Feature: Channel overview In order to actually use the system for anything As a user I need to be able to view and administer recorded shows Background: Given the following recorded shows: | name | | Bonderøven | | Noddy | | Star Trek | And the following recordings: | name | id | | Bonderøven | 1234567 | | Bonderøven | 1234567-1 | | Bonderøven | 1234678 | | Star Trek | 2345678 | Scenario: Shows overview shows all recorded shows Given I am on the shows page Then I should see "Bonderøven" And I should see "Noddy" And I should see "Star Trek" Scenario: Show details shows all recordings of show Given I am on the shows page # The following does not work with Poltergeist/PhantomJS - prints infinitely many # AngularJS errors :-( #And I see the details for show "Bonderøven" #Then I should see 3 recordings