Styleguides ====== []( Inspired by Thoughtbot's flutie gem. Styleguides allows you create set of style guides for your application which are could be listed in the development by /styleguides path. To add styles to the styleguide add partials to the app/views/styleguides directory. For example: app/views/styleguides/_todo_item.erb: <ol> <li class="todo">This is a todo item</li> </ol> Plugin authors can also add to the styleguide by ensuring that their view path is in `ActionController::Base.view_paths` and by placing a partial under the styleguides directory. For example: ActionController::Base.append_view_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'views')) my_awesome_plugin/views/styleguides/_pagination.erb: <div class="pagination"> <a href="#prev">Previous</a> <a href="#next">Next</a> </div> Installation ------------------------ Styleguides is a Rails engine. Styleguides is recommended to be run as a gem and included in your Gemfile: gem "styleguides" Suggestions, Bugs, Refactoring? ------------------------------- Fork away and create a [Github Issue](