require 'logger' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/actions_executor' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/logger_helpers' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/nodes_handler' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/parallel_threads' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/plugins' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/test' require 'hybrid_platforms_conductor/test_report' module HybridPlatformsConductor # Class running tests class TestsRunner include ParallelThreads include LoggerHelpers # List of tests to execute [default: []] # Array attr_accessor :tests # List of reports to use [default: []] # Array attr_accessor :reports # Do we skip running check-node? [default: false] # Boolean attr_accessor :skip_run # Number of threads max to use for tests connecting to nodes [default: 64] # Integer attr_accessor :max_threads_connection_on_nodes # Number of threads max to use for tests running at node level [default: 8] # Integer attr_accessor :max_threads_nodes # Number of threads max to use for tests running at platform level [default: 8] # Integer attr_accessor :max_threads_platforms # Constructor # # Parameters:: # * *logger* (Logger): Logger to be used [default:] # * *logger_stderr* (Logger): Logger to be used for stderr [default:] # * *config* (Config): Config to be used. [default:] # * *cmd_runner* (Cmdrunner): CmdRunner to be used [default:] # * *platforms_handler* (PlatformsHandler): Platforms handler to be used [default:] # * *nodes_handler* (NodesHandler): Nodes handler to be used [default:] # * *actions_executor* (ActionsExecutor): Actions Executor to be used for the tests [default:] # * *deployer* (Deployer): Deployer to be used for the tests needed why-run deployments [default:] def initialize( logger:$stdout), logger_stderr:$stderr), config:, cmd_runner:, platforms_handler:, nodes_handler:, actions_executor:, deployer: ) init_loggers(logger, logger_stderr) @config = config @cmd_runner = cmd_runner @platforms_handler = platforms_handler @nodes_handler = nodes_handler @actions_executor = actions_executor @deployer = deployer @platforms_handler.inject_dependencies(nodes_handler: @nodes_handler, actions_executor: @actions_executor) Test.nodes_handler = nodes_handler @tests_plugins =, logger: @logger, logger_stderr: @logger_stderr) # The list of tests reports plugins, with their associated class # Hash< Symbol, Class > @reports_plugins =, logger: @logger, logger_stderr: @logger_stderr) # Register test classes from platforms @platforms_handler.known_platforms.each do |platform| next unless platform.respond_to?(:tests) platform.tests.each do |test_name, test_class| @tests_plugins[test_name] = test_class end end # Do we skip running check-node? @skip_run = false # List of tests to be performed @tests = [] # List of reports to be used @reports = [] @max_threads_connection_on_nodes = 64 @max_threads_nodes = 8 @max_threads_platforms = 8 end # Complete an option parser with options meant to control this tests runner # # Parameters:: # * *options_parser* (OptionParser): The option parser to complete def options_parse(options_parser) options_parser.separator '' options_parser.separator 'Tests runner options:' options_parser.on('-i', '--tests-list FILE_NAME', 'Specify a tests file name. The file should contain a list of tests name (1 per line). Can be used several times.') do |file_name| @tests.concat( split("\n"). reject { |line| line.strip.empty? || line =~ /^#.