class CreateFnToInsertGps < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def up sql = <<-SQL CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION import_gps_csv(file text) RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN -- Imports a egpcur.csv.csv file created from ODS. -- Returns counts of changed (insert/updated) and (soft) deleted rows. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_gps_copy; -- Create a tmp table to hold the ODS-defined standard 27 field format into which we will insert out CSV data CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_gps_copy ( code text NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, unused3 text, unused4 text, street_1 text, street_2 text, street_3 text, town text, county text, postcode text, unused11 text, unused12 text, status text, -- A = Active B = Retired C = Closed P = Proposed unused14 text, unused15 text, unused16 text, unused17 text, telephone text, unused19 text, unused20 text, unused21 text, amended_record_indicator text, unused23 text, unused24 text, unused25 text, unused26 text, unused27 text, CONSTRAINT tmp_gps_pkey PRIMARY KEY (code) ); -- Import the CSV file into tmp_practices - note there is no CSV header in this file EXECUTE format ('COPY tmp_gps_copy FROM %L DELIMITER %L CSV ', file, ','); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_gps; CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_gps AS SELECT code, name, telephone, street_1, street_2, street_3, town, county, postcode, left(status,1) as status from tmp_gps_copy ; ALTER TABLE tmp_gps ADD PRIMARY KEY (code); RAISE NOTICE 'Calling cs_create_job(%)', (select status from tmp_gps limit 1); -- Upsert GPs WITH data AS (select * from tmp_gps), gp_changes AS ( INSERT INTO renalware.patient_primary_care_physicians (code, name, telephone, practitioner_type, created_at, updated_at) SELECT code, name, telephone, 'GP', clock_timestamp(), clock_timestamp() FROM data ON CONFLICT (code) DO UPDATE SET telephone = excluded.telephone, name =, updated_at = excluded.updated_at where (patient_primary_care_physicians.telephone) is distinct from (excluded.telephone) RETURNING code, id ) -- Upsert GP addresses INSERT INTO renalware.addresses ( addressable_type, addressable_id, street_1, street_2, street_3, town, county, postcode, created_at, updated_at) SELECT 'Renalware::Patients::PrimaryCarePhysician' as addressable_type, as addressable_id, street_1, street_2, street_3, town, county, postcode, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as created_at, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as updated_at FROM data join patient_primary_care_physicians gps using(code) ON CONFLICT (addressable_type, addressable_id) DO UPDATE SET street_1 = excluded.street_1, street_2 = excluded.street_2, street_3 = excluded.street_3, town =, county = excluded.county, postcode = excluded.postcode, updated_at = clock_timestamp() where (addresses.street_1, addresses.street_2, addresses.street_3) is distinct from (excluded.street_1, excluded.street_2, excluded.street_3); --GET DIAGNOSTICS changed_count = ROW_COUNT; -- Update the deleted_at column of any gps which do not have an Active status_code UPDATE renalware.patient_primary_care_physicians AS p SET deleted_at = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP FROM tmp_gps AS tp WHERE p.code = tp.code AND tp.status IN ('C', 'P', 'B'); -- Un-delete any previously deleted GPs UPDATE renalware.patient_primary_care_physicians AS gp SET deleted_at = NULL FROM tmp_gps WHERE gp.code = tmp_gps.code AND tmp_gps.status IN ('A') AND gp.code NOT IN ('A'); --GET DIAGNOSTICS deleted_count = ROW_COUNT; --select changed_count, deleted_count; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SQL ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql) end def down ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute( "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS import_gps_csv(file text);" ) end end