lib = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/lib' $:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?(lib) require 'test/unit' require 'rubygems' require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' require 'ruboto/sdk_versions' module RubotoTest include Ruboto::SdkVersions PROJECT_DIR = File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH << PROJECT_DIR GEM_PATH = File.join PROJECT_DIR, 'tmp', 'gems' FileUtils.mkdir_p GEM_PATH ENV['GEM_HOME'] = GEM_PATH ENV['GEM_PATH'] = GEM_PATH ENV['PATH'] = "#{GEM_PATH}/bin:#{ENV['PATH']}" Gem.paths = GEM_PATH Gem.refresh `gem query -i -n bundler` system 'gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc' unless $? == 0 `bundle check` system 'bundle --system' unless $? == 0 lib_path = File.expand_path('lib', File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) $LOAD_PATH.unshift lib_path unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_path) require 'ruboto' require 'ruboto/version' PACKAGE = 'org.ruboto.test_app' APP_NAME = 'RubotoTestApp' TMP_DIR = File.join PROJECT_DIR, 'tmp' APP_DIR = File.join TMP_DIR, APP_NAME ANDROID_TARGET = (ENV['ANDROID_TARGET'] && ENV['ANDROID_TARGET'].slice(/\d+/).to_i) || MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SDK_LEVEL VERSION_TO_API_LEVEL = { '2.1' => 'android-7', '2.1-update1' => 'android-7', '2.2' => 'android-8', '2.3' => 'android-9', '2.3.1' => 'android-9', '2.3.2' => 'android-9', '2.3.3' => 'android-10', '2.3.4' => 'android-10', '3.0' => 'android-11', '3.1' => 'android-12', '3.2' => 'android-13', '4.0.1' => 'android-14', '4.0.3' => 'android-15', '4.0.4' => 'android-15', '4.1' => 'android-16', '4.1.1' => 'android-16', '4.2' => 'android-17', } def self.version_from_device puts "Reading OS version from device/emulator" system "adb wait-for-device" IO.popen('adb bugreport').each_line do |line| if line =~ /sdk-eng (.*?) .*? .*? test-keys/ version = $1 api_level = VERSION_TO_API_LEVEL[version] raise "Unknown version: #{version}" if api_level.nil? return api_level end if line =~ /\[ro\.build\.version\.sdk\]: \[(\d+)\]/ return $1 end end raise "Unable to read device/emulator apilevel" end def self.install_jruby_jars_gem jars_version_from_env = ENV['JRUBY_JARS_VERSION'] unless RUBOTO_PLATFORM == 'CURRENT' version_requirement = " -v #{jars_version_from_env}" if jars_version_from_env `gem query -i -n jruby-jars#{version_requirement}` unless $? == 0 local_gem_file = "jruby-jars-#{jars_version_from_env}.gem" if File.exists?(local_gem_file) system "gem install -l #{local_gem_file} --no-ri --no-rdoc" else Dir.chdir('tmp') do system "gem install -r jruby-jars#{version_requirement} --no-ri --no-rdoc" end end end raise "install of jruby-jars failed with return code #$?" unless $? == 0 if jars_version_from_env exclusion_clause = %Q{-v "!