Feature: Open directory tree Scenario: Open directory Given I will choose "." from the "open_directory" dialog When I open a directory Then I should see "bin,lib,plugins" in the tree Scenario: Open directory then another directory Given I will choose "." from the "open_directory" dialog When I open a directory Given I will choose "plugins" from the "open_directory" dialog When I open a directory Then I should see "core,application,tree" in the tree Scenario: Title of window reflects open project Given I will choose "plugins/project/spec/fixtures/myproject" from the "open_directory" dialog When I open a directory Then the window should have title "myproject" Scenario: Title of window returns to "Redcar" if directory is closed Given I will choose "plugins/project/spec/fixtures/myproject" from the "open_directory" dialog When I open a directory Then the window should have title "myproject" When I close the directory Then the window should have title "Redcar" Scenario: Directory keeps the same width if maximized Given I will choose "plugins/project/spec/fixtures/myproject" from the "open_directory" dialog When I open a directory Then the tree width should be the default When I maximize the window size Then the tree width should be the default When I restore the window size Then the tree width should be the default