= Request-log-analyzer This is a simple command line tool to analyze request log files of both Rails and Merb to produce a performance report. Its purpose is to find what actions are best candidates for optimization. * Analyzes Rails log files (all versions) * Can combine multiple files (handy if you are using logrotate) * Uses several metrics, including cumulative request time, average request time, process blockers, database and rendering time, HTTP methods and states, Rails action cache statistics, etc.) (Sample output: http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/sample-output) * Low memory footprint (server-safe) * Fast * MIT licensed Request log analyzer was designed and built by Willem van Bergen and Bart ten Brinke. == Installation Install request-log-analyzer as a Ruby gem: $ sudo gem install request-log-analyzer Alternatively, use the gem from the GitHub gem server: $ sudo gem install wvanbergen-request-log-analyzer --source http://gems.github.com To get the best results out of request-log-analyzer, make sure to set up logging correctly: http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/configure-logging for your application. == Usage To analyze a log file and produce a performance report, run request-log-analyzer like this: $ request-log-analyzer log/production.log For more details and available command line options, see the project's wiki:http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer/basic-usage == Additional information * Project wiki at GitHub: http://wiki.github.com/wvanbergen/request-log-analyzer * wvanbergen's blog posts: http://techblog.floorplanner.com/tag/request-log-analyzer * bart ten brinke's blog posts: http://movesonrails.com