=#{jars_version_from_env}"} `gem query -i -n jruby-jars #{exclusion_clause}` if $? == 0 system %Q{gem uninstall jruby-jars --all #{exclusion_clause}} raise "Uninstall of jruby-jars failed with return code #$?" unless $? == 0 end end Gem.refresh end def install_jruby_jars_gem RubotoTest::install_jruby_jars_gem end def uninstall_jruby_jars_gem `gem query --no-installed -n jruby-jars` system 'gem uninstall jruby-jars --all' if $? != 0 assert_equal 0, $?, "uninstall of jruby-jars failed with return code #$?" end def install_ruboto_gem(version) version_requirement = "-v #{version}" `gem query -i -n ^ruboto$ #{version_requirement}` system "gem install ruboto #{version_requirement} --no-ri --no-rdoc" unless $? == 0 raise "install of ruboto #{version} failed with return code #$?" unless $? == 0 end puts RUBY_DESCRIPTION ANDROID_OS = (ENV['ANDROID_OS'] || version_from_device).slice(/\d+/).to_i puts "ANDROID_OS: #{ANDROID_OS}" puts "ANDROID_TARGET: #{ANDROID_TARGET}" RUBOTO_CMD = "ruby -rubygems -I #{PROJECT_DIR}/lib #{PROJECT_DIR}/bin/ruboto" puts "ANDROID_HOME: #{ANDROID_HOME}" puts "ANDROID_SDK_TOOLS_REVISION: #{ANDROID_TOOLS_REVISION}" RUBOTO_PLATFORM = ENV['RUBOTO_PLATFORM'] || 'CURRENT' puts "RUBOTO_PLATFORM: #{RUBOTO_PLATFORM}" install_jruby_jars_gem if RUBOTO_PLATFORM == 'CURRENT' JRUBY_JARS_VERSION ='') else # FIXME(uwe): Simplify when we stop supporting rubygems < 1.8.0 if >='1.8.0') gem_spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_path 'jruby-jars' else gem_spec = Gem.searcher.find('jruby-jars') end # EMXIF raise"Can't find Gem specification jruby-jars.") unless gem_spec JRUBY_JARS_VERSION = gem_spec.version end puts "JRUBY_JARS_VERSION: #{JRUBY_JARS_VERSION}" end class Test::Unit::TestCase include RubotoTest extend RubotoTest alias old_run run def run(*args, &block) mark_test_start("#{}\##{respond_to?(:method_name) ? method_name : __name__}") old_run(*args, &block) mark_test_end("#{}\##{respond_to?(:method_name) ? method_name : __name__}") end def mark_test_start(test_name) @start_time = log log '=' * 80 log "Starting test #{test_name} at #{@start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}:" log end def mark_test_end(test_name) log duration = ( - @start_time).to_i log "Ended test #{test_name}: #{passed? ? 'PASSED' : 'FAILED'} after #{duration / 60}:#{'%02d' % (duration % 60)}" log '=' * 80 log end def log(message = '') puts message `adb shell log -t 'RUBOTO TEST' '#{message}'` end def generate_app(options = {}) example = options.delete(:example) || false update = options.delete(:update) || false excluded_stdlibs = options.delete(:excluded_stdlibs) standalone = options.delete(:standalone) || !!excluded_stdlibs || ENV['RUBOTO_PLATFORM'] == 'STANDALONE' bundle = options.delete(:bundle) raise "Unknown options: #{options.inspect}" unless options.empty? Dir.mkdir TMP_DIR unless File.exists? TMP_DIR FileUtils.rm_rf APP_DIR if File.exists? APP_DIR template_dir = "#{APP_DIR}_template_#{$$}" template_dir << "_example_#{example}" if example template_dir << "_bundle_#{[*bundle].join('_')}" if bundle template_dir << '_updated' if update template_dir << '_standalone' if standalone template_dir << "_without_#{ { |ed| ed.gsub(/[.\/]/, '_') }.join('_')}" if excluded_stdlibs if File.exists?(template_dir) puts "Copying app from template #{template_dir}" FileUtils.cp_r template_dir, APP_DIR, :preserve => true else install_jruby_jars_gem if example Dir.chdir TMP_DIR do system "tar xzf #{PROJECT_DIR}/examples/#{APP_NAME}_#{example}.tgz" end Dir.chdir APP_DIR do'', 'w') { |f| f.puts "sdk.dir=#{ANDROID_HOME}" }'test/', 'w') { |f| f.puts "sdk.dir=#{ANDROID_HOME}" } if standalone exclude_stdlibs(excluded_stdlibs) if excluded_stdlibs FileUtils.touch 'libs/jruby-core-x.x.x.jar' FileUtils.touch 