# Amp Dependancies Design Doc Amp has so far avoided Rubygems dependancies, due to performance concerns. Required libraries are included wholesale; so far all such libraires have been modified in some way. ## Dependancies ### Maruku Maruku is a pure ruby markdown interpreter. Amp uses a highly hacked version of Maruku (it adds an output form with ANSI color codes) that was trimmed down to try to make it lightweight. ### Trollop Trollop is a command-line parsing library. It didn't originally expose its --help behavior, which is really nice because it lists options automatically. The Amp version exposes the parser object so we can run parser.educate!. ## The Case Against Rubygems Loading Rubygems on each invocation of amp adds at least 150-500ms+ to each invocation. With the current plugin architecture, we require users to either use rubygems, or individually download each repo and load plugins manually using their Ampfile. An installer script down the line could automate the latter option. ### Bundler Bundler (require 'bundler/setup') adds another 400ms+ to startup time. A Gemfile is used to streamline gem installation, but it is not used by Amp itself.