require 'date' require 'colorize' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' require 'git_repo_upgrader/version' # # GitRepoUpgrader # # Checkout a git repository to a temporary directory # and extract specific files from there into your project # # Example: # # options = { # repo: { # uri: '', # branch: 'develop', # }, # files_to_copy: { # 'dist/app.bundle.js' => 'web/js/lib/project/app.bundle.js', # 'dist/app.bundle.css' => 'web/js/lib/project/app.bundle.css', # # copy a whole directory recursively # 'dist/img' => 'web/js/lib/project/img', # }, # commit: 'false' # } # GitRepoUpgrader.upgrade options # # module GitRepoUpgrader TMP_DIR_PREFIX = 'GitRepoUpgrader_' PROJECT_DIR = Dir.pwd GIT_REPO_NAME_REGEX = /\/([^\/]+).git/ # @param [Hash] options # @param [Hash] options.repo # @param [String] options.repo.uri # @param [String] options.repo.branch # @param [Hash] options.files_to_copy # @param ['auto','skip','prompt'] options.commit='prompt' def self.upgrade(options) puts '*****************************'.yellow puts "** Git Repo Upgrader #{GitRepoUpgrader::VERSION}".yellow puts '*****************************'.yellow repo_dir, tmp_dir = _checkout_git_repo options[:repo][:uri], options[:repo][:branch] _copy_files_from_checkout repo_dir, options[:files_to_copy] _cleanup_checkout tmp_dir repo_name = options[:repo][:uri].match(GIT_REPO_NAME_REGEX)[1] if options[:commit] != false && options[:commit] != 'false' && options[:commit] != 'skip' _commit_files options[:files_to_copy], repo_name, type: options[:commit] end puts puts "Everything done, be happy! :-) ".magenta end private # @param [String] github source path # @param [String] branch='master' # @return [String] path to repo dir def self._checkout_git_repo(source, branch) print ' - creating tmp dir ... ' Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir tmp_dirname = TMP_DIR_PREFIX + Dir.mkdir(tmp_dirname) print tmp_dirname + ' ... ' Dir.chdir tmp_dirname puts 'done'.green branch = 'master' unless branch begin puts ' - checkout repository ' + source + " (#{branch}) ... " git_command = "git clone --single-branch --branch #{branch} #{source}" puts ' ' + git_result = system(git_command) raise "Error occurred while trying to clone the repository. Check messages before. Invalid username or password?" unless git_result rescue RuntimeError => e puts retry end puts ' done'.green puts repo_dir = Dir['*'].first [File.expand_path(repo_dir), tmp_dirname] end def self._copy_files_from_checkout(repo_dir, files_to_copy) Dir.chdir repo_dir puts ' - copy repo files ... ' files_to_copy.each do |source, dest| puts " #{source} -> " + " #{dest}".green final_dest = PROJECT_DIR + '/' + dest # remove last folder from path, because FileUtils.cp_r creates the last folder in dest implicitly final_dest = final_dest[0...-1] if final_dest.end_with? '/' # cut / at the end if available if (File.basename(source) == File.basename(dest)) final_dest = Pathname(final_dest).dirname.to_s # cut last folder if identical names are used to avoid duplicates end FileUtils.cp_r(repo_dir + '/' + source, final_dest) end end def self._cleanup_checkout(tmp_dir) print ' - remove tmp dir ... ' Dir.chdir Dir.tmpdir FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_dir puts 'done'.green end # @param ['prompt','auto','skip'] type def self._commit_files(files, repo_name, type: 'prompt') yes_no = nil if type == 'prompt' puts default_input = 'y' loop do print "Commit the copied files above? (y/n) [#{default_input}]:".yellow yes_no = STDIN.gets.chomp yes_no = default_input if yes_no == '' if yes_no == '' || !(['y', 'n'].include? yes_no) puts "Invalid option '#{yes_no}'".red else break end end end if yes_no == 'y' || type == 'auto' Dir.chdir PROJECT_DIR # add git_commit_command1 = %Q(git add "#{files.values.join('" "')}") puts " #{git_commit_command1}".blue git_result1 = `#{git_commit_command1}` # commit git_commit_command2 = %Q(git commit "#{files.values.join('" "')}" -m "upgrade #{repo_name}") puts " #{git_commit_command2}".blue git_result2 = `#{git_commit_command2}` if git_result2.include? 'no changes added to commit' puts puts " You already had the latest version, nothing to commit!".red else puts end end end end