+/ }. map(&:to_sym) ) end options_parser.on('-k', '--skip-run', 'Skip running the check-node commands for real, and just analyze existing run logs.') do @skip_run = true end options_parser.on('-r', '--report REPORT', "Specify a report name. Can be used several times. Can be all for all reports. Possible values: #{@reports_plugins.keys.sort.join(', ')} (defaults to stdout).") do |report| @reports << report.to_sym end options_parser.on('-t', '--test TEST', "Specify a test name. Can be used several times. Can be all for all tests. Possible values: #{@tests_plugins.keys.sort.join(', ')} (defaults to all).") do |test_name| @tests << test_name.to_sym end options_parser.on('--max-threads-connections NBR_THREADS', "Specify the max number of threads to parallelize tests connecting on nodes (defaults to #{@max_threads_connection_on_nodes}).") do |nbr_threads| @max_threads_connection_on_nodes = Integer(nbr_threads) end options_parser.on('--max-threads-nodes NBR_THREADS', "Specify the max number of threads to parallelize tests at node level (defaults to #{@max_threads_nodes}).") do |nbr_threads| @max_threads_nodes = Integer(nbr_threads) end options_parser.on('--max-threads-platforms NBR_THREADS', "Specify the max number of threads to parallelize tests at platform level (defaults to #{@max_threads_platforms}).") do |nbr_threads| @max_threads_platforms = Integer(nbr_threads) end end # Run the tests for a defined list of nodes selectors # # Parameters:: # * *nodes_selectors* (Array): List of nodes selectors on which tests should be run # Result:: # * Integer: An exit code: # * 0: Successful. # * 1: Some tests have failed. def run_tests(nodes_selectors) # Compute the resolved list of tests to perform @tests << :all if @tests.empty? @tests = @tests_plugins.keys if @tests.include?(:all) @tests.uniq! @tests.sort! @reports = [:stdout] if @reports.empty? @reports = @reports_plugins.keys if @reports.include?(:all) @reports.uniq! @reports.sort! unknown_tests = @tests - @tests_plugins.keys raise "Unknown test names: #{unknown_tests.join(', ')}" unless unknown_tests.empty? @nodes = @nodes_handler.select_nodes(nodes_selectors).uniq.sort # Resolve the expected failures from the config. # Expected failures at node level # Hash< Symbol, Hash< String, String > > # Hash< test_name, Hash< node, reason > > @node_expected_failures = {} @config.expected_failures.each do |expected_failure_info| selected_nodes = @nodes_handler.select_from_nodes_selector_stack(expected_failure_info[:nodes_selectors_stack]) expected_failure_info[:tests].each do |test_name| @node_expected_failures[test_name] = {} unless @node_expected_failures.key?(test_name) selected_nodes.each do |node| if @node_expected_failures[test_name].key?(node) @node_expected_failures[test_name][node] += " + #{expected_failure_info[:reason]}" else @node_expected_failures[test_name][node] = expected_failure_info[:reason] end end end end # Expected failures at platform level # Hash< Symbol, Hash< String, String > > # Hash< test_name, Hash< platform, reason > > @platform_expected_failures = {} @platforms_handler.known_platforms.each do |platform| platform_nodes = platform.known_nodes @node_expected_failures.each do |test_name, expected_failures_for_test| next unless (platform_nodes - expected_failures_for_test.keys).empty? # We have an expected failure for this test @platform_expected_failures[test_name] = {} unless @platform_expected_failures.key?(test_name) @platform_expected_failures[test_name][] = expected_failures_for_test.values.uniq.join(' + ') end end # Keep a list of all tests that have run for the report # Array< Test > @tests_run = [] run_tests_global run_tests_platform run_tests_for_nodes run_tests_connection_on_nodes run_tests_on_check_nodes @tested_platforms = # Check that tests that were expected to fail did not succeed. @tests_run.each do |test| next unless test.executed? expected_failure = test.expected_failure if expected_failure if test.errors.empty? # Should have failed error( "Test #{test} was marked to fail (#{expected_failure}) but it succeeded. Please remove it from the expected failures in case the issue has been resolved.", platform: test.platform, node: test.node, force_failure: true ) else out "Expected failure for #{test} (#{expected_failure}):\n#{ { |error| " - #{error}" }.join("\n")}".yellow end end end # If all tests were executed, make sure that there are no expected failures that have not even been tested. if @tests_plugins.keys - @tests == [] @node_expected_failures.each do |test_name, test_expected_failures| test_expected_failures.each