require 'spec_helper' describe Mailroute::Domain, :vcr => true do before { configure_mailroute } describe '#create' do let(:customer) { Mailroute::Customer.get(1300) } let(:attributes) do { :name => '', :customer => customer, :hold_email => false, :deliveryport => 240, :active => false, :userlist_complete => true, :outbound_enabled => false } end subject(:domain) { Mailroute::Domain.create(attributes) } it 'should have an id' do be end it 'should save all attributes' do attributes.each do |k, v| domain.public_send(k).should == v end end end describe '#domain_aliases' do let(:domain) { Mailroute::Domain.get(3388) } subject(:aliases) { domain.domain_aliases } it 'should return a list of its domain aliases' do aliases.should have_at_least(1).item aliases.should all_be Mailroute::DomainAlias end end describe 'has many aliases' do it 'should list, create and delete domain aliases' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.domain_aliases.should be_empty alias1 = domain.create_domain_alias(:name => '') alias1.should be_a Mailroute::DomainAlias alias2 = domain.create_domain_alias(:name => '') alias2.should be_a Mailroute::DomainAlias domain.domain_aliases.should have(2).items == ['', ''] end end describe 'has many email accounts' do it 'should list and create email accounts' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.email_accounts.should be_empty account1 = domain.create_email_account(:localpart => '101', :create_opt => 'generate_pwd') account1.should be_a Mailroute::EmailAccount account2 = domain.create_email_account(:localpart => '102', :create_opt => 'generate_pwd') account2.should be_a Mailroute::EmailAccount domain.email_accounts.should have(2).items == ['101', '102'] account1.delete domain.reload.email_accounts.should == [account2] end it 'should be possible to bulk create email accounts' do pending 'POST responds with 501 NOT IMPLEMENTED' domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.email_accounts.each(&:destroy) domain.reload domain.email_accounts.should be_empty domain.bulk_create_email_account(['admin', 'john', 'support']) domain.email_accounts.should have(3).items == ['admin', 'john', 'support'] domain.email_accounts.each(&:destroy) end end describe 'has many mail servers' do it 'should list, create and delete mail servers' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.mail_servers.should be_empty server1 = domain.create_mail_server(:server => '', :sasl_login => 'ha-ha', :priority => 1) server1.should be_a Mailroute::MailServer server2 = domain.create_mail_server(:server => '', :priority => 3) server2.should be_a Mailroute::MailServer domain.mail_servers.should have(2).items == [1, 3] == ['ha-ha', nil] server1.delete domain.reload.mail_servers.should == [server2] end end describe 'has many outbound servers' do it 'should list, create and delete outbound servers' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.outbound_servers.should be_empty server1 = domain.create_outbound_server(:server => '') server1.should be_a Mailroute::OutboundServer server2 = domain.create_outbound_server('') server2.should be_a Mailroute::OutboundServer domain.outbound_servers.should have(2).items == ['', ''] server1.delete domain.reload.outbound_servers.should == [server2] end end describe 'has many contacts' do it 'should list, create and delete contacts' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.contacts.should be_empty contact1 = domain.create_contact(:address => 'The Moon', :email => '') contact1.should be_a Mailroute::DomainContact contact2 = domain.create_contact(:address => 'The Earth', :email => '') contact2.should be_a Mailroute::DomainContact domain.contacts.should have(2).items == ['The Moon', 'The Earth'] contact1.delete domain.reload.contacts.should == [contact2] end end describe 'black white list' do it 'should blacklist and whitelist emails' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4554) domain.wblist.should be_empty domain.blacklist.should be_empty domain.whitelist.should be_empty domain.add_to_blacklist('') domain.add_to_blacklist('') domain.add_to_whitelist('') domain.wblist.should have(3).items domain.wblist.should all_be Mailroute::WBList domain.blacklist.should == ['', ''] domain.whitelist.should == [''] end end describe 'has a policy' do it 'should have policy' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4555) domain.policy.should be_a Mailroute::PolicyDomain domain.policy.spam_kill_level.should == 7.0 domain.attributes['policy'].should == domain.policy.resource_uri end end describe 'has a notification task' do it 'should have notification task' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4555) domain.notification_task.should be_a Mailroute::NotificationDomainTask domain.notification_task.mon.should == true domain.attributes['notification_task'].should == domain.notification_task.resource_uri domain.notification_task.mon = false! domain.reload.notification_task.mon.should == false end end describe 'move_to_customer' do it 'should move domain to another customer' do domain = Mailroute::Domain.get(4555) == 1300 domain.move_to_customer(Mailroute::Customer.get(2341)) == 2341 domain.reload == 2341 end end end