// Copyright (c) 2009 David Wright
// You are free to modify and use this file under the terms of the GNU LGPL.
// You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this file.
// Alternatively, you can find the latest version of the LGPL here:
// http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// change for your host if necessary
var POST_URL = '';
// dont change anything below here //
//XXX/TODO this file needs to be refactored
// TODO upgrade to 1.0.a, or whatever newest of jstree is, unfortunelty
// the API does not appear to be backwards compatible, so a rewrite will be
// needed
var STATUS_SPACER = "\t"; // " "
var SVN_ACTION = '';
// jQuery BlockUI Plugin (v2)
$.blockUI.defaults.message = ' Processing... ';
$.blockUI.defaults.css =
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
width: '40%',
top: '40%',
left: '35%',
textAlign: 'center',
color: '#000',
//border: '3px solid #aaa',
cursor: 'wait'
// use yellow overlay
//$.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS.backgroundColor = '#ccc';
// make overlay more transparent
//$.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS.opacity = 12;
//$.blockUI.defaults.applyPlatformOpacityRules = false;
var SVN_ENTRIES = []
// 'onload' populate 'keep filter' if has been set
// the repo tree
$(function () {
plugins : {
contextmenu : {
items : {
// get rid of the default js_tree actions
remove : false,
rename : false,
create : false,
//my_act : {
// label : "My own action",
// icon : "", // you can set this to a classname or a path to an icon like ./myimage.gif
// visible : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
// // this action will be disabled if more than one node is selected
// if(NODE.length != 1) return 0;
// // this action will not be in the list if condition is met
// if(TREE_OBJ.get_text(NODE) == "Child node 1") return -1;
// // otherwise - OK
// return 1;
// },
// action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
// alert(TREE_OBJ.get(NODE, "xml_nested", false));
// },
// separator_before : true
// status occurs every time anyway
// svn status menu option
svn_status : {
label : 'svn status',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
SVN_ACTION = 'status';
TREE_OBJ.callback('beforedata', [NODE, TREE_OBJ]);
$.tree.focused().refresh();//refresh does a http POST
separator_before : true
// svn update menu option
svn_update : {
label : "svn update",
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
separator_before : true
// svn diff menu option
svn_diff : {
label : 'svn diff',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {post_req_svn_resp('diff');},
separator_before : true
// svn commit menu option
svn_commit : {
label : 'svn commit',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
var enode = TREE_OBJ.get_text(NODE);
//if (enode.match(/\S+\s+.*?/))
//else alert(enode + ' is upto date');
separator_before : true
// svn info menu option
svn_info : {
label : 'svn info',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
separator_before : true
// svn add menu option
svn_add : {
label : 'svn add',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
separator_before : true
// svn delete menu option
svn_delete : {
label : 'svn delete',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) { post_req_svn_resp('delete'); },
separator_before : true
// svn list all repo entries
svn_list : {
label : 'svn list',
icon : '',
//action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) { post_req_svn_resp('list'); },
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
SVN_ACTION = 'list';
TREE_OBJ.callback('beforedata', [NODE, TREE_OBJ]);
//XXX THIS IS IT, refresh does a POST!