do |node, expected_failure| # Check that a test has been run for this expected failure error("A test named #{test_name} for node #{node} was expected to fail (#{expected_failure}), but no test has been run. Please remove it from the expected failures if this expected failure is obsolete.") unless @tests_run.find do |test| == test_name && ( (test.node.nil? && node == '') || (!test.node.nil? && node == test.node) ) end end end end # Produce reports @reports.each do |report| @reports_plugins[report].new(@logger, @logger_stderr, @config, @nodes_handler, @nodes, @tested_platforms, @tests_run).report rescue log_error "Uncaught exception while producing report #{report}: #{$ERROR_INFO}\n#{$ERROR_INFO.backtrace.join("\n")}" end out if @tests_run.all? { |test| test.errors.empty? || !test.expected_failure.nil? } out '===== No unexpected errors ====='.green.bold 0 else out '===== Some errors were found. Check output. ====='.red.bold 1 end end private # Report an error, linked eventually to a given platform or node # # Parameters:: # * *message* (String): Error to be logged # * *platform* (PlatformHandler or nil): PlatformHandler for a platform's test, or nil for a global or node test [default: nil] # * *node* (String): Node for which the test is instantiated, or nil if global or platform [default: nil] # * *force_failure* (Boolean): If true, then ignore expected failures for this error [default: false] def error(message, platform: nil, node: nil, force_failure: false) global_test = new_test(nil, platform: platform, node: node, ignore_expected_failure: force_failure) global_test.errors << message global_test.executed @tests_run << global_test end # Instantiate a new test # # Parameters:: # * *test_name* (Symbol or nil): Test name to instantiate, or nil for unnamed tests # * *platform* (PlatformHandler or nil): PlatformHandler for a platform's test, or nil for a global or node test [default: nil] # * *node* (String or nil): Node for a node's test, or nil for a global or platform test [default: nil] # * *ignore_expected_failure* (Boolean): If true, then ignore expected failures for this error [default: false] # Result:: # * Test: Corresponding test def new_test(test_name, platform: nil, node: nil, ignore_expected_failure: false) (test_name.nil? ? Test : @tests_plugins[test_name]).new( logger: @logger, logger_stderr: @logger_stderr, config: @config, cmd_runner: @cmd_runner, nodes_handler: @nodes_handler, actions_executor: @actions_executor, deployer: @deployer, name: test_name.nil? ? :global : test_name, platform: platform, node: node, # Keep this else on purpose to show where global tests could have expected failures # rubocop:disable Style/EmptyElse # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch expected_failure: if ignore_expected_failure nil elsif !node.nil? # Node test @node_expected_failures.dig(test_name.nil? ? 'global' : test_name, node) elsif !platform.nil? # Platform test @platform_expected_failures.dig(test_name.nil? ? 'global' : test_name, else # Global test nil end # rubocop:enable Lint/DuplicateBranch # rubocop:enable Style/EmptyElse ) end # Run a test method on a set of test subjects. # Provide harmonized logging, timings, exception handling... # Make sure the tests should be run before running it. # # Parameters:: # * *title* (String): The title of such tests # * *test_method* (Symbol): The test method to run (defined in tests plugins) # * *test_subjects* (Array< Hash >): List of test subjects. A test subject is defined as properties mapping the signature of the should_test_be_run_on and new_test methods. # * *nbr_threads_max* (Integer): If > 1 then run the tests in parallel (with a limit in nuber of threads fixed by the value). Only when debug mode is false. [default: 1] # * *tests_preparation* (Proc or nil): Code called to prepare tests, once test subjects have been selected, or nil if none [default: nil] # * Parameters:: # * *selected_tests* (Array): List of selected tests. # * *test_execution* (Proc): Code called to execute a test. Defaults to calling the test_method method on the test instance # * Parameters:: # * *test* (Test): The test instance to be executed def run_tests_on_subjects( title, test_method, test_subjects, nbr_threads_max: 1, tests_preparation: nil, test_execution: proc { |test| test.send(test_method) } ) # Gather the list of tests to execute tests_to_run = do |test_name| if @tests_plugins[test_name].method_defined?