#! /usr/bin/env ruby # # check-elb-health # # DESCRIPTION: # This plugin checks the health of an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. # # OUTPUT: # plain-text # # PLATFORMS: # Linux # # DEPENDENCIES: # gem: right-aws # gem: sensu-plugin # # USAGE: # ./check-ec2-network.rb -r ${you_region} -i ${your_instance_id} --warning-over 1000000 --critical-over 1500000 # ./check-ec2-network.rb -r ${you_region} -i ${your_instance_id} -d NetworkIn --warning-over 1000000 --critical-over 1500000 # ./check-ec2-network.rb -r ${you_region} -i ${your_instance_id} -d NetworkOut --warning-over 1000000 --critical-over 1500000 # # NOTES: # # LICENSE: # Copyright (c) 2012, Panagiotis Papadomitsos # Released under the same terms as Sensu (the MIT license); see LICENSE # for details. # require 'sensu-plugin/check/cli' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'right_aws' class ELBHealth < Sensu::Plugin::Check::CLI option :aws_access_key, short: '-a AWS_ACCESS_KEY', long: '--aws-access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY', description: "AWS Access Key. Either set ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] or provide it as an option", default: ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY'] option :aws_secret_access_key, short: '-k AWS_SECRET_KEY', long: '--aws-secret-access-key AWS_SECRET_KEY', description: "AWS Secret Access Key. Either set ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] or provide it as an option", default: ENV['AWS_SECRET_KEY'] option :aws_region, short: '-r AWS_REGION', long: '--aws-region REGION', description: 'AWS Region (such as eu-west-1). If you do not specify a region, it will be detected by the server the script is run on' option :elb_name, short: '-n ELB_NAME', long: '--elb-name ELB_NAME', description: 'The Elastic Load Balancer name of which you want to check the health', required: true option :instances, short: '-i INSTANCES', long: '--instances INSTANCES', description: 'Comma separated list of specific instances IDs inside the ELB of which you want to check the health' option :verbose, short: '-v', long: '--verbose', description: 'Enable a little bit more verbose reports about instance health', boolean: true, default: false def query_instance_region instance_az = nil Timeout.timeout(3) do instance_az = Net::HTTP.get(URI('')) end instance_az[0...-1] rescue raise "Cannot obtain this instance's Availability Zone. Maybe not running on AWS?" end def run begin aws_region = (config[:aws_region].nil? || config[:aws_region].empty?) ? query_instance_region : config[:aws_region] elb = RightAws::ElbInterface.new(config[:aws_access_key], config[:aws_secret_access_key], logger: Logger.new('/dev/null'), cache: false, server: "elasticloadbalancing.#{aws_region}.amazonaws.com") if config[:instances] instances = config[:instances].split(',') health = elb.describe_instance_health(config[:elb_name], instances) else health = elb.describe_instance_health(config[:elb_name]) end rescue => e critical "An issue occured while communicating with the AWS EC2 API: #{e.message}" end # #YELLOW unless health.empty? # rubocop:disable UnlessElse unhealthy_instances = {} health.each do |instance| unhealthy_instances[instance[:instance_id]] = instance[:state] unless instance[:state].eql?('InService') end # #YELLOW unless unhealthy_instances.empty? # rubocop:disable UnlessElse if config[:verbose] critical "Unhealthy instances detected: #{unhealthy_instances.map { |id, state| '[' + id + '::' + state + ']' }.join(' ')}" else critical "Detected [#{unhealthy_instances.size}] unhealthy instances" end else ok "All instances on ELB #{aws_region}::#{config[:elb_name]} healthy!" end else critical 'Failed to retrieve ELB instance health data' end end end