require 'pathname' require_relative 'freighthop/version' require_relative 'freighthop/config' unless defined? Vagrant raise "i expect to be required from a Vagrantfile" end module Freighthop class << self def vmware? !!(defined? HashiCorp) end def host_root Pathname.pwd end def guest_root Pathname("/srv/#{app_name}") end def app_name @app_name ||= host_root.basename.to_s end def hostname "#{app_name}" end def ip_address "10.20.1.#{app_name.getbyte(0)}" end def box_url if vmware? '' else '' end end def mounts Freighthop::Config.fetch("freighthop::mounts").map do |host, guest| [ File.expand_path(host_root.join(host)), File.expand_path(guest_root.join(guest)), ] end end end end