(test_method) do |test_subject| should_test_be_run_on(test_name, **test_subject) ? new_test(test_name, **test_subject) : nil end.compact else [] end end.flatten return if tests_to_run.empty? section "Run #{tests_to_run.size} #{title}" do tests_preparation&.call(tests_to_run) for_each_element_in( tests_to_run, parallel: !log_debug? && nbr_threads_max > 1, nbr_threads_max: nbr_threads_max, progress: "Run #{title}" ) do |test| test_category = if test.platform.nil? && test.node.nil? 'Global' elsif test.node.nil? "Platform #{}" elsif test.platform.nil? "Node #{test.node}" else "Platform #{} / Node #{test.node}" end out "[ #{'%F %T')} ] - [ #{test_category} ] - [ #{} ] - Start test..." begin_time = begin rescue test.error "Uncaught exception during test: #{$ERROR_INFO}", $ERROR_INFO.backtrace.join("\n") end end_time = test.executed out "[ #{'%F %T')} ] - [ #{test_category} ] - [ #{} ] - Test finished in #{end_time - begin_time} seconds." end @tests_run.concat(tests_to_run) end end # Run tests that are global def run_tests_global run_tests_on_subjects( 'global tests', :test, [{}] ) end # Run tests that are platform specific def run_tests_platform run_tests_on_subjects( 'platform tests', :test_on_platform, { |platform| { platform: platform } }, nbr_threads_max: @max_threads_platforms ) end # Timeout in seconds given to the connection itself # Integer CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 20 # Timeout in seconds given to a command by default # Integer DEFAULT_CMD_TIMEOUT = 5 # Separator used to differentiate different commands executed in stdout. # It's important that this separator could not be the result of any command output. # String CMD_SEPARATOR = '===== TEST COMMAND EXECUTION ===== Separator generated by Hybrid Platforms Conductor test framework =====' # Run tests that are node specific and require a connection to the node def run_tests_connection_on_nodes run_tests_on_subjects( 'connected tests', :test_on_node, { |node| { node: node } }, tests_preparation: proc do |selected_tests| # Gather the list of commands to be run on each node with their corresponding test info, per node # Hash< String, Array< [ String, Hash ] > > @cmds_to_run = {} selected_tests.each do |test| test.test_on_node.each do |cmd, test_info| test_info_normalized = test_info.is_a?(Hash) ? test_info.clone : { validator: test_info } test_info_normalized[:timeout] = DEFAULT_CMD_TIMEOUT unless test_info_normalized.key?(:timeout) test_info_normalized[:test] = test @cmds_to_run[test.node] = [] unless @cmds_to_run.key?(test.node) @cmds_to_run[test.node] << [ cmd, test_info_normalized ] end rescue test.error "Uncaught exception during test preparation: #{$ERROR_INFO}", $ERROR_INFO.backtrace.join("\n") test.executed end # Compute the timeout that will be applied, from the max timeout sum for every node that has tests to run timeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT + ( do |_node, cmds_list| cmds_list.inject(0) { |total_timeout, (_cmd, test_info)| test_info[:timeout] + total_timeout } end.max || 0 ) # Run commands on nodes, in grouped way to avoid too many connections, per node # Hash< String, Array > @test_cmds = @cmds_to_run.transform_values do |cmds_list| { remote_bash: do |(cmd, _test_info)| [ "echo '#{CMD_SEPARATOR}'", ">&2 echo '#{CMD_SEPARATOR}'", cmd, 'echo "$?"' ] end.flatten } end section "Run test commands on #{@test_cmds.keys.size} connected nodes (timeout to #{timeout} secs)" do start_time = @actions_executor.max_threads = @max_threads_connection_on_nodes @actions_result = @actions_executor.execute_actions( @test_cmds, concurrent: !log_debug?, log_to_dir: nil, log_to_stdout: log_debug?, timeout: timeout ) log_debug "----- Total commands executed in #{( - start_time).round(1)} secs" end end, test_execution: proc do |test| exit_status, stdout, stderr = @actions_result[test.node] unless exit_status.nil? if exit_status.is_a?