require 'prawn' require 'prawn/table' require 'nokogiri' # A class to produce a PDF for a single chapter class ExportChapterPdf include Prawn::View THIRD_COUNTRY = '103'.freeze TARIFF_PREFERENCE = '142'.freeze CUSTOM_UNION_DUTY = '106'.freeze PREFERENTIAL_MEASURE_TYPE_IDS = [ TARIFF_PREFERENCE, CUSTOM_UNION_DUTY ].freeze MEASUREMENT_UNITS = ["% vol", "% vol/hl", "ct/l", "100 p/st", "c/k", "10 000 kg/polar", "kg DHS", "100 kg", "100 kg/net eda", "100 kg common wheat", "100 kg/br", "100 kg live weight", "100 kg/net mas", "100 kg std qual", "100 kg raw sugar", "100 kg/net/%sacchar.", "EUR", "gi F/S", "g", "GT", "hl", "100 m", "kg C₅H₁₄ClNO", "tonne KCl", "kg", "kg/tot/alc", "kg/net eda", "GKG", "kg/lactic matter", "kg/raw sugar", "kg/dry lactic matter", "1000 l", "kg methylamines", "KM", "kg N", "kg H₂O₂", "kg KOH", "kg K₂O", "kg P₂O₅", "kg 90% sdt", "kg NaOH", "kg U", "l alc. 100%", "l", "L total alc.", "1000 p/st", "1000 pa", "m²", "m³", "1000 m³", "m", "1000 kWh", "p/st", "b/f", "ce/el", "pa", "TJ", "1000 kg", "1000 kg/net eda", "1000 kg/biodiesel", "1000 kg/fuel content", "1000 kg/bioethanol", "1000 kg/net mas", "1000 kg std qual", "1000 kg/net/%saccha.", "Watt"].freeze P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES_IMPORT = %w[277 705 724 745 410 420 465 474 475 707 710 712 714 722 728 730 746 747 748 750 755].freeze P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES_EXPORT = %w[278 706 740 749 467 473 476 478 479 708 709 715 716 717 718 725 735 751].freeze P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES_EXIM = %w[760 719].freeze P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES = (P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES_IMPORT + P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES_EXIM + P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES_EXPORT).freeze ANTIDUMPING_MEASURE_TYPES = ().freeze SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES = { 'BGN' => 'лв', 'CZK' => 'Kč', 'DKK' => 'kr.', 'EUR' => '€', 'GBP' => '£', 'HRK' => 'kn', 'HUF' => 'Ft', 'PLN' => 'zł', 'RON' => 'lei', 'SEK' => 'kr' }.freeze CURRENCY_REGEX = /([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\s€/.freeze CAP_LICENCE_KEY = 'CAP_LICENCE' CAP_REFERENCE_TEXT = 'CAP licencing may apply. Specific licence requirements for this commodity can be obtained from the Rural Payment Agency website ( under RPA Schemes.' def initialize(opts = {}) @opts = opts @chapter_id = opts[:chapter_id] @margin = [50, 50, 20, 50] @footer_height = 30 @printable_height = 595.28 - (@margin[0] + @margin[2]) @printable_width = 841.89 - (@margin[1] + @margin[3]) @base_table_font_size = 8 @indent_amount = 18 @document = page_size: 'A4', margin: @margin, page_layout: :landscape ) @cw = table_column_widths @currency = set_currency @currency_exchange_rate = fetch_exchange_rate @footnotes = {} @references_lookup = {} @quotas = {} @prs = {} @anti_dumpings = {} @pages_headings = {} set_fonts unless @chapter_id.to_s == 'test' @chapter = @chapter_id, version: 'v2')).retrieve @section =, version: 'v2')).retrieve @current_heading = @section[:data][:attributes][:position] end bounding_box([0, @printable_height], width: @printable_width, height: @printable_height - @footer_height) do if @chapter_id.to_s == 'test' test return else build end end repeat(:all, dynamic: true) do # trying to build a hash using page number as the key, # but `#curent_heading` returns the last value, not the current value (i.e., when the footer is rendered) if @pages_headings[page_number] @pages_headings[page_number] << @current_heading else @pages_headings[page_number] = ['01', @current_heading] end page_footer end end def set_currency cur = (SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES.keys & [@opts[:currency]]).first if cur = (SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES.keys & [@opts[:currency]]).first return cur.upcase else raise "`#{@opts[:currency]}` is not a supported currency. SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES = [#{SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES.keys.join(', ')}]" end end def set_fonts font_families.update('OpenSans' => { normal: 'vendor/assets/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf', italic: 'vendor/assets/Open_Sans/OpenSans-RegularItalic.ttf', medium: 'vendor/assets/Open_Sans/OpenSans-SemiBold.ttf', medium_italic: 'vendor/assets/Open_Sans/OpenSans-SemiBoldItalic.ttf', bold: 'vendor/assets/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf', bold_italic: 