#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Converts an OpenSRS Country Code Top Level Domains pricing csv file to a list of TLD # and stores them in a yml file. For non country code tlds, as OpenSRS does not # provide a csv file, we keep them in a custom list. # # Sources: # - http://opensrs.com/images/elements/cctld-pricing.csv # - http://www.opensrs.com/site/services/domains/tlds require 'csv' csv_file = File.expand_path("../../config/cctld-pricing.csv", __FILE__) yml_file = File.expand_path("../../config/tlds.yml", __FILE__) # Non Country Code Top Level Domains defaults = %w(com net org info biz mobi pro name asia tel co me tv ws xxx jobs aero coop) File.open(yml_file, 'w') do |file| # Writes domains that are not part of the cctld-pricing.csv file defaults.each do |tld| file.write("- #{tld}\n") end CSV.foreach(csv_file, col_sep: ",", headers: true, return_headers: false) do |row| if row[2] row[2].split(";").each do |tld| file.write("- #{tld.strip}\n") end end end end