(Symbol) test.error "Error while executing tests: #{exit_status}: #{stderr}" else log_debug <<~EO_LOG ----- Commands for #{test.node}: #{@test_cmds[test.node][:remote_bash].join("\n")} ----- STDOUT: #{stdout} ----- STDERR: #{stderr} ----- EO_LOG # Skip the first section, as it can contain SSH banners cmd_stdouts = stdout.split("#{CMD_SEPARATOR}\n")[1..] cmd_stdouts = [] if cmd_stdouts.nil? cmd_stderrs = stderr.split("#{CMD_SEPARATOR}\n")[1..] cmd_stderrs = [] if cmd_stderrs.nil? @cmds_to_run[test.node].zip(cmd_stdouts, cmd_stderrs).each do |(cmd, test_info), cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr| # Find the section that corresponds to this test next unless test_info[:test] == test cmd_stdout = '' if cmd_stdout.nil? cmd_stderr = '' if cmd_stderr.nil? stdout_lines = cmd_stdout.split("\n") # Last line of stdout is the return code return_code = stdout_lines.empty? ? :command_cant_run : Integer(stdout_lines.last) test.error "Command '#{cmd}' returned error code #{return_code}", "----- STDOUT:\n#{stdout_lines[0..-2].join("\n")}\n----- STDERR:\n#{cmd_stderr}" unless test_info[:validator].call(stdout_lines[0..-2], cmd_stderr.split("\n"), return_code) end end end end ) end # Run tests that are node specific def run_tests_for_nodes run_tests_on_subjects( 'node tests', :test_for_node, { |node| { node: node } }, nbr_threads_max: @max_threads_nodes ) end # Timeout in seconds given to a check-node run # Integer CHECK_NODE_TIMEOUT = 30 * 60 # 30 minutes # Run tests that use check-node results def run_tests_on_check_nodes run_tests_on_subjects( 'check-node tests', :test_on_check_node, { |node| { node: node } }, tests_preparation: proc do |selected_tests| nodes_to_test = @outputs = if @skip_run nodes_to_test.to_h do |node| run_log_file_name = "#{@config.hybrid_platforms_dir}/run_logs/#{node}.stdout" [ node, # TODO: Find a way to also save stderr and the status code [0, File.exist?(run_log_file_name) ? : nil, ''] ] end else # Why-run deploy on all nodes @deployer.concurrent_execution = !log_debug? @deployer.use_why_run = true @deployer.timeout = CHECK_NODE_TIMEOUT begin @deployer.deploy_on(nodes_to_test) rescue # If an exception occurred, make sure all concerned nodes are reporting the error nodes_to_test.each do |node| error "Error while checking check-node output: #{$ERROR_INFO}#{log_debug? ? "\n#{$ERROR_INFO.backtrace.join("\n")}" : ''}", node: node end {} end end end, test_execution: proc do |test| exit_status, stdout, stderr = @outputs[test.node] if stdout.nil? test.error 'No check-node log file found despite the run of check-node.' elsif stdout.is_a?(Symbol) test.error "Check-node run failed: #{stdout}." else test.error "Check-node returned error code #{exit_status}" unless begin test.test_on_check_node(stdout, stderr, exit_status) rescue test.error "Uncaught exception during test: #{$ERROR_INFO}", $ERROR_INFO.backtrace.join("\n") end end end ) end # Should the given test name be run on a given node or platform? # # Parameters:: # * *test_name* (String): The test name. # * *node* (String or nil): Node name, or nil for a platform or global test. [default: nil] # * *platform* (PlatformHandler or nil): Platform or nil for a node or global test. [default: nil] # Result:: # * Boolean: Should the given test name be run on a given node or platform? def should_test_be_run_on(test_name, node: nil, platform: nil) if !node.nil? (@tests_plugins[test_name].only_on_nodes || [node]).any? do |allowed_node| allowed_node.is_a?(String) ? allowed_node == node : node.match(allowed_node) end elsif !platform.nil? (@tests_plugins[test_name].only_on_platforms || [platform.platform_type]).include?(platform.platform_type) else # Global tests should always be run true end end end end