'vendor/assets/Open_Sans/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf' }) font_families.update('Monospace' => { normal: 'vendor/assets/Overpass_Mono/OverpassMono-Regular.ttf', bold: 'vendor/assets/Overpass_Mono/OverpassMono-Bold.ttf' }) font 'OpenSans' font_size @base_table_font_size end def fetch_exchange_rate(currency = @currency) return 1.0 unless currency return 1.0 if currency === Uktt::PARENT_CURRENCY response = ENV.fetch("MX_RATE_EUR_#{currency}") do |_missing_name| if currency === 'GBP' 'v2').latest(currency) else raise "Non-GBP currency exchange rates are not available via API and must be manually set with an environment variable, e.g., 'MX_RATE_EUR_#{currency}'" end end.to_f return response if response > 0.0 raise "Currency error. response=#{response.inspect}" end def test text "Today is #{}" end def build if[0..1] == section_info pad(16) { stroke_horizontal_rule } start_new_page end chapter_info move_down(12) commodities_table pad_top(24) do font_size(13) do pad_bottom(4) { text('Footnotes', inline_format: true) } end pad_bottom(4) { stroke_horizontal_rule } footnotes end tariff_quotas prohibitions_and_restrictions anti_dumpings end def page_footer bounding_box([0, @footer_height], width: @printable_width, height: @footer_height) do table(footer_data, width: @printable_width) do |t| t.column(0).align = :left t.column(1).align = :center t.column(2).align = :right t.cells.borders = [] t.cells.padding = 0 end end end def footer_data # expecting something like this: # `@pages_headings = {1=>["01", "02", "03", "04"], 2=>["04", "05", "06"]}` footer_data_array = [[ format_text("#{'%-d %B %Y')}"), format_text("#{[0..1]}#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 2}#{page_number}"), format_text("Customs Tariff Vol 2 Sect #{}#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 3}#{[0..1]} #{@pages_headings[page_number].first.to_s.rjust(2, "0")}-#{[0..1]} #{@pages_headings[page_number].last.to_s.rjust(2, "0")}") ]] footer_data_array end def format_text(text_in, leading = 0) { content: text_in, kerning: true, inline_format: true, leading: leading } end def indents(note) @this_indent ||= 0 @next_indent ||= 0 @top_pad ||= 0 case note when /^\d\.\s/ @this_indent = 0 @next_indent = 12 @top_pad = @base_table_font_size / 2 when /\([a-z]\)\s/ @this_indent = 12 @next_indent = 24 @top_pad = @base_table_font_size / 2 when /\-\s/ @this_indent = 36 @next_indent = 36 @top_pad = @base_table_font_size / 2 else @this_indent = @next_indent @top_pad = 0 end @this_indent end def hanging_indent(array, opts = {}, header = nil, leading = 0) t = !header.nil? ? [[{ content: header, kerning: true, inline_format: true, colspan: 2, padding_bottom: 0 }, nil]] : [] make_table( t << [ format_text(array[0], leading), format_text(array[1], leading) ], opts ) do |t| t.cells.borders = [] t.column(0).padding_right = 0 t.row(0).padding_top = 0 end end def text_indent(note, opts) if /#{note.strip}", opts) end end end end def section_info(section = @section) section_note = || '' if section_note.length > 3200 opts = { width: @printable_width / 3, column_widths: [@indent_amount], cell_style: { padding_bottom: 0 }, inline_format: true, } column_box([0, cursor], columns: 3, width: bounds.width, height: (@printable_height - @footer_height - (@printable_height - cursor)), spacer: (@base_table_font_size * 3)) do text("SECTION #{}\n#{}", opts) move_down(@base_table_font_size * 1.5) text('Notes', opts.merge(size: 10)) section_note.split(/\* /).each do |note| text_indent(note.gsub(%r{\\.\s}, '. '), opts.merge(size: 10)) end end else opts = { width: @printable_width / 3, column_widths: [@indent_amount], cell_style: { padding_bottom: 0 } } column_1 = format_text("SECTION #{}\n#{}") _column_x, column_2, column_3 = get_notes_columns(, opts, 'Notes', 10) table( [ [ column_1, column_2, column_3 ] ], column_widths: [@printable_width / 3, @printable_width / 3, @printable_width / 3] ) do |t| t.cells.borders = [] t.column(0).padding_right = 12 t.row(0).padding_top = 0 end end end def chapter_info(chapter = @chapter) chapter_note = || '' notes, additional_notes, *everything_else = chapter_note.split(/#+\s*[Additional|Subheading]+ Note[s]*\s*#+/i) .map do |s| s.delete('\\') .gsub("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n") # .strip end notes ||= '' if (additional_notes && chapter_note.length > 2300) || chapter_note.length > 3200 opts = { kerning: true, inline_format: true, size: @base_table_font_size } column_box([0, cursor], columns: 3, width: bounds.width, height: (@printable_height - @footer_height - (@printable_height - cursor) + 20), spacer: (@base_table_font_size * 