# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::LineLength, :config do subject(:cop) { described_class.new(config) } let(:cop_config) { { 'Max' => 80 } } it "registers an offense for a line that's 81 characters wide" do inspect_source(cop, ['#' * 81]) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) expect(cop.offenses.first.message).to eq('Line is too long. [81/80]') expect(cop.config_to_allow_offenses).to eq('Max' => 81) end it 'highlights excessive characters' do inspect_source(cop, '#' * 80 + 'abc') expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['abc']) end it "accepts a line that's 80 characters wide" do inspect_source(cop, ['#' * 80]) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end context 'when AllowURI option is enabled' do let(:cop_config) { { 'Max' => 80, 'AllowURI' => true } } context 'and all the excessive characters are part of an URL' do # This code example is allowed by AllowURI feature itself :). let(:source) { <<-END } # Some documentation comment... # See: https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop/commit/3b48d8bdf5b1c2e05e35061837309890f04ab08c END it 'accepts the line' do inspect_source(cop, source) expect(cop.offenses).to be_empty end end context 'and the excessive characters include a complete URL' do # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength let(:source) { <<-END } # See: http://google.com/, http://gmail.com/, https://maps.google.com/, http://plus.google.com/ END # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength it 'registers an offense for the line' do inspect_source(cop, source) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) end it 'highlights all the excessive characters' do inspect_source(cop, source) expect(cop.highlights).to eq(['http://plus.google.com/']) end end context 'and the excessive characters include part of an URL ' \ 'and another word' do # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength let(:source) { <<-END } # See: https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop/commit/3b48d8bdf5b1c2e05e35061837309890f04ab08c and # http://google.com/ END # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength it 'registers an offense for the line' do inspect_source(cop, source) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) end it 'highlights only the non-URL part' do inspect_source(cop, source) expect(cop.highlights).to eq([' and']) end end context 'and an error other than URI::InvalidURIError is raised ' \ 'while validating an URI-ish string' do # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength let(:source) { <<-END } xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxxx = LDAP::DEFAULT_GROUP_UNIQUE_MEMBER_LIST_KEY END # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength it 'does not crash' do expect { inspect_source(cop, source) }.not_to raise_error end end end context 'when AllowURI option is disabled' do let(:cop_config) { { 'Max' => 80, 'AllowURI' => false } } context 'and all the excessive characters are part of an URL' do let(:source) { <<-END } # See: https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop/commit/3b48d8bdf5b1c2e05e35061837309890f04ab08c END it 'registers an offense for the line' do inspect_source(cop, source) expect(cop.offenses.size).to eq(1) end end end end