require 'spec_helper' describe ApplicationHelper do let(:image_pid) { 'bpl-dev:h702q641c' } describe '#render_format' do it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.render_format('Albums')).to eq('Albums/Scrapbooks') expect(helper.render_format('Correspondence')).to eq('Letters/Correspondence') end end describe '#render_format_index' do let(:opts) { {value: ['Maps']} } it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.render_format_index(opts)).to eq('Maps/Atlases') end end describe '#render_object_icon_path' do it 'should return the right value' do expect(helper.render_object_icon_path('sound recording')).to eq('commonwealth-vlr-engine/dc_audio-icon.png') expect(helper.render_object_icon_path('dfsdsdg')).to eq('commonwealth-vlr-engine/dc_text-icon.png') end end describe '#date_range_constraints_to_s' do let(:sample_params) { {date_start: '1970', date_end: '2000'} } it 'should return the right string' do expect(helper.date_range_constraints_to_s(sample_params)).to eq('1970-2000') end end describe '#link_to_facet' do it 'should create a link to catalog#index with the facet params and display value' do expect(helper.link_to_facet('foo', 'bar_ssim', 'baz')).to include('search?f%5Bbar_ssim%5D%5B%5D=foo">baz') end it 'should use render_format if the field_name is "genre_basic_ssim"' do expect(helper.link_to_facet('Albums', 'genre_basic_ssim')).to include('search?f%5Bgenre_basic_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Albums">Albums/Scrapbooks') end end describe '#link_to_facets' do it 'should create a link to catalog#index with the facet params' do expect(helper.link_to_facets(['foo', 'baz'], ['bar_ssim', 'quux_ssim'])).to include('f%5Bbar_ssim%5D%5B%5D=foo&f%5Bquux_ssim%5D%5B%5D=baz') end end describe '#link_to_county_facet' do it 'should create a link to catalog#index with the facet params and display value' do expect(helper.link_to_county_facet('Foo', 'county_ssim')).to include('f%5Bcounty_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Foo+%28county%29">Foo County') end end describe '#datastream_disseminator_url' do it 'should create a path to the Fedora datastream' do expect(helper.datastream_disseminator_url(image_pid, 'accessMaster')).to eq("#{FEDORA_URL['url']}/objects/#{image_pid}/datastreams/accessMaster/content") end end describe '#iiif_image_tag' do it 'should create an image tag with a IIIF URI as the href' do expect(helper.iiif_image_tag(image_pid, {})).to include("#{IIIF_SERVER['url']}#{image_pid}/full/full/0/default.jpg") end end describe '#iiif_image_url' do it 'should return a IIIF URI' do expect(helper.iiif_image_url(image_pid, {size: 'pct:50', region: '0,0,100,100'})).to include("#{IIIF_SERVER['url']}#{image_pid}/0,0,100,100/pct:50/0/default.jpg") end end describe '#iiif_square_img_path' do it 'should return a IIIF URI to a square image' do expect(helper.iiif_square_img_path(image_pid, '300')).to include("#{IIIF_SERVER['url']}#{image_pid}/0,476,1496,1496/300,300/0/default.jpg") end end describe '#get_image_metadata' do it 'should return a hash with the height and width of the image' do expect(helper.get_image_metadata(image_pid)).to eq({height: 2448, width: 1496}) end describe 'when IIIF server is unresponsive' do it 'should return a hash with the height and width of the image set to 0' do expect(helper.get_image_metadata('bpl-dev:xyz1234')).to eq({height: 0, width: 0}) end end end describe 'content_for(:head) helpers' do # TODO: replace these placeholders with real specs describe '#insert_opengraph_markup' do it 'should render the catalog/opengraph partial' #do #expect(helper.insert_opengraph_markup).to eq(???) #end end describe '#insert_google_analytics' do it 'should render the layouts/google_analytics partial' #do #expect(helper.insert_google_analytics).to eq(???}) #end end end describe '#osd_nav_images' do it 'should return a hash with the path to the OpenSeadragon control images' do expect(JSON.parse(helper.osd_nav_images('path/to/directory'))['zoomIn']['REST']).to eq('/images/path/to/directory/zoomin_rest.png') end end end