# TODO # This file is provided as an example and should be removed # require 'spec_helper' # describe Entities::ExampleEntity do # describe 'class methods' do # subject { Entities::ExampleEntity } # it { expect(subject.connec_entity_name).to eql('ExampleEntity') } # it { expect(subject.external_entity_name).to eql('Contact') } # it { expect(subject.object_name_from_connec_entity_hash({'first_name' => 'A', 'last_name' => 'contact'})).to eql('A contact') } # it { expect(subject.object_name_from_external_entity_hash({'FirstName' => 'A', 'LastName' => 'contact'})).to eql('A contact') } # end # describe 'instance methods' do # let(:organization) { create(:organization) } # let(:connec_client) { Maestrano::Connector::Rails::ConnecHelper.get_client(organization) } # let(:external_client) { Maestrano::Connector::Rails::External.get_client(organization) } # let(:opts) { {} } # subject { Entities::ExampleEntity.new(organization, connec_client, external_client, opts) } # describe 'external to connec!' do # let(:external_hash) { # { # "Id" => '2345uoi' # "Salutation" => 'Mr', # "FirstName" => 'John', # "City" => 'London' # } # } # let (:mapped_external_hash) { # { # "id" => [{'id' => '2345uoi', 'provider' => organization.oauth_provider, 'realm' => organization.oauth_uid}], # "first_name" => "John", # "title" => "Mr" # "address_work" => { # "billing2" => { # "city" => 'London' # } # } # }.with_indifferent_access # } # it { expect(subject.map_to_connec(external_hash)).to eql(mapped_external_hash) } # end # describe 'connec to external' do # let(:connec_hash) { # { # "first_name" => "John", # "title" => "Mr" # "address_work" => { # "billing2" => { # "city" => 'London' # } # } # } # } # let(:mapped_connec_hash) { # { # "Salutation" => 'Mr', # "FirstName" => 'John', # "City" => 'London' # }.with_indifferent_access # } # it { expect(subject.map_to_external(connec_hash)).to eql(mapped_connec_hash) } # end # end # end