module EncodedId module Rails # See the writing guide of rbs: class Configuration attr_accessor salt: ::String attr_accessor character_group_size: ::Integer attr_accessor alphabet: ::EncodedId::Alphabet attr_accessor id_length: ::Integer def initialize: () -> void end attr_reader self.configuration: Configuration def self.configure: () { (Configuration config) -> void } -> void module WithEncodedId # Find by encoded ID and optionally ensure record ID is the same as constraint (can be slugged) def self.find_by_encoded_id: (::String slugged_encoded_id, ?with_id: ::Symbol?) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find_by_encoded_id!: (::String slugged_encoded_id, ?with_id: ::Symbol?) -> untyped # Find by a fixed slug value (assumed as an attribute value in the DB) def self.find_by_fixed_slug: (::String slug, ?attribute: ::Symbol, ?with_id: ::Symbol?) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find_by_fixed_slug!: (::String slug, ?attribute: ::Symbol, ?with_id: ::Symbol?) -> untyped # Find by record ID where the ID has been slugged def self.find_by_slugged_id: (::String slugged_id, ?with_id: ::Symbol?) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find_by_slugged_id!: (::String slugged_id, ?with_id: ::Symbol?) -> untyped def self.where_encoded_id: (::String slugged_encoded_id) -> untyped def self.where_fixed_slug: (::String slug, ?attribute: ::Symbol) -> untyped def self.where_slugged_id: (::String slugged_id) -> untyped def self.encode_encoded_id: (untyped id, ?::Hash[::Symbol, untyped] options) -> ::String def self.encode_multi_encoded_id: (::Array[untyped] encoded_ids, ?::Hash[::Symbol, untyped] options) -> ::String # Decode a encoded_id (can be slugged) def self.decode_encoded_id: (::String slugged_encoded_id, ?::Hash[::Symbol, untyped] options) -> (nil | ::Integer) def self.decode_multi_encoded_id: (::String slugged_encoded_id, ?::Hash[::Symbol, untyped] options) -> (nil | Array[::Integer]) # Decode a Slugged ID def self.decode_slugged_id: (::String slugged) -> (nil | ::Integer) # Decode a set of slugged IDs def self.decode_slugged_ids: (::String slugged) -> (nil | Array[::Integer]) # This can be overridden in the model to provide a custom salt def self.encoded_id_salt: () -> ::String private def self.hash_id_encoder: (untyped options) -> untyped def self.config: () -> untyped @slugged_id: ::String @encoded_id: ::String @slugged_encoded_id: ::String def encoded_id: () -> untyped # (slug)--(hash id) def slugged_encoded_id: (?with: ::Symbol) -> untyped # (name slug)--(record id(s) (separated by hyphen)) def slugged_id: (?with: ::Symbol) -> untyped # By default slug calls `name` if it exists or returns class name def slug: () -> untyped def self.internal_decode_encoded_id: (untyped slugged_encoded_id, untyped options) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find_via_custom_id: (untyped value, untyped attribute, ?compare_to: untyped?) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find_via_custom_id!: (untyped value, untyped attribute, ?compare_to: untyped?) -> untyped def self.extract_id_part: (untyped slugged_id) -> (nil | untyped) def generate_composite_id: (untyped name_method, untyped id_method) -> ::String # Methods defined on AR def self.where: (*untyped) -> untyped def self.find: (*untyped) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find!: (*untyped) -> untyped def self.find_by: (*untyped) -> (nil | untyped) def self.find_by!: (*untyped) -> untyped # FIXME: To make type check happy, but may not exist! # We call if respond_to? but type checker doesn't know that def name: () -> ::String def id: () -> ::String end end end