module Sidekiq class Throttler module Storage ## # Stores job executions in a Hash of Arrays. class Memory include Singleton def initialize @hash = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } end ## # Number of executions for +key+. # # @param [String] key # Key to fetch count for # # @return [Fixnum] # Execution count def count(key) @hash[key].length end ## # Remove entries older than +cutoff+. # # @param [String] key # The key to prune # # @param [Time] cutoff # Oldest allowable time def prune(key, cutoff) @hash[key].reject! { |time| time <= cutoff } end ## # Add a new entry to the hash. # # @param [String] key # The key to append to # # @param [Time] time # The time to insert def append(key, time) @hash[key] << time end def reset @hash.clear end end end # Storage end # Throttler end # Sidekiq