# Flipper Redis A [Redis](https://github.com/redis/redis-rb) adapter for [Flipper](https://github.com/jnunemaker/flipper). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'flipper-redis' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself with: $ gem install flipper-redis ## Usage In most cases, all you need to do is require the adapter. It will connect to the Redis instance specified in the `REDIS_URL` or `FLIPPER_REDIS_URL` environment vairable, or localhost by default. ```ruby require 'flipper-redis' ``` **If you need to customize the adapter**, you can add this to an initializer: ```ruby Flipper.configure do |config| config.adapter { Flipper::Adapters::Redis.new(Redis.new) } end ``` ## Internals Each feature is stored in a redis hash, which means getting a feature is single query. ```ruby require 'flipper/adapters/redis' client = Redis.new adapter = Flipper::Adapters::Redis.new(client) flipper = Flipper.new(adapter) # Register a few groups. Flipper.register(:admins) { |thing| thing.admin? } Flipper.register(:early_access) { |thing| thing.early_access? } # Create a user class that has flipper_id instance method. User = Struct.new(:flipper_id) flipper[:stats].enable flipper[:stats].enable_group :admins flipper[:stats].enable_group :early_access flipper[:stats].enable_actor User.new('25') flipper[:stats].enable_actor User.new('90') flipper[:stats].enable_actor User.new('180') flipper[:stats].enable_percentage_of_time 15 flipper[:stats].enable_percentage_of_actors 45 flipper[:search].enable print 'all keys: ' pp client.keys # all keys: ["stats", "flipper_features", "search"] puts print "known flipper features: " pp client.smembers("flipper_features") # known flipper features: ["stats", "search"] puts puts 'stats keys' pp client.hgetall('stats') # stats keys # {"boolean"=>"true", # "groups/admins"=>"1", # "actors/25"=>"1", # "percentage_of_time"=>"15", # "percentage_of_actors"=>"45", # "groups/early_access"=>"1", # "actors/90"=>"1", # "actors/180"=>"1"} puts puts 'search keys' pp client.hgetall('search') # search keys # {"boolean"=>"true"} puts puts 'flipper get of feature' pp adapter.get(flipper[:stats]) # flipper get of feature # {:boolean=>"true", # :groups=>#, # :actors=>#, # :percentage_of_actors=>"45", # :percentage_of_time=>"15"} ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request