module Zena module Use module Zafu module Common # Return a template's content from an url. If the url does not start with a '/', we try by replacing the # first element with the current skin_name and if it does not work, we try with the full url. If the url # start with a '/' we use the full url directly. # tested in MainControllerTest def get_template_text(opts) return nil unless res = find_document_for_template(opts) doc, url = *res # TODO: could we use this for caching or will we loose dynamic context based loading ? self.expire_with_nodes[url] = doc text = dev_mode? ? doc.version.text : doc.version(true).text return text, url, doc end # Return the zen_path ('/en/image34.png') for an asset given its name ('img/footer.png'). # The rule is not the same whether we are rendering a template and find tags # or if we are parsing assets in a CSS file. def template_url_for_asset(opts) src = opts[:src] if src =~ /\A(.*)\.(\w+)\Z/ src, format = $1, $2 end if opts[:parse_assets] current_folder = opts[:current_folder] || '' current_folder = current_folder[1..-1] if current_folder[0..0] == '/' if src =~ /\A(.*)_(\w+)\Z/ # if the element was not found, maybe it was not a name with underscore but it was an image mode src2, mode2 = $1, $2 end if src[0..0] == '/' path1 = src[1..-1] path2 = src2[1..-1] if src2 else path1 = current_folder + '/' + src path2 = current_folder + '/' + src2 if src2 end # make sure path elements are url_names path1 = path1.split('/').map {|s| s.url_name!}.join('/') path2 = path2.split('/').map {|s| s.url_name!}.join('/') if src2 if asset = secure(Document) { Document.find_by_path(path1) } elsif src2 && (asset = secure(Document) { Document.find_by_path(path2) }) mode = mode2 else return nil end else if src =~ /\A(.*)_(\w+)\Z/ src, mode = $1, $2 end src2 = opts[:src].split('/').map {|s| s.url_name!}.join('/') unless res = find_document_for_template(opts) # '_...' did not mean mode but was an old name. mode = nil return nil unless res = find_document_for_template(opts.merge(:src => src2)) end asset, url = *res self.renamed_assets[url] = asset end data_path(asset, :mode => mode) end # TODO: test def save_erb_to_url(template, template_url) path = fullpath_from_template_url(template_url) path += ".erb" unless path =~ /\.\w+\Z/ FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(path)) unless File.exists?(File.dirname(path)), "wb") { |f| f.syswrite(template) } "" end # TODO: test def fullpath_from_template_url(template_url=params[:t_url]) if template_url =~ /\A\.|[^\w\+\._\-\/]/ raise"'template_url' contains illegal characters : #{template_url.inspect}") end template_url = template_url[1..-1].split('/') path = "/#{template_url[0]}/#{template_url[1]}/#{dev_mode? ? "dev_#{lang}" : lang}/#{template_url[2..-1].join('/')}" "#{SITES_ROOT}/#{}/zafu#{path}" end # Make sure some vital templates never get broken def valid_template?(content, opts) mode = opts[:mode] case mode when '+login' content =~ %r{]* action\s*=\s*./session} when '+adminLayout' content =~ %r{<%= content_for_layout %>} && %r{show_link(:admin_links)} else true end end # Default template content for a specified mode def default_zafu_template(mode) if mode =~ /\A\.|[^\w\+\._\-\/]/ raise"'mode' contains illegal characters : #{mode.inspect}") end, 'app', 'views', 'templates', 'defaults', "#{mode}.zafu")) end # opts should contain :current_template and :src. The source is a path like 'default/Node-+index' # ('skin/template/path'). If the path starts with a slash, the skin_name in the path is searched first. Otherwise, # the current skin is searched first. # # find: #{skin_path(main_skin)}/Node # # # find: #{skin_path('default')}/Node # def find_document_for_template(opts) src = opts[:src] if src =~ /\A(.*)\.(\w+)\Z/ src, format = $1, $2 end if src =~ /\A(.*)_(\w+)\Z/ src, mode = $1, $2 end folder = (opts[:current_folder] && opts[:current_folder] != '') ? opts[:current_folder].split('/') : [] @skin ||= {} if src =~ /^\// # starts with '/' : look here first url = src[1..-1].split('/') name = url.shift skin_names_list = opts[:parse_assets] ? [name] : ([name] + (self.skin_names - [name])) else # does not start with '/' : look in current skin first url = folder + src.split('/') skin_names_list = opts[:parse_assets] ? [] : self.skin_names.dup if url.size > 1 name = url.shift skin_names_list << name unless skin_names_list.include?