'libs/jruby-stdlib-x.x.x.jar' else FileUtils.rm(Dir['libs/{jruby-*.jar,dx.jar}']) end update_app if update end else uninstall_jruby_jars_gem unless standalone puts "Generating app #{APP_DIR}" system "#{RUBOTO_CMD} gen app --package #{PACKAGE} --path #{APP_DIR} --name #{APP_NAME} --target android-#{ANDROID_TARGET}" if $? != 0 FileUtils.rm_rf APP_DIR raise "gen app failed with return code #$?" end Dir.chdir APP_DIR do write_gemfile(bundle) if bundle if standalone exclude_stdlibs(excluded_stdlibs) if excluded_stdlibs system "#{RUBOTO_CMD} gen jruby" raise "update jruby failed with return code #$?" if $? != 0 end end end # FIXME(uwe): Installation with dx.jar fails on Android < 4.0.3 due to complex interface structure # Fixme(uwe): Remove when solved #if standalone && ANDROID_OS < 15 # Dir.chdir APP_DIR do # puts "Removing dx.jar for android-#{ANDROID_OS}" # FileUtils.rm(Dir['libs/dx.jar']) # end #end # EMXIF unless example && !update Dir.chdir APP_DIR do system 'rake debug' assert_equal 0, $? end end puts "Storing app as template #{template_dir}" FileUtils.cp_r APP_DIR, template_dir, :preserve => true end end def update_app system "#{RUBOTO_CMD} update app" assert_equal 0, $?, "update app failed with return code #$?" end def cleanup_app # FileUtils.rm_rf APP_DIR if File.exists? APP_DIR end def run_app_tests if [7, 8].include? ANDROID_OS puts "Skipping instrumentation tests on #{ANDROID_OS} since they don't work." return end check_platform_installation Dir.chdir APP_DIR do # FIXME(uwe): Simplify when we stop supporting JRuby < 1.7.0 which causes the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException # FIXME(uwe): Simplify if we find a cause for the system crashes. # system 'rake test:quick' # This line should replace all those below. retries = 0 loop do output = `rake test:quick` puts output break if $? == 0 retries += 1 # FIXME(uwe): The cause of the system crash is unnown. We should investigate. if output =~ /INSTRUMENTATION_ABORTED: System has crashed./ puts "System crash detected." elsif (RUBOTO_PLATFORM == 'CURRENT' || JRUBY_JARS_VERSION <'1.7.0')) && output =~ /INSTRUMENTATION_RESULT: longMsg=java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException/ puts "Known ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException failure detected. Retrying (#{retries})." else break end break if retries >= 3 puts "Retrying (#{retries})." end # EMXIF assert_equal 0, $?, "tests failed with return code #$?" end end def check_platform_installation if RUBOTO_PLATFORM == 'STANDALONE' system 'rake platform:uninstall' elsif RUBOTO_PLATFORM == 'CURRENT' system "rake platform:current platform:install" elsif RUBOTO_PLATFORM == 'FROM_GEM' system "rake platform:debug platform:install" else fail "Unknown Ruboto platform: #{RUBOTO_PLATFORM.inspect}" end if $? != 0 # FIXME(uwe): Delete failed RubotoCore. Kept temporarily for debuging. # FileUtils.rm_rf 'tmp/RubotoCore' fail 'Error (un)installing RubotoCore' end end def exclude_stdlibs(excluded_stdlibs) puts "Adding ruboto.yml: #{excluded_stdlibs.join(' ')}"'ruboto.yml', 'w') { |f| f << YAML.dump({:excluded_stdlibs => excluded_stdlibs}) } end def write_gemfile(bundle) puts "Adding Gemfile.apk: #{[*bundle].join(' ')}"'Gemfile.apk', 'w') { |f| f << "source :rubygems\n\ngem 'sqldroid'\n" } end end