terminated_by] = line_separator if line_separator
conn.bulk_load(file, table_name, options)
def table_name
ETL::Engine.table(table, ETL::Engine.connection(target))