(name) end end document = skin_name = nil [false, true].each do |rebuild_path| # try to find using cached fullpath first. skin_names_list.each do |skin_name| next unless skin = @skin[skin_name] ||= secure(Skin) { Skin.find_by_name(skin_name) } path = (skin.fullpath(rebuild_path).split('/') + url).join('/') break if document = secure(Document) { Document.find_by_path(path) } end break if document end if format == 'data' && document format = document.c_ext end return document ? [document, (([skin_name] + url).join('/') + (mode ? "_#{mode}" : '') + (format ? ".#{format}" : ''))] : nil end end # Common module ControllerMethods include Common def self.included(base) base.send(:helper_attr, :skin_names, :expire_with_nodes, :renamed_assets) base.send(:helper_method, :dev_mode?) if base.respond_to?(:helper_method) base.send(:attr_accessor, :skin_names, :expire_with_nodes, :renamed_assets) end # Find the best template for the current node's skin, node's class, format and mode. The template # files are searched first into 'sites/shared/views/templates/fixed'. If the templates are not found # there, they are searched in the database and compiled into 'app/views/templates/compiled'. def template_url(opts={}) @skin_name = opts[:skin] || (@node ? @node[:skin] : nil) || 'default' @skin_name = @skin_name.url_name # security mode = opts[:mode] format = opts[:format] || 'html' klass = @node.vclass # possible classes for the master template : klasses = [] klass.kpath.split(//).each_index { |i| klasses << klass.kpath[0..i] } # FIXME: is searching in all skins a good idea ? I think not. Only searching for special modes '+popupLayout', '+login', etc. if mode && mode[0..0] == '+' template = secure(Template) { Template.find(:first, :conditions => ["tkpath IN (?) AND format = ? AND mode #{mode ? '=' : 'IS'} ? AND template_contents.node_id =", klasses, format, mode], :from => "nodes, template_contents", :select => "nodes.*, template_contents.skin_name, template_contents.klass, (template_contents.skin_name = #{@skin_name.inspect}) AS skin_ok", :order => "length(tkpath) DESC, skin_ok DESC" )} else template = secure(Template) { Template.find(:first, :conditions => ["tkpath IN (?) AND format = ? AND mode #{mode ? '=' : 'IS'} ? AND template_contents.node_id = AND template_contents.skin_name = ?", klasses, format, mode, @skin_name], :from => "nodes, template_contents", :select => "nodes.*, template_contents.skin_name, template_contents.klass", :order => "length(tkpath) DESC" )} end # FIXME use a default fixed template. raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound unless template lang_path = dev_mode? ? "dev_#{lang}" : lang skin_path = "/#{@skin_name}/#{template[:name]}" fullpath = skin_path + "/#{lang_path}/_main.erb" rel_path = current_site.zafu_path + fullpath path = SITES_ROOT + rel_path if !File.exists?(path) || params[:rebuild] # no template ---> render # clear : # TODO: we should remove info in cached_page for _main FileUtils::rmtree(File.dirname(path)) # set the places to search for the included templates # FIXME: there might be a better way to do this. In a hurry, fix later. @skin = {} self.skin_names = [@skin_name] secure!(Skin) { Skin.find(:all, :order=>'position ASC, name ASC') }.each do |s| @skin[] = s next if == @skin_name # do not add it twice skin_names << end self.expire_with_nodes = {} self.renamed_assets = {} res = ZafuParser.new_with_url(skin_path, :helper => zafu_helper).render(:dev => dev_mode?) unless valid_template?(res, opts) # problem during rendering, use default zafu res =, :helper => zafu_helper).render(:dev => dev_mode?) end if dev_mode? && mode != '+popupLayout' # add template edit buttons used_nodes = [] zafu_nodes = [] image_nodes = [] asset_nodes = [] self.expire_with_nodes.merge(self.renamed_assets).each do |k, n| if n.kind_of?(Image) image_nodes << [k,n] elsif n.kind_of?(Template) zafu_nodes << [k,n] else asset_nodes << [k,n] end end used_nodes << ['zafu', zafu_nodes] unless zafu_nodes.empty? used_nodes << ['images', image_nodes] unless image_nodes.empty? used_nodes << ['assets', asset_nodes] unless asset_nodes.empty? dev_box = "
    \n" used_nodes.each do |name, nodes| dev_box << "
  • #{name}\n" dev_box << " \n" nodes.each do |k,n| dev_box << " \n" end dev_box << " \n" dev_box << "
  • \n" end dev_box << "
  • tools\n" dev_box << " \n
  • \n