separator_before : true
// svn delete menu option
svn_revert : {
label : 'svn revert',
icon : '',
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) { post_req_svn_resp('revert'); },
separator_before : true
// svn ignore files
// XXX todo - for now make a igrnoe list
// and run svn propset svn:ignore -F ignore.txt . in repo root
//svn_ignore : {
// label : 'svn ignore',
// icon : '',
// action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
// post_req_svn_resp('ignore');
// },
// separator_before : true
refresh : {
label : "refresh tree",
action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
var re_filter = $("#swt_filter_re").val();
// set current filter to a cookie
$.cookie('swt_filter_re', re_filter);
separator_before : true
//remove : {
// label : "Filesystem Delete",
// icon : "remove",
// visible : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
// var ok = true;
// $.each(NODE, function () {
// if(TREE_OBJ.check("deletable", this) == false) {
// ok = false;
// return false;
// }
// });
// return ok;
// },
// action : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
// $.each(NODE, function () {
// var enode = TREE_OBJ.get_text(NODE);
// if(confirm('Delete ' + enode + '?')) {
// post_req_non_svn('delete');
// TREE_OBJ.remove(this);
// }
// });
// }
checkbox : { //three_state: false
//ui : { theme_name : "classic" },
ui : { theme_name : "checkbox",
//theme_path : "/js/svn_wc_tree/source/themes/checkbox/style.css"
data : {
title : "Svn Repository Tree",
type : "json",
//async : true,
opts : {
method : "POST",
url : POST_URL
callback : {
onselect : function (NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
CHECKED_FILE_NAMES[$(NODE).attr('id')] = TREE_OBJ.get_text(NODE);
//Triggered when a node is rightclicked
onrgtclk : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, EV) {
// disable browser action on right click
return false;
ondata : function(DATA, TREE_OBJ) {
return on_data(DATA, TREE_OBJ);
beforedata : function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
//console.log('beforedata' + $(NODE).attr('id'));
return {
'do_svn_action': 'Do Svn Action',
'svn_action' : SVN_ACTION,
'svn_files' : [gather_selected_files()],
'filter_re' : $("#swt_filter_re").val(),
'filter_amt' : $("#swt_filter_amt").val()
// XXX this is called for all ajax requests (i.e. 'refresh')
function on_data(DATA, TREE_OBJ) {
//console.log('on DATA'); console.log(DATA);
if (!DATA) document.write('No Data received, possibly your session expired');
var entries_list = new Array
if (DATA && DATA.length) {
// display high level repo info
if (DATA[0].run_error) return display_error_message(DATA[0].run_error);
if (DATA[0].error) return display_error_message(DATA[0].error);
if (DATA[0].entries == undefined) display_error_message('no result');
var amount_of_entries = DATA[0].entries.length;
if (amount_of_entries == 0) {
if ($("#swt_filter_re").val()) report_no_match_if_filter();
else repo_up_to_date();
// use repo root as default when no results
var repo_default = {
'state' : 'open',
'data' : DATA[0].repo_root_local_path
for (i = 0; i
' + 'Repository is up to date.
'); } function post_req_non_svn(action) { //console.log('non svn request' + action); $(function() { $.post( POST_URL, // post to url { 'do_action' : action, 'files' : [gather_selected_files()] }, // server response function(resp){ //console.log(resp); // is a runtime error if (resp && resp[0] && resp[0].run_error) { display_error_message(resp[0].run_error); } }, 'json' ); }); }; function post_req_svn_resp(svn_action) { //console.log('post_req_svn_resp'); $(function() { $.post(// post to url POST_URL, { 'do_svn_action': 'Do Svn Action', 'svn_action' : svn_action, 'svn_files' : [gather_selected_files()] }, // server response for svn action function(resp){ process_server_response(svn_action,resp); }, 'json' ); }); return SVN_ENTRIES; // is global, not really necessary to return }; function gather_selected_files(){ var svn_files = new Array; ($.tree.plugins.checkbox.get_checked( $.tree.reference("#svn_repo_entries_tree"))).each( function () { if(CHECKED_FILE_NAMES[this.id] !== undefined){ // absolute filesystem path location entry = CHECKED_FILE_NAMES[this.id]; //# becomes odd 2 byte char //entry.replace(/((\302\240)+|\t+|\s+)/, " "); entry = entry.replace(/\s+/, ' '); var info = entry.split(' ', 2); //var abs_pn = info[0] + ' ' + $("#svn_local_repo_root").val() + info[1] //console.log('in checked files'); //console.log(info); var abs_pn = info[0] + ' ' + info[1] // XXX this is a hck fix, figure it out // odd bug, svn_files /home/httpd undefined // just repo root sent, other files not seen!? if (info[1] === undefined) abs_pn = info[1] + ' ' + info[0] svn_files.push(abs_pn); } //console.log(svn_files); } ) return svn_files; } function process_server_response(svn_action, resp){ //console.log(resp + svn_action); // is a runtime error // XXX clean up server response - make consistent var run_err = undefined; if (resp && resp[0] && resp[0].run_error) run_err = resp[0].run_error; else if (resp && resp.run_error) run_err = resp.run_error; if (run_err) return display_error_message(resp.run_error); // update tree display post success action if (svn_action == 'commit') change_display_selected_files(STATUS_SPACER); if (svn_action == 'revert') change_display_selected_files(STATUS_SPACER); //if (svn_action == 'add') change_display_selected_files('A'); var show_response_area = false; var display_svn_results = ''; for(i=0;i'+contents+'
'; else display_svn_results += error; return display_svn_results; } function process_entries(entries, svn_action){ SVN_ENTRIES = entries; if (svn_action == 'status'){ //console.log('in status'); //for(j=0;j