# PhishTank This is a Ruby interface to [OpenDNS's PhishTank developer API](http://www.phishtank.com/developer_info.php). The PhishTank dataset contains quite a bit of human-verified and classified phishing data, if you're into that sort of thing. Tested against Ruby 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 w/ Travis-CI. Current Build Status: [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/ezkl/phishtank.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/ezkl/phishtank) ## Installation From the Rubygems CLI: `gem install phishtank` or w/ Bundler, add the following to the Gemfile. `gem 'phishtank'` ## Usage require 'phishtank' PhishTank.configure do |c| c.api_key = "YOUR_PHISHTANK_API_KEY" #required c.temp_directory = "/path/to/temporary/directory" #optional - default: /tmp c.etag = "ETag" #optional end PhishTank.update_feed! data = PhishTank::FeedData.new data.entries.first # => # "http://www.grovesgas.co.uk/TAMFidelidade/clientetam.htm", # :phish_id => "1389753", # :phish_detail_url => "http://www.phishtank.com/phish_detail.php?phish_id=1389753", # :ip_address => "", # :submission_time => "2012-03-13T21:46:39+00:00", # :verified => "yes", # :verification_time => "2012-03-13T22:51:43+00:00", # :online_status => "yes", # :target => "TAM Fidelidade" # } #> PhishTank.search("http://www.google.com/") #=> false PhishTank.search("http://suspiciousurl.com/") #=> OpenStruct w/ PhishTank details Read specs for more details. ## TODO You can see and contribute to the list of TODO items in [issues](https://github.com/ezkl/phishtank/issues?sort=created&labels=todo&direction=desc&state=open).