3)) do text("Chapter #{[0..1].gsub(/^0/, '')}\n#{}", opts) move_down(@base_table_font_size * 1.5) text('Chapter notes', opts.merge(size: 9)) notes.split(/\* /).each do |note| text_indent(note, opts.merge(size: 9)) end move_down(@base_table_font_size) if additional_notes text('Subheading notes', opts) move_down(@base_table_font_size / 2) additional_notes && additional_notes.split(/\* /).each do |note| text_indent(note, opts) end move_down(@base_table_font_size) end everything_else.each do |nn| text('Additional notes', opts) move_down(@base_table_font_size / 2) nn.to_s.split(/\* /).each do |note| text_indent(note, opts) end end end else opts = { width: @printable_width / 3, column_widths: [(@indent_amount + 2)], cell_style: { padding_bottom: 0 } } column_x, column_2, column_3 = get_chapter_notes_columns(, opts, 'Note', @chapter_notes_font_size) column_1 = if column_x.empty? || (column_x[0] && column_x[0][0][:content].blank?) format_text("Chapter #{[0..1].gsub(/^0/, '')}\n#{}") else column_x end table( [ [ column_1, column_2, column_3 ] ], column_widths: [@printable_width / 3, @printable_width / 3, @printable_width / 3] ) do |t| t.cells.borders = [] t.column(0).padding_right = 12 t.row(0).padding_top = 0 end end end def html_table_data(html) noko = Nokogiri::HTML(html) head ='th') ?'th').content : nil data = noko.css('tr').map do |tr| tr.css('td').map(&:content) end max_col_count = data_normalized = data.reject do |row| row.length != max_col_count end return data_normalized.unshift([{content: head, colspan: max_col_count}]) if head data_normalized end def strip_tags(text) return if text.nil? noko = Nokogiri::HTML(text) noko.css('span', 'abbr').each { |node| node.replace(node.children) } noko.content end def render_html_table(html) html_string = "#{html.gsub("\r\n", '')}
" table(html_table_data(html_string), cell_style: { padding: 2, size: 5, border_widths: [0.1, 0.1] } ) do |t| t.width = @printable_width / 3 end end def update_footnotes(v2_commodity) measures = commodity_measures(v2_commodity) measure_footnote_ids ={|m|} commodity_footnote_ids = footnotes = (commodity_footnote_ids + measure_footnote_ids).map do |f|{|obj| == f} end.flatten footnotes.each do |fn| f = fn.attributes next if f.code =~ /0[3,4]./ if @footnotes[f.code] @footnotes[f.code][:refs] << else @footnotes[f.code] = { text: "#{f.code}-#{render_footnote(f.description)}", refs: [] } unless @references_lookup[footnote_reference_key(f.code)] @references_lookup[footnote_reference_key(f.code)] = { index: @references_lookup.length + 1, text: replace_html(@footnotes[f.code][:text].delete('|')) } end end end end def render_footnote(note) Nokogiri::HTML(note).css('p').map(&:content).join("\n") end def update_quotas(v2_commodity, heading) quotas = commodity_measures(v2_commodity).select{|m| measure_is_quota(m)} quotas.each do |measure_quota| order_number = if @quotas[order_number] @quotas[order_number][:measures] << measure_quota @quotas[order_number][:commodities] << else duty ={|obj| ==}.first.attributes.base definition_relation ={|obj| ==}.first.relationships.definition return if definition ={|obj| ==}.first footnotes_ids ={|f| f[0..1] == 'CD'} footnotes ={|obj| footnotes_ids.include?(} @quotas[order_number] = { commodities: [], descriptions: [[heading.description,]], measures: [measure_quota], duties: [duty], definitions: [definition], footnotes: footnotes } end end end def update_prs(v2_commodity) measures = pr_measures(v2_commodity) measures.each do |measure| document_codes = [] requirements = [] id = if @prs[id] @prs[id][:commodities] << else desc ={|obj| obj.type = "measure_type" && == id}.first.attributes.description conditions_ids = conditions ={|obj| obj.type = "measure_condition" && conditions_ids.include?( } conditions.each do |condition| unless condition.nil? doc_code = condition.attributes.document_code document_codes << condition.attributes.document_code requirements << "#{condition.attributes.condition_code}: #{strip_tags(condition.attributes.requirement)}#{" (#{doc_code})" unless doc_code.to_s.empty?}" unless condition.attributes.requirement.nil? end end @prs[id] = { measures: measure, commodities: [], description: "#{desc} (#{id})", conditions: document_codes.reject(&:empty?), requirements: requirements.reject(&:nil?), } end end end def update_anti_dumpings(v2_commodity) anti_dumping_measures(v2_commodity).each do |measure| description = '' delimiter = '' duty_expression_id = measure.relationships.duty_expression&.data&.id if duty_expression_id duty_expression = find_duty_expression(duty_expression_id) unless duty_expression&.attributes&.base == '' measure_type = find_measure_type(measure.relationships.measure_type&.data&.id) description += clean_rates(duty_expression&.attributes&.base) + '
