# ISO <> MD_DataIdentification # writer output in XML # History: # Stan Smith 2013-08-26 original script # Stan Smith 2013-09-18 add descriptive keywords # Stan Smith 2013-11-01 add constraints # Stan Smith 2013-11-08 add extents # Stan Smith 2013-11-21 add taxonomy # Stan Smith 2013-11-22 add metadata extension # Stan Smith 2013-11-25 add resource usage # Stan Smith 2013-11-25 add spatial resolution # Stan Smith 2014-05-15 modify to support JSON schema version 0.4.0 # Stan Smith 2014-05-21 added aggregate information section # Stan Smith 2014-07-08 modify require statements to function in RubyGem structure require 'code_progress' require 'code_topicCategory' require 'code_spatialRepresentationType' require 'class_citation' require 'class_responsibleParty' require 'class_maintenanceInformation' require 'class_browseGraphic' require 'class_format' require 'class_keyword' require 'class_usage' require 'class_useConstraints' require 'class_legalConstraints' require 'class_securityConstraints' require 'class_aggregateInformation' require 'class_taxonSystem' require 'class_resolution' require 'class_extent' class MD_DataIdentification def initialize(xml) @xml = xml end def writeXML(hDataId, aAssocRes) # codes used by MD_Metadata progressCode = MD_ProgressCode.new(@xml) spatialCode = MD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode.new(@xml) topicCode = MD_TopicCategoryCode.new(@xml) # classes used by MD_Metadata citationClass = CI_Citation.new(@xml) rPartyClass = CI_ResponsibleParty.new(@xml) mInfoClass = MD_MaintenanceInformation.new(@xml) bGraphicClass = MD_BrowseGraphic.new(@xml) rFormatClass = MD_Format.new(@xml) keywordClass = MD_Keywords.new(@xml) useClass = MD_Usage.new(@xml) uConClass = MD_Constraints.new(@xml) lConClass = MD_LegalConstraints.new(@xml) sConClass = MD_SecurityConstraints.new(@xml) aggInfoClass = MD_AggregateInformation.new(@xml) taxClass = MD_TaxonSys.new(@xml) resolutionClass = MD_Resolution.new(@xml) extentClass = EX_Extent.new(@xml) # data identification @xml.tag!('gmd:MD_DataIdentification') do # data identification - citation - required hCitation = hDataId[:citation] if hCitation.empty? @xml.tag!('gmd:citation', {'gco:nilReason' => 'missing'}) else @xml.tag!('gmd:citation') do citationClass.writeXML(hCitation) end end # data identification - abstract - required s = hDataId[:abstract] if s.nil? @xml.tag!('gmd:abstract', {'gco:nilReason' => 'missing'}) else @xml.tag!('gmd:abstract') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', s) end end # data identification - purpose s = hDataId[:purpose] if !s.nil? @xml.tag!('gmd:purpose') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', s) end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:purpose') end # data identification - credit aCredits = hDataId[:credits] if !aCredits.empty? aCredits.each do |credit| @xml.tag!('gmd:credit') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', credit) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:credit') end # data identification - status - required s = hDataId[:status] if s.nil? @xml.tag!('gmd:status', {'gco:nilReason' => 'missing'}) else @xml.tag!('gmd:status') do progressCode.writeXML(s) end end # data identification - point of contact aPOCs = hDataId[:pointsOfContact] if !aPOCs.empty? aPOCs.each do |hPContact| @xml.tag!('gmd:pointOfContact') do rPartyClass.writeXML(hPContact) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:pointOfContact') end # data identification - resource maintenance aMaintInfo = hDataId[:resourceMaint] if !aMaintInfo.empty? aMaintInfo.each do |hResMaintInfo| @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceMaintenance') do mInfoClass.writeXML(hResMaintInfo) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceMaintenance') end # data identification - graphic overview aGOverview = hDataId[:graphicOverview] if !aGOverview.empty? aGOverview.each do |graphic| gLink = graphic[:bGURI] attributes = {} attributes['xlink:href'] = gLink if gLink @xml.tag!('gmd:graphicOverview', attributes) do bGraphicClass.writeXML(graphic) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:graphicOverview') end # data identification - resource format aResFormats = hDataId[:resourceFormats] if !aResFormats.empty? aResFormats.each do |hResFormat| @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceFormat') do rFormatClass.writeXML(hResFormat) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceFormat') end # data identification - descriptive keywords aDesKeywords = hDataId[:descriptiveKeywords] if !aDesKeywords.empty? aDesKeywords.each do |hDKeyword| @xml.tag!('gmd:descriptiveKeywords') do keywordClass.writeXML(hDKeyword) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:descriptiveKeywords') end # data identification - resource specific usage aResUses = hDataId[:resourceUses] if !aResUses.empty? aResUses