require "smsforall/version" require 'net/http' require 'cgi' require 'digest' require 'json' # Main module for Smsforall API class module Smsforall # Class for interaction with API class Sms attr_reader :username, :password, :api # Initialize Sms-API class. For testing purporoses set mode to :test def initialize(username, password, mode=:production) @username = username @password = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password) modes = {:production => "/api/", :test => "/testapi/"} @api = modes[mode] end # Return user balance def get_balance() do_request("balance", {})["balance"] end # Send message def send_message(sender,text,msisdn) do_request("send", { :msisdn => msisdn, :sender => sender, :text => text })["transactionid"] end # Get status of transaction def get_status(transactionid) do_request("status", { :transactionid => transactionid }) end private # Simple HTTP GET request wrapper def http_get(domain,path,params) return Net::HTTP.get(domain, "#{path}?".concat(params.collect { |k,v| "#{k}=#{CGI::escape(v.to_s)}" }.join('&'))) if not params.nil? return Net::HTTP.get(domain, path) end # Convert hash to inner signature format def to_signature(parameters){|k,v| "#{v}"}.join('') end # Send request to smsforall def do_request(action,parameters) request_parameters = { :action => action, :login => @username}.merge(parameters) signature = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( to_signature( request_parameters.merge({:password => @password}) ) ) request_parameters["signature"] = signature result = JSON.parse(http_get("",@api,request_parameters.merge(parameters) )) end end end