require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') module Boson class FileLibraryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "file library" do before(:each) { reset; FileLibrary.reset_file_cache } test "loads" do load :blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; def blah; end; end" library_has_module('blah', 'Boson::Commands::Blah') command_exists?('blah') end test "in a subdirectory loads" do load 'site/delicious', :file_string=>"module Delicious; def blah; end; end" library_has_module('site/delicious', "Boson::Commands::Site::Delicious") command_exists?('blah') end test "in a sub subdirectory loads" do load 'web/site/delicious', :file_string=>"module Delicious; def blah; end; end" library_has_module('web/site/delicious', "Boson::Commands::Web::Site::Delicious") command_exists?('blah') end test "loads by basename" do Dir.stubs(:[]).returns(['./test/commands/site/github.rb']) load 'github', :file_string=>"module Github; def blah; end; end", :exists=>false library_has_module('site/github', "Boson::Commands::Site::Github") command_exists?('blah') end test "prints error for file library with no module" do capture_stderr { load(:blah, :file_string=>"def blah; end") }.should =~ /Can't.*at least/ end test "prints error for file library with multiple modules" do capture_stderr { load(:blah, :file_string=>"module Doo; end; module Daa; end") }.should =~ /Can't.*config/ end test "with same module reloads" do load(:blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; def blah; end; end") File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) File.stubs(:read).returns("module Blah; def bling; end; end") Manager.reload('blah').should == true command_exists?('bling') library('blah').commands.size.should == 2 end test "with different module reloads" do load(:blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; def blah; end; end") File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) File.stubs(:read).returns("module Bling; def bling; end; end") Manager.reload('blah').should == true library_has_module('blah', "Boson::Commands::Bling") command_exists?('bling') command_exists?('blah', false) library('blah').commands.size.should == 1 end end end end