# -*- Ruby -*- # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'rake' require 'rubygems' unless Object.const_defined?(:Gem) require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/trace' unless Object.const_defined?(:'Trace') and Trace.const_defined?(:VERSION) spec = Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.authors = ['R. Bernstein'] spec.name = 'rb-trace' spec.homepage = 'https://github.com/rocky/rb-trace/wiki' spec.summary = 'Trace hook extensions' spec.description = <<-EOF rb-trace adds a trace_hook object, translates hooks bitmasks to Ruby sets and vice versa, and extends set_trace_func() to allow ignore specified frames or functions. EOF spec.version = Trace::VERSION spec.email = 'rockyb@rubyforge.org' spec.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY spec.files = `git ls-files`.split("\n") spec.add_dependency('rb-threadframe', '>= 0.41') # spec.required_ruby_version = '~> 1.9.2frame' spec.date = Time.now # spec.rubyforge_project = 'rocky-hacks' # rdoc spec.has_rdoc = true # spec.extra_rdoc_files = ['README', 'threadframe.rd'] end