" if res =~ /<\/body>/ res.sub!('', "#{dev_box}") else res << dev_box end end secure!(CachedPage) { CachedPage.create( :path => rel_path, :expire_after => nil, :expire_with_ids =>{|n| n[:id]}, :node_id => template[:id], :content_data => res) } end return rel_path end def zafu_helper @zafu_helper ||= begin # FIXME rails 3.0.pre: zafu_helper = ActionView::Base.for_controller(self) helper =[], {}, self) helper.send(:_evaluate_assigns_and_ivars) helper.helpers.send :include, self.class.master_helper_module helper end end def dev_mode? session[:dev] end end # ControllerMethods module ViewMethods include Common # main node before ajax stuff (the one in browser url) def start_node @start_node ||= if params[:s] secure!(Node) { Node.find_by_zip(params[:s]) } else @node end end # default date used to filter events in templates def main_date # TODO: timezone for @date ? # .to_utc(_('datetime'), @main_date ||= params[:date] ? DateTime.parse(params[:date]) : end # Return sprintf formated entry. Return '' for values eq to zero. def sprintf_unless_zero(fmt, value) value.to_f == 0.0 ? '' : sprintf(fmt, value) end # list of page numbers links def page_numbers(current, count, join_string = nil, max_count = nil) max_count ||= 10 join_string ||= '' join_str = '' if count <= max_count 1.upto(count) do |p| yield(p, join_str) join_str = join_string end else # only first pages (centered around current page) if current - (max_count/2) > 0 finish = [current + (max_count/2),count].min else finish = [max_count,count].min end start = [finish - max_count + 1,1].max start.upto(finish) do |p| yield(p, join_str) join_str = join_string end end end # Group an array of records by key. def group_array(list) groups = [] h = {} list.each do |e| key = yield(e) unless group_id = h[key] h[key] = group_id = groups.size groups << [] end groups[group_id] << e end groups end def sort_array(list) list.sort do |a,b| va = yield([a].flatten[0]) vb = yield([b].flatten[0]) if va && vb va <=> vb elsif va 1 elsif vb -1 else 0 end end end def min_array(list) list.flatten.min do |a,b| va = yield(a) vb = yield(b) if va && vb va <=> vb elsif va 1 elsif vb -1 else 0 end end end def max_array(list) list.flatten.min do |a,b| va = yield(a) vb = yield(b) if va && vb vb <=> va elsif vb 1 elsif va -1 else 0 end end end # TODO: test # display the title with necessary id and checks for 'lang'. Options : # * :link if true, the title is a link to the object's page # default = true if obj is not the current node '@node' # * :project if true , the project name is added before the object title as 'project / .....' # default = obj project is different from current node project # if no options are provided show the current object title def show_title(opts={}) obj = opts[:node] || @node unless opts.include?(:link) # we show the link if the object is not the current node or when it is being created by zafu ajax. opts[:link] = (obj[:id] != @node[:id] || params[:t_url]) ? 'true' : nil end unless opts.include?(:project) opts[:project] = (obj.get_project_id != @node.get_project_id && obj[:id] != @node[:id]) end title = opts[:text] || obj.version.title if opts[:project] && project = obj.project title = "#{} / #{title}" end title += check_lang(obj) unless opts[:check_lang] == 'false' title = "#{title}" if (link = opts[:link]) && opts[:link] != 'false' if link =~ /\A(\d+)/ zip = $1 obj = secure(Node) { Node.find_by_zip(zip) } link = link[(zip.length)..-1] if link[0..0] == '_' link = link[1..-1] end end if link =~ /\Ahttp/ "#{title}" else link_opts = {} if link == 'true' # nothing special for the link format elsif link =~ /(\w+\.|)data$/ link_opts[:mode] = $1[0..-2] if $1 != '' if obj.kind_of?(Document) link_opts[:format] = obj.c_ext else link_opts[:format] = 'html' end elsif link =~ /(\w+)\.(\w+)/ link_opts[:mode] = $1 link_opts[:format] = $2 elsif !link.blank? link_opts[:mode] = link end "#{title}" end else title end end end # ViewMethods # This will be completely replaced by RubyLess module ModelMethods def self.included(base) zafu_class_methods = <<-END @@_zafu_context ||= {} # defined for each class (list of methods to change contexts) @@_zafu_known_contexts ||= {} # full list with inherited attributes def self.zafu_context(hash) @@_zafu_context[self] ||= {} @@_zafu_context[self].merge!(hash.stringify_keys) end def self.zafu_known_contexts @@_zafu_known_contexts[self] ||= begin res = {} if superclass == ActiveRecord::Base @@_zafu_context[self] || {} else superclass.zafu_known_contexts.merge(@@_zafu_context[self] || {}) end.each do |k,v| if v.kind_of?(Hash) res[k] = v.merge(:node_class => parse_class(v[:node_class])) else res[k] = {:node_class => parse_class(v)} end end res end end def self.parse_class(klass) if klass.kind_of?(Array) if klass[0].kind_of?(String) [Module::const_get(klass[0])] else klass end else if klass.kind_of?(String) Module::const_get(klass) else klass end end end END base.send(:class_eval, zafu_class_methods) end end # ModelMethods end # Zafu end # Use end # Zena