require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper' class CreateSendTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "when an api caller is authenticated" do setup do @api_key = '123123123123123123123' @base_uri = '' CreateSend.api_key @api_key @cs = end should "include the CreateSend module VERSION constant as part of the user agent when making a call" do # This test is done to ensure that the version from HTTParty isn't included instead assert CreateSend::CreateSend.headers["User-Agent"] == "createsend-ruby-#{CreateSend::VERSION}" stub_get(@api_key, "clients.json", "clients.json") clients = @cs.clients clients.size.should == 2 end should "get api key" do uri = URI.parse(@base_uri) site_url = "" username = "myusername" password = "mypassword" stub_get(nil, "https://#{username}:#{password}@#{}#{uri.path}/apikey.json?SiteUrl=#{CGI.escape(site_url)}", "apikey.json") apikey = @cs.apikey(site_url, username, password).ApiKey apikey.should == "981298u298ue98u219e8u2e98u2" end should "get all clients" do stub_get(@api_key, "clients.json", "clients.json") clients = @cs.clients clients.size.should == 2 clients.first.ClientID.should == '4a397ccaaa55eb4e6aa1221e1e2d7122' clients.first.Name.should == 'Client One' end should "get billing details" do stub_get(@api_key, "billingdetails.json", "billingdetails.json") bd = @cs.billing_details bd.Credits.should == 3021 end should "get all countries" do stub_get(@api_key, "countries.json", "countries.json") countries = @cs.countries countries.size.should == 245 assert countries.include? "Australia" end should "get system date" do stub_get(@api_key, "systemdate.json", "systemdate.json") systemdate = @cs.systemdate.SystemDate systemdate.should == "2010-10-15 09:27:00" end should "get all timezones" do stub_get(@api_key, "timezones.json", "timezones.json") timezones = @cs.timezones timezones.size.should == 97 assert timezones.include? "(GMT+12:00) Fiji" end should "get all administrators" do stub_get(@api_key, "admins.json", "administrators.json") administrators = @cs.administrators administrators.size.should == 2 administrators.first.EmailAddress.should == "" administrators.first.Name.should == 'Admin One' administrators.first.Status.should == 'Active' end should "set primary contact" do email = '' stub_put(@api_key, "primarycontact.json?email=#{CGI.escape(email)}", 'admin_set_primary_contact.json') result = @cs.set_primary_contact email result.EmailAddress.should == email end should "get primary contact" do stub_get(@api_key, "primarycontact.json", 'admin_get_primary_contact.json') result = @cs.get_primary_contact result.EmailAddress.should == '' end end context "when the CreateSend API responds with an error" do setup do @api_key = '123123123123123123123' @base_uri = '' CreateSend.api_key @api_key @cs = @template ='98y2e98y289dh89h938389') end { ["400", "Bad Request"] => CreateSend::BadRequest, ["401", "Unauthorized"] => CreateSend::Unauthorized, ["404", "Not Found"] => CreateSend::NotFound, ["500", "Server Error"] => CreateSend::ServerError }.each do |status, exception| context "#{status.first}, a get" do should "raise a #{} error" do stub_get(@api_key, "countries.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status) lambda { c = @cs.countries }.should raise_error(exception) end end context "#{status.first}, a post" do should "raise a #{} error" do stub_post(@api_key, "clients.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status) lambda { CreateSend::Client.create "Client Company Name", "(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "Australia" }.should raise_error(exception) end end context "#{status.first}, a put" do should "raise a #{} error" do stub_put(@api_key, "templates/#{@template.template_id}.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status) lambda { @template.update "Template One Updated", "", "" }.should raise_error(exception) end end context "#{status.first}, a delete" do should "raise a #{} error" do stub_delete(@api_key, "templates/#{@template.template_id}.json", (status.first == '400' or status.first == '401') ? 'custom_api_error.json' : nil, status) lambda { @template.delete }.should raise_error(exception) end end end end end