class Icinga2Config < CloudstackNagios::Base TEMPLATE_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'templates', 'icinga2') desc "generate [type]", "generate all nagios configs" option :bin_path, desc: "absolute path to the nagios-cloudstack binary" option :template, desc: "Path of ERB template to use. Only valid when generating a single configuration", aliases: '-t' option :if_speed, desc: 'network interface speed in bits per second', type: :numeric, default: 1000000, aliases: '-s' option :ssh_key, desc: 'ssh private key to use', default: '/var/lib/cloud/management/.ssh/id_rsa' option :ssh_port, desc: 'ssh port to use', type: :numeric, default: 3922, aliases: '-p' option :over_provisioning, type: :numeric, default: 1.0 def generate(*configs) configs = get_configs(configs) if configs.size == 0 say "Please specify a valid configuration.", :green say "Possible values are..." invoke "nagios_config:list", [] exit end routers = configs.include?("router_hosts") ? cs_routers : nil system_vms = configs.include?("system_vm_hosts") ? cs_system_vms : nil pools = configs.include?("storage_pools") ? storage_pools : nil zones = client.list_zones config_name = configs.size == 1 ? "#{configs[0]} configuration" : "all configurations" header = load_template(File.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "header.cfg.erb")) output = header.result( config_name: config_name, date: date_string ) configs.each do |config| if configs.size == 1 && options[:template] tmpl_file = options[:template] else tmpl_file = File.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "cloudstack_#{config}.cfg.erb") end template = load_template(tmpl_file) output += template.result( routers: routers, system_vms: system_vms, bin_path: bin_path, if_speed: options[:if_speed], config_file: options[:config], zones: zones, capacity_types: Capacity::CAPACITY_TYPES, storage_pools: pools, over_provisioning: options[:over_provisioning], ssh_key: options[:ssh_key], ssh_port: options[:ssh_port] ) end footer = load_template(File.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, "footer.cfg.erb")) output += footer.result( config_name: config_name ) puts output end desc "list", "show a list of possible configurations which can be generated." def list configs = get_configs puts ["all"] << configs end no_commands do def get_configs(configs = []) all_configs = %w(hostgroups zone_hosts router_hosts router_services system_vm_hosts system_vm_services capacities async_jobs snapshots storage_pools) if configs.size == 0 return all_configs else if configs.size == 1 && configs[0].downcase == "all" return all_configs end return { |config| configs.include? config } end end def date_string"%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S") end def bin_path unless options[:bin_path] return '' else return options[:bin_path].end_with?('/') ? options[:bin_path] : options[:bin_path] + "/" end end end end