' + measure_type&.attributes&.description delimiter = '
' end end additional_code_id = measure.relationships.additional_code&.data&.id if additional_code_id additional_code = find_additional_code(additional_code_id) description += delimiter + additional_code.attributes.formatted_description end unless description == '' commodity_item_id = geographical_area_id = @anti_dumpings[commodity_item_id] ||= {} @anti_dumpings[commodity_item_id][geographical_area_id] ||= {} @anti_dumpings[commodity_item_id][geographical_area_id][additional_code&.attributes&.code || ''] ||= description end end end def find_measure_type(measure_type_id) find_included_object(measure_type_id, 'measure_type') end def find_duty_expression(duty_expression_id) find_included_object(duty_expression_id, 'duty_expression') end def find_additional_code(additional_code_id) find_included_object(additional_code_id, 'additional_code') end def find_included_object(object_id, object_type) return nil unless object_id || object_type @uktt.response.included.find do |obj| == object_id && obj.type == object_type end end def commodities_table table commodity_table_data, header: true, column_widths: @cw do |t| t.cells.border_width = 0.25 t.cells.borders = %i[left right] t.cells.padding_top = 2 t.cells.padding_bottom = 2 t.row(0).align = :center t.row(0).padding = 2 t.column(1).align = :center t.column(2).align = :center t.column(5).align = :center t.row(0).borders = %i[top right bottom left] t.row(-1).borders = %i[right bottom left] end end def commodity_table_data(chapter = @chapter) result = [] << header_row heading_ids = heading_objs ={|obj| heading_ids.include?} heading_gniids ={|h| h.attributes.goods_nomenclature_item_id}.uniq.sort heading_gniids.each do |heading_gniid| @uktt = heading_gniid[0..3], version: 'v2')) v2_heading = @uktt.retrieve heading = if heading.declarable update_footnotes(v2_heading) update_quotas(v2_heading, heading) update_prs(v2_heading) update_anti_dumpings(v2_heading) end result << heading_row_head(v2_heading) result << heading_row_title(v2_heading) # You'd think this would work, but `page_number` is not updated # because we're not inside the `repeat` block # # if @pages_headings[page_number] # @pages_headings[page_number] << @current_heading # else # @pages_headings[page_number] = [@current_heading] # end # @pages_headings.inspect # Same with below, but when trying to get the value of `@current_heading` # in the `repeat` block, it always returns the last value, not the current @current_heading = heading.goods_nomenclature_item_id[2..3] if commodity_ids = commodity_objs ={|obj| commodity_ids.include?} commodity_objs.each do |c| if c.attributes.leaf @uktt = c.attributes.goods_nomenclature_item_id, version: 'v2')) v2_commodity = @uktt.retrieve if result << commodity_row(v2_commodity) = c.attributes.description update_footnotes(v2_commodity) if update_quotas(v2_commodity, heading) update_prs(v2_commodity) update_anti_dumpings(v2_commodity) else result << commodity_row_subhead(c) end else result << commodity_row_subhead(c) end end end end result end def header_row %w[1 2A 2B 3 4 5 6 7] end def heading_row_head(v2_heading) heading = head = { content: "#{heading[:goods_nomenclature_item_id][0..1]} #{heading[:goods_nomenclature_item_id][2..3]}", kerning: true, size: 12, borders: [], padding_bottom: 0, inline_format: true } [head, '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] end def heading_row_title(v2_heading) heading = title = { content: "#{heading[:description].gsub('|', Prawn::Text::NBSP).upcase}", kerning: true, size: @base_table_font_size, width: @cw[0], borders: [], padding_top: 0, inline_format: true } if heading.declarable heading_data = [ commodity_code_cell(heading), # Column 2A: Commodity code, 8 digits, center-align additional_commodity_code_cell(heading), # Column 2B: Additional commodity code, 2 digits, center-align specific_provisions(v2_heading), # Column 3: Specific provisions, left-align units_of_quantity_list, # Column 4: Unit of quantity, numbered list, left-align third_country_duty_expression, # Column 5: Full tariff rate, percentage, center align preferential_tariffs, # Column 6: Preferential tariffs, left align formatted_vat_rate_cell # Column 7: VAT Rate: e.g., 'S', 'Z', etc., left align ] else heading_data = ['', '', '', '', '', '', ''] end [[[title]]] + heading_data end def commodity_row(v2_commodity) commodity = [ formatted_heading_cell(commodity), # Column 1: Heading numbers and descriptions commodity_code_cell(commodity), # Column 2A: Commodity code, 8 digits, center-align additional_commodity_code_cell(commodity), # Column 2B: Additional commodity code, 2 digits, center-align specific_provisions(v2_commodity), # Column 3: Specific provisions, left-align units_of_quantity_list, # Column 4: Unit of quantity, numbered list, left-align third_country_duty_expression, # Column 5: Full tariff rate, percentage, center align preferential_tariffs, # Column 6: Preferential tariffs, left align formatted_vat_rate_cell # Column 7: VAT Rate: e.g., 'S', 'Z', etc., left align ] end def commodity_row_subhead(c) commodity = c.attributes [ formatted_heading_cell(commodity), commodity_code_cell(commodity), additional_commodity_code_cell(commodity), '', '', '', '', '' ] end def formatted_heading_cell(commodity) indents = (('-' + Prawn::Text::NBSP) * (commodity.number_indents - 1)) # [(commodity.number_indents - 1), 1].max) opts = { width: @cw[0], column_widths: { 0 => ((commodity.number_indents || 1) * 5.1) } } footnotes_array = [] @footnotes.each_pair do |k, v| if && v[:refs].include?( && k[0..1] != 'CD' footnotes_array << @references_lookup[footnote_reference_key(k)][:index] end end if footnotes_array.empty? footnote_references = "" leading = 0 else footnote_references = " [#{footnotes_array.join(',')}]" leading = 4 end # TODO: implement Commodity#from_harmonized_system? and Commodity#in_combined_nomenclature? # i.e.: (see below) # if commodity.from_harmonized_system? || commodity[:number_indents] <= 1 # content = format_text("#{commodity.description}#{footnote_references}") # elsif commodity.in_combined_nomenclature? # content = hanging_indent(["#{indents}", "#{commodity.description}#{footnote_references}"], opts) # else # content = hanging_indent([indents, "#{commodity.description}#{footnote_references}"], opts) # end description = render_special_characters(commodity.description) if commodity.number_indents.to_i <= 1 #|| !commodity.declarable format_text("#{description}<#{footnote_references}", leading) elsif commodity.declarable hanging_indent(["#{indents}", "#{description}#{footnote_references}"], opts, nil, leading) elsif commodity.number_indents.to_i == 2 hanging_indent([indents, "#{description}#{footnote_references}"], opts, nil, leading) else hanging_indent([indents, "#{description}#{footnote_references}"], opts, nil, leading) end end def render_special_characters(string) string.gsub( /@([2-9])/, '\1 ' ) .gsub( /\|/, Prawn::Text::NBSP ) end def commodity_code_cell(commodity) return '' unless commodity.declarable format_text "#{commodity.goods_nomenclature_item_id[0..5]}#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 1}#{commodity.goods_nomenclature_item_id[6..7]}" end def additional_commodity_code_cell(commodity) return '' unless commodity.declarable format_text "#{(commodity.goods_nomenclature_item_id[8..9]).to_s}" end # copied from backend/app/models/measure_type.rb:41 def measure_type_excise?(measure_type) measure_type&.attributes&.measure_type_series_id == 'Q' end def measure_type_anti_dumping?(measure_type) measure_type&.attributes&.measure_type_series_id == 'D' end def anti_dumping_measure_type_ids do |obj| obj.type == 'measure_type' && measure_type_anti_dumping?(obj) end def measure_type_tax_code(measure_type) measure_type.attributes.description.scan(/\d{3}/).first end def measure_type_suspension?(measure_type) measure_type&.attributes&.description =~ /suspension/ end def measure_conditions_has_cap_license?(measure_conditions) measure_conditions.any? do |measure_condition| measure_condition&.attributes&.document_code == 'L001' end end def specific_provisions(v2_commodity) return '' unless measures = commodity_measures(v2_commodity) measure_types = do |measure| v2_commodity.included.find {|obj| == && obj.type == 'measure_type'} end excise_codes = str = excise_codes.length > 0 ? "EXCISE (#{excise_codes.join(', ')})" : '' delimiter = str.length > 0 ? "\n" : '' str += > 0 ? delimiter + 'S' : '' delimiter = str.length > 0 ? "\n" : '' str += ( > 0 ? delimiter + 'TQ' : '') delimiter = str.length > 0 ? "\n" : '' measure_conditions = do |measure| v2_commodity.included.find { |obj| && obj.type == 'measure_condition' } end.compact.uniq if measure_conditions_has_cap_license?