require 'thor' require 'highline' require 'ec2ssh/ssh_config' require 'ec2ssh/exceptions' require 'ec2ssh/migrator' module Ec2ssh class CLI < Thor class_option :dotfile, banner: '$HOME/.ec2ssh', default: "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ec2ssh" class_option :verbose, banner: 'enable debug log', default: false desc 'init', 'Add ec2ssh mark to ssh_config' def init check_dotfile_version command = make_command :init rescue MarkAlreadyExists red "Marker already exists in #{command.ssh_config_path}" end desc 'update', 'Update ec2 hosts list in ssh_config' method_option :aws_key, banner: 'aws key name', default: 'default' def update check_dotfile_existence check_dotfile_version set_aws_logging command = make_command :update green "Updated #{command.ssh_config_path}" rescue AwsKeyNotFound red "Set aws keys at #{command.dotfile_path}" rescue MarkNotFound red "Marker not found in #{command.ssh_config_path}" red "Execute '#{$0} init' first!" end desc 'remove', 'Remove ec2ssh mark from ssh_config' def remove check_dotfile_existence check_dotfile_version command = make_command :remove green "Removed mark from #{command.ssh_config_path}" rescue MarkNotFound red "Marker not found in #{command.ssh_config_path}" end desc 'migrate', 'Migrate dotfile from old versions' def migrate command = make_command :migrate end desc 'version', 'Show version' def version require 'ec2ssh/version' puts "ec2ssh #{Ec2ssh::VERSION}" end no_tasks do def check_dotfile_version return unless File.exist?(options.dotfile) migrator = options.dotfile if migrator.check_version < '3' red "#{options.dotfile} is old style." red "Try '#{$0} migrate' to migrate to version 3" abort end end def check_dotfile_existence unless File.exist?(options.dotfile) red "#{options.dotfile} doesn't exist." red "Try '#{$0} init' to generate it or specify the path with --dotfile option" abort end end def make_command(cmd) require "ec2ssh/command/#{cmd}" cls = eval "Ec2ssh::Command::#{cmd.capitalize}" end def set_aws_logging if options.verbose require 'logger' require 'aws-sdk' logger =$stdout) logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG ::AWS.config logger: logger end end def hl @hl ||= end [:red,:green,:yellow].each do |col| define_method(col) do |str| puts hl.color(str, col) end end end end end