# Applb [](https://travis-ci.org/wata-gh/applb) Applb is a tool to manage ELB v2(ALB). It defines the state of ELB v2(ALB) using DSL, and updates ELB v2(ALB) according to DSL. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'applb' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install applb ## Usage ``` export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' export AWS_REGION='ap-northeast-1' applb -e -o ALBfile # export ELB v2(ALB) vi ALBFile applb -a --dry-run applb -a # apply `ALBfile` to ELB ``` ## Help ``` Usage: applb [options] -h, --help Show help -v, --debug Show debug log -a, --apply apply DSL -e, --export export to DSL -n, --dry-run dry run -f, --file FILE use selected DSL file -s, --split split export DSL file to 1 per VPC --split-more split export DSL file to 1 per load balancer --no-color no color -i, --include-names NAMES include ELB v2(ALB) names -x, --exclude-names NAMES exclude ELB v2(ALB) names by regex ``` ## ALBfile ```ruby require 'other/albfile' ec2 "vpc-XXXXXXXX" do elb_v2 "my-app-load-balancer" do subnets( "subnet-XXXXXXXX", "subnet-YYYYYYYY", ) security_groups( "sg-XXXXXXXX", "sg-YYYYYYYY", ) scheme("internet-facing") # internal or internet-facing ip_address_type("ipv4") # ipv4 or dualstack attributes do # currently applb does not create bucket and set bucket policy. # you must create and set bucket policy by yourself. access_logs({ s3_enabled: false, s3_bucket: nil, s3_prefix: nil, }) idle_timeout timeout_seconds: 60 deletion_protection enabled: false end target_groups do target_group "my-target-group" do protocol "HTTP" # HTTP or HTTPS port 80 vpc_id "vpc-XXXXXXXX" health_check_interval_seconds 30 health_check_path "/healthcheck" health_check_port "traffic-port" # specify port number or use traffic-port which indicates the port on which each target receives traffic from the load balancer. health_check_protocol "HTTP" # HTTP or HTTPS health_check_timeout_seconds 5 healthy_threshold_count 5 unhealthy_threshold_count 2 matcher http_code: "200" end target_group "my-target-group2" do protocol "HTTP" port 80 vpc_id "vpc-XXXXXXXX" health_check_interval_seconds 30 health_check_path "/healthcheck" health_check_port "traffic-port" health_check_protocol "HTTP" health_check_timeout_seconds 5 healthy_threshold_count 5 unhealthy_threshold_count 2 matcher http_code: "200" # if needs multiple values set like 200,302 or 200-299 end end listeners do # https sample listener do # if multiple certificates is needed, call certificates method multiple times. # eg. # certificates certificate_arn: "[certificate arn1]" # certificates certificate_arn: "[certificate arn2]" certificates certificate_arn: "arn:aws:acm:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:certificate/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX" ssl_policy "ELBSecurityPolicy-2015-05" port 443 protocol "HTTPS" # HTTP or HTTPS default_actions( target_group_name: "my-target-group", # set target_group_name defined above # [optional] # needs this to avoid unnecessary call of create_target_group. target_group_arn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:targetgroup/my-target-group/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", type: "forward", ) rules do # no rules end end # http sample listener do port 80 protocol "HTTP" default_actions( target_group_name: "my-target-group", # [optional] # needs this to avoid unnecessary call of create_target_group. target_group_arn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:targetgroup/my-target-group/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", type: "forward", ) rules do rule do # caution! # rule_arn is needed to update rule_arn. # after created rule_arn you are strongly recommended to write rule_arn. rule_arn "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:listener-rule/app/my-app-load-balancer/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # caution! # currently priority is used by set_rule_priorities one by one. # this means if priority is conflicted each other, applb fails to modify rule. # so it is recommended to modify priority number that is not used yet. priority "3" actions( target_group_name: "my-target-group2", # [optional] # needs this to avoid unnecessary call of create_target_group. target_group_arn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:targetgroup/my-target-group2/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", type: "forward", ) conditions( field: "path-pattern", values: ["/admin/*"], # * for 0 or more characters and ? for exactly 1 character ) end rule do rule_arn "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:listener-rule/app/my-app-load-balancer/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"" priority "4" actions( target_group_name: "my-target-group2", # [optional] # needs this to avoid unnecessary call of create_target_group. target_group_arn: "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-northeast-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:targetgroup/my-target-group2/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", type: "forward", ) conditions( field: "path-pattern", values: ["/user/*"], ) end end end end end end ``` ## Use template ```ruby template "target_groups" do target_groups do target_group "my-target-group" do protocol "HTTP" port context.port || 80 # use default 80 or override with context value vpc_id "vpc-XXXXXXXX" health_check_interval_seconds 30 health_check_path "/healthcheck" health_check_port "traffic-port" health_check_protocol "HTTP" health_check_timeout_seconds 5 healthy_threshold_count 5 unhealthy_threshold_count 2 matcher http_code: "200" end end ec2 "vpc-XXXXXXXXX" do elb_v2 "my-app-load-balancer" do subnets( "subnet-XXXXXXXX", "subnet-YYYYYYYY", ) end include_template "target_groups", port: 80 end end ``` ## Test set your AWS arn for [spec/aws_config.yml.sample](https://github.com/wata-gh/applb/blob/master/spec/aws_config.yml.sample) and rename to spec/aws_config.yml. ## Similar tools * [Codenize.tools](http://codenize.tools/) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/wata-gh/applb. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).