(measure_conditions) unless @references_lookup[CAP_LICENCE_KEY] @references_lookup[CAP_LICENCE_KEY] = { index: @references_lookup.length + 1, text: CAP_REFERENCE_TEXT } end str += delimiter + "CAP Lic [#{@references_lookup[CAP_LICENCE_KEY][:index]}]" end format_text(str, 0) end def units_of_quantity_list str = '' duties = @uktt.find('duty_expression').map{ |d| d.attributes.base } return str if duties.empty? uoq = ['Kg'] duties.each do |duty| uoq << duty if MEASUREMENT_UNITS.include?(duty) end uoq.each_with_index do |q, i| str << "#{(i + 1).to_s + '. ' if uoq.length > 1}#{q}\n" end str end def third_country_duty_expression measure = @uktt.find('measure').select{|m| == THIRD_COUNTRY }.first return '' if measure.nil? clean_rates(@uktt.find( end def preferential_tariffs preferential_tariffs = { duties: {}, footnotes: {}, excluded: {}, } s = [] @uktt.find('measure').select{|m| PREFERENTIAL_MEASURE_TYPE_IDS.include?( }.each do |t| g_id = geo ={|obj| == g_id}.map{|t| =~ /[A-Z]{2}/ ? : t.attributes.description}.join(', ') d_id = duty ={|obj| == d_id}.map{|t| t.attributes.base} f_ids = footnotes ={|obj| f_ids.include?}.flatten x_ids = excluded ={|obj| x_ids.include?} footnotes_string ={|fid| "[#{@references_lookup.dig(footnote_reference_key(fid), :index)}]"}.join(' ') excluded_string ={|xid| " (Excluding #{xid})"}.join(' ') duty_string = clean_rates(duty.join, column: 6) s << "#{geo}#{excluded_string}-#{duty_string}#{footnotes_string}" end { content: s.sort.join(', '), inline_format: true } end def formatted_vat_rate_cell @uktt.find('measure_type') .map(&:id) .select{|id| id[0..1] == 'VT'} .map{|m| m.chars[2].upcase} .join(' ') end def footnotes return if @footnotes.size == 0 cell_style = { padding: 0, borders: [] } table_opts = { column_widths: [25], width: @printable_width, cell_style: cell_style } notes_array = do |_, reference| [ "( #{reference[:index]} )", reference[:text] ] end table notes_array, table_opts do |t| t.column(1).padding_left = 5 end end def replace_html(raw) raw.gsub(/

/, "\n") .gsub(%r{

}, '') .gsub('&', '&') # .gsub("\n\n", "\n") end def tariff_quotas(chapter = @chapter) cell_style = { padding: 0, borders: [], inline_format: true } table_opts = { column_widths: quota_table_column_widths, width: @printable_width, cell_style: cell_style } quotas_array = quota_header_row @quotas.each do |measure_id, quota| commodity_ids = quota[:commodities].uniq while commodity_ids.length > 0 quotas_array << [ quota_commodities(commodity_ids.shift(quotas_array.length == 2 ? 42 : 56)), quota_description(quota[:descriptions]), quota_geo_description(quota[:measures]), measure_id, quota_rate(quota[:duties]), quota_period(quota[:measures]), quota_units(quota[:definitions]), quota_docs(quota[:footnotes]) ] end end unless quotas_array.length <= 2 start_new_page font_size(19) do text "Chapter #{[0..1].gsub(/^0/, '')}#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 4}Additional Information", inline_format: true end font_size(13) do pad_bottom(13) do text 'Tariff Quotas/Ceilings', inline_format: true end end table quotas_array, table_opts do |t| t.cells.border_width = 0.25 t.cells.borders = %i[top bottom] t.cells.padding_top = 2 t.cells.padding_bottom = 4 t.cells.padding_right = 9 t.row(0).border_width = 1 t.row(0).borders = [:top] t.row(1).borders = [:bottom] t.row(0).padding_top = 0 t.row(0).padding_bottom = 0 t.row(1).padding_top = 0 t.row(1).padding_bottom = 2 end end end def quota_header_row [ [ format_text('Commodity Code'), format_text('Description'), format_text('Country of origin'), format_text('Tariff Quota Order No.'), format_text('Quota rate'), format_text('Quota period'), format_text('Quota units'), format_text("Documentary evidence\nrequired") ], (1..8).to_a ] end def quota_commodities(commodities) do |c| [ c[0..3], c[4..5], c[6..7], c[8..-1] ].reject(&:empty?).join(Prawn::Text::NBSP) end.join("\n") end def quota_description(descriptions) # descriptions.flatten.join(' - ') descriptions.flatten[1] end def quota_geo_description(measures) do |measure| if @uktt.response.included geos ={|obj| ==} geos.first.attributes.description unless geos.first.nil? end end.uniq.join(', ') end def quota_rate(duties) clean_rates(duties.uniq.join(', ')) end def quota_period(measures) formatted_date = '%d/%m/%Y' do |m| start = m.attributes.effective_start_date ? DateTime.parse(m.attributes.effective_start_date).strftime(formatted_date) : '' ending = m.attributes.effective_end_date ? DateTime.parse(m.attributes.effective_end_date).strftime(formatted_date) : '' "#{start} - #{ending}" end.uniq.join(', ') end def quota_units(definitions) do |d| d.attributes.measurement_unit end.uniq.join(', ') end def quota_docs(footnotes) return '' if footnotes.empty? do |f| f.attributes.description end.uniq.join(', ') end def get_chapter_notes_columns(content, opts, header_text = 'Note', _font_size = 9) get_notes_columns(content, opts, header_text, 9, 2) end def notes_str_to_note_array(notes_str) notes = [] note_tmp = split_note(notes_str) while note_tmp.length >= 2 notes << note_tmp[0..1] note_tmp = note_tmp[2..