module HungryForm module Rails module ActionView # Render a form def hungry_form_for(form, options = {}) options[:data] ||= {} options[:data][:rel] ||= form_rel(form) options[:class] = [options[:class], "hungryform"].compact.join(' ') views_prefix = options.delete(:views_prefix) || HungryForm.configuration.rails.elements_templates form_tag('', options) do render partial: "#{views_prefix}/form", locals: { form: form, views_prefix: views_prefix } end end # Render a link to the next page def hungry_link_to_next_page(form, name, options = {}, &block) link_to name, *link_params(form, options, action: :next), &block end # Render a link to the previous page def hungry_link_to_prev_page(form, name, options = {}, &block) link_to name, *link_params(form, options, action: :prev), &block end # Render a link to a provided page def hungry_link_to_page(form, page, options = {}, &block) link_to page.label, *link_params(form, options, action: :page, page: page), &block end # Render a link that submits the form def hungry_link_to_submit(form, name, options = {}, &block) params = clean_params(form, options.delete(:params)) link_to name, url_for(params), options.reverse_merge( data: { form_method: :post, form_action: :submit, rel: form_rel(form) } ), &block end private # Form ralation attribute is used to streamline js selection of a form # and its navigational elements like next/prev buttons and pages lists def form_rel(form) "hungry-form-#{form.__id__}" end # Builds link_to params except for the link's name def link_params(form, options, action_options = {}) method = options.delete(:method) || 'get' params = clean_params(form, options.delete(:params)) params[:page] = method.to_s == 'get' ? get_page(form, action_options) : options.reverse_merge!( data: { form_method: method, form_action: action_options[:action], rel: form_rel(form) } ) [url_for(params), options] end # Find the name of the page to go to when the 'get' method is used in a # form navigation def get_page(form, action_options) case action_options[:action] when :page action_options[:page].name when :next, :prev form.send("#{action_options[:action]}_page").try(:name) || '' end end # Remove Rails specific params from the params hash as well as # all the form params def clean_params(form, params) rails_params = [:authenticity_token, :commit, :utf8, :_method] form_params = form.elements.keys + [:form_action, :errors] self.params.except(*(rails_params + form_params)).merge(params || {}) end end end end