User-visible changes. Since 0.6.0 (2006-06-12) ======================== Features -------- * coverage/callsite data from multiple runs can be aggregated (--aggregate) Bugfixes -------- * the SCRIPT_LINES__ workaround works better * fixed silly bug in coverage data acquisition (line after the correct one marked in some situations) * avoid problems with repeated path separators in default ignore list, based on rbconfig's data Minor enhancements ------------------ Since 0.5.0 (2006-05-30) ======================== Features -------- * differential coverage report: --text-coverage-diff (-D) and --save Tells you when you've added new code that was not covered by the tests and when code that used to be covered isn't anymore. Integration with vim (contributions for other editors/IDEs welcome). * fully cross-referenced reports, indicating where methods are called from and which methods were called for each line (--xrefs) * cross-referenced report generation is now over 4 times faster for applications with deep call stacks (such as Rails apps) Bugfixes -------- * comments at EOF are marked now * better handling of multiline hashes/arrays * better handling of end/}: support chained method calls and more expressions on the same line * better handling of heredocs with interpolation Minor enhancements ------------------ * more readable --text-coverage * set whether comments are "run" by default instead of attaching them to the following block of code (--[no-]comments) * --report-cov-bug can be used to report bugs in the coverage analysis Since 0.4.0 (2006-05-22) ======================== Features -------- * ability to create cross-referenced reports, indicating where methods are called from (--callsites) * more refinements in the heuristics: now several kinds of multi-line quoted strings are handled properly * --include-file to specify files not to be ignored in the report(s) * implemented a task generator for Rant Bugfixes -------- * corrected the LOC counts in the XHTML summaries * pure-Ruby tracing module works again; was broken in 0.4.0 * RcovTask#ruby_opts fixed; they were being passed to rcov instead of ruby * solved the DOCTYPE issue (it'd get put at the end of the file under some Ruby versions) Minor enhancements ------------------ * slightly more readable XHTML reports, esp. for IE * text reports fit in 79 columns so they look OK with cmd.exe * try to guide the user when all files were considered "uninteresting" by rcov * the output_dir is preserved in RcovTasks when the user specifies --profile via the RCOVOPTS env. var. Since 0.3.0 (2006-05-05) ======================== Features -------- * easy automation via Rake using the bundled Rcov::RcovTask * better heuristics: supports heredocs at last, including variants your editor is probably unable to handle, and =begin/=end comments * --rails option to ignore files under vendor/, enviroment/ and config/ * parts of the runtime exposed and documented for external use * new color scheme, with alternating shades of the base colors * -w to set $VERBOSE=true (turns on warnings) * --text-report and --text-summary * --sort and --sort-reverse for the summaries and reports * --threshold and --only-uncovered * --replace-progname Backwards incompatible changes ------------------------------ * renamed --text to --text-counts and --rich-text to --text-coverage: they were misnamed to begin with * changed the meaning of -t and -T (--text-summary and --text-report) * $0 is not changed by default for each loaded file anymore; the old behavior (modulo a small bugfix) can be reproduced with --replace-progname Since 0.2.0 (2006-02-25) ======================== Features -------- * --exclude-only * consolidate multiple references to the same underlying .rb file (much needed for Rails) * --test-unit-only Fixes ----- * consider and/op operators * honor --no-color in (rich) text mode * output valid XHTML indices Since 0.1.0 =========== Tons. Better output, MUCH faster (two orders of magnitude), better command line...