-1] end notes << note_tmp end def get_notes_columns(content, opts, header_text = 'Note', font_size = @base_table_font_size, fill_columns = 2) empty_cell = [{ content: '', borders: [] }] return [[empty_cell, empty_cell, empty_cell]] if content.nil? column_1 = [] column_2 = [] column_3 = [] notes_str = content.delete('\\') notes = notes_str_to_note_array(notes_str) title = "Chapter #{[0..1].gsub(/^0/, '')}\n#{@chapter[:formatted_description]}\n\n" offset = 0 notes.each_with_index do |note, i| m = note.join.match(/##\s*(additional|subheading) note[s]*\s*##/i) if m note[0], note[1] = '', '' header = "#{fill_columns == 3 ? title : nil}#{"#{m[1]} Note"}" offset += 1 else header = ? "#{fill_columns == 3 ? title : nil}#{header_text}" : nil end new_note = [ { content: hanging_indent([ "#{note[0]}", "#{note[1]}" ], opts, header), borders: [] } ] if fill_columns == 2 if i - offset < (notes.length / 2) column_2 << new_note unless new_note == ['', ''] else column_3 << new_note end elsif fill_columns == 3 if i < (notes.length / 3) column_1 << new_note elsif i < ((notes.length / 3) * 2) column_2 << new_note else column_3 << new_note end end end column_2 << empty_cell if column_2.empty? column_3 << empty_cell if column_3.empty? [column_1, column_2, column_3] end def split_note(str) arr = str.split(/\* |^([0-9]\.{0,}\s|\([a-z]{1,}\))|(?=##\ )/) .map { |n| n.split(/^([0-9]\.{0,}\s{0,}|\([a-z]{1,}\))/) } .each { |n| n.unshift(Prawn::Text::NBSP) if n.length == 1 } .flatten .reject(&:empty?) .map(&:strip) return arr.unshift((Prawn::Text::NBSP * 2)) if arr.length == 1 normalize_notes_array(arr) end def token?(str) str =~ /^[0-9]\.{0,}\s{0,}|\([a-z]{1,}\)|\s{1,}/ end def normalize_notes_array(arr) arr.each_with_index do |str, i| if str == Prawn::Text::NBSP && i.odd? arr.delete_at(i) normalize_notes_array(arr) end end end def table_column_widths column_ratios = [21, 5, 1.75, 5, 4, 5.25, 19, 2] multiplier = @printable_width / column_ratios.sum { |n| n * multiplier } end def quota_table_column_widths column_ratios = [12, 43, 9, 9, 11, 11, 8, 22] multiplier = 741.89 / column_ratios.sum { |n| n * multiplier } end def pr_table_column_widths column_ratios = [2, 1, 4, 4, 1] multiplier = 741.89 / column_ratios.sum { |n| n * multiplier } end def anti_dumping_table_column_widths column_ratios = [1, 1, 1, 4] multiplier = 741.89 / column_ratios.sum { |n| n * multiplier } end def clean_rates(raw, column: nil) rate = raw if column != 6 rate = rate.gsub(/^0.00 %/, 'Free') end rate = rate.gsub(' EUR ', ' € ') .gsub(' / ', '/') .gsub(/(\.[0-9]{1})0 /, '\1 ') .gsub(/([0-9]{1})\.0 /, '\1 ') CURRENCY_REGEX.match(rate) do |m| rate = rate.gsub(m[0], "#{convert_currency(m[1])} #{currency_symbol} ") end rate end def commodity_measures(commodity) ids = +{|obj| ids.include?} end def measure_is_quota(measure) ! end def measure_footnotes(measure) end def measure_duty_expression(measure) end def pr_measures(v2_commodity) # c = '3403910000') # v2 = c.retrieve{|obj| obj.type == 'measure' && measure_is_pr(obj)} end def anti_dumping_measures(v2_commodity) anti_dumping_ids = anti_dumping_measure_type_ids{ |obj| obj.type == 'measure' && anti_dumping_ids.include?( } end def measure_is_pr(measure) P_AND_R_MEASURE_TYPES.include?( end def prohibitions_and_restrictions cell_style = { padding: 0, borders: [], inline_format: true } table_opts = { column_widths: pr_table_column_widths, width: @printable_width, cell_style: cell_style } prs_array = pr_header_row @prs.each do |id, pr| commodity_ids = pr[:commodities].uniq while commodity_ids.length > 0 prs_array << [ quota_commodities(commodity_ids.shift(prs_array.length == 2 ? 46 : 56)), pr[:measures].attributes.import ? "Import" : "Export", # Import/Export pr[:description], # Description, was Measure Type Code pr[:requirements].join("

"), # Requirements, was Measure Group Code pr[:conditions].join("
"), # Document Code/s # '', # Ex-heading Indicator ] end end unless prs_array.length <= 2 || false start_new_page font_size(19) do text "Chapter #{[0..1].gsub(/^0/, '')}#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 4}Additional Information", inline_format: true end font_size(13) do pad_bottom(13) do text 'Prohibitions and Restrictions', inline_format: true end end table prs_array, table_opts do |t| t.cells.border_width = 0.25 t.cells.borders = %i[top bottom] t.cells.padding_top = 4 t.cells.padding_bottom = 6 t.cells.padding_right = 9 t.row(0).border_width = 1 t.row(0).borders = [:top] t.row(1).borders = [:bottom] t.row(0).padding_top = 0 t.row(0).padding_bottom = 0 t.row(1).padding_top = 0 t.row(1).padding_bottom = 2 end end end def pr_header_row [ [ format_text('Commodity Code'), format_text('Import/ Export'), format_text('Description'), # format_text('Measure Type Code'), format_text('Requirements'), # format_text('Measure Group Code'), format_text('Document Code/s'), # format_text('Ex-heading Indicator') ], (1..5).to_a ] end def anti_dumpings return if @anti_dumpings.empty? # group commodities by goods nomenclature item id and additional codes grouped = @anti_dumpings.group_by do |_, value| do |k| "#{k.to_s}_#{value[k].keys.sort.join('_')}" end.join('_') do |_, value| { => value.first.last } end.inject({}, &:merge) output = anti_dumping_header_row # represent each line from grouped data as 3+ rows - 1st goods nomenclatures, 2nd geo area id + 1st info row, 3rd and next - rest of the rows with info output += do |goods_nomenclature_item_ids, data| [ # 1st row [ make_cell(quota_commodities(goods_nomenclature_item_ids), borders: []), make_cell("", borders: []), make_cell("", borders: []), make_cell("", borders: []) ], ].concat( do |geographical_area_id, additional_codes| [ # 2nd row [ make_cell("", borders: []), make_cell(geographical_area_id, borders: []), make_cell(additional_codes.first.first, borders: []), make_cell(additional_codes.first.last, borders: []) ] ].concat( # 3rd and next, show additional_code_id only on first line only additional_codes.drop(1).map do |additional_code_id, description| description.split(//).map do |description_line| borders = description.index(description_line) === 0 ? [:top] : [] additional_code_text = description.index(description_line) === 0 ? additional_code_id : "" [ make_cell("", borders: []), make_cell("", borders: []), make_cell(additional_code_text, borders: borders), make_cell(description_line, borders: borders) ] end end.flatten(1) ).push([ make_cell("", borders: []), make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }), make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }), make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }) ] ) end.flatten(1) ).tap(&:pop).push([ make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }), make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }), make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }), make_cell("", { borders: %i[bottom] }) ] ) end.flatten(1) start_new_page font_size(19) do text "Chapter #{[0..1].gsub(/^0/, '')}#{Prawn::Text::NBSP * 4}Additional Information", inline_format: true end font_size(13) do pad_bottom(13) do text 'Anti-dumping duties', inline_format: true end end cell_style = { padding: 0, inline_format: true } table_opts = { column_widths: anti_dumping_table_column_widths, width: @printable_width, cell_style: cell_style } table output, table_opts do |t| t.cells.border_width = 0.25 t.cells.padding_right = 9 t.row(0).border_width = 1 t.row(0).borders = [:top] t.row(1).borders = [:bottom] t.row(0).padding_top = 0 t.row(0).padding_bottom = 0 t.row(1).padding_top = 0 t.row(1).padding_bottom = 2 output[2..-1].each_with_index do |line, i| t.row(i + 2).padding_top = "#{line[0]}#{line[1]}#{line[2]}" == '' ? 0 : 6 end end end def anti_dumping_header_row [ [ format_text('Commodity Code'), format_text('Country of Origin'), format_text('Additional Code'), format_text('Description/Rate of Duty/Additional Information'), ], (1..4).to_a ] end def convert_currency(amount, precision = 1) (amount.to_f * @currency_exchange_rate).round(precision) end def currency_symbol return '€' unless @currency SUPPORTED_CURRENCIES[@currency] end UNIT_ABBREVIATIONS = { 'Number of items'.to_sym => 'Number', 'Hectokilogram'.to_sym => 'Kg' }.freeze RECIPIENT_SHORTENER = { # 'EU-Canada agreement: re-imported goods'.to_sym => 'EU-CA', # 'Economic Partnership Agreements'.to_sym => 'EPA', # 'Eastern and Southern Africa States'.to_sym => 'ESAS', # 'GSP (R 12/978) - Annex IV'.to_sym => 'GSP-AX4', # 'OCTs (Overseas Countries and Territories)'.to_sym => 'OCT', # 'GSP+ (incentive arrangement for sustainable development and good governance)'.to_sym => 'GSP+', # 'SADC EPA'.to_sym => 'SADC', # 'GSP (R 12/978) - General arrangements'.to_sym => 'GSP-GA', # 'GSP (R 01/2501) - General arrangements'.to_sym => 'GSP', # 'Central America'.to_sym => 'CEN-AM', }.freeze private def footnote_reference_key(footnote_code) "FOOTNOTE-#{footnote_code}" end end