= Scissor == Description utility to chop sound files supported file format: * mp3 * wav == Installation === Requirements * {FFmpeg}[http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/] * {Ecasound}[http://www.eca.cx/ecasound/] 2.5.0 or higher === Archive Installation rake install === Gem Installation gem install youpy-scissor == Features/Problems * When you concatenate two or more files, format(sample rate, bit rate, ...) mismatch causes unexpected changes to output file. == Synopsis foo = Scissor.new('foo.mp3') bar = Scissor.new('bar.wav') # concat foo + bar > 'foobar.mp3' # slice + concat (foo.slice(10, 1) + bar.slice(2, 3)).to_file('slicefoobar.mp3') # slice + concat + loop ((foo.slice(10, 1) + bar.slice(2, 3)) * 4).to_file('slicefoobarloop.mp3') # split (Scissor.new('sequence.mp3') / 16).first.to_file('split.mp3') # replace first 10 seconds with 30 seconds of silence foo.replace(0, 10, Scissor.silence(30)).to_file('replace.mp3') # reverse + concat + loop beat = foo.slice(0, 1) ((beat * 3) + beat.reverse) * 80 == Copyright Author:: youpy Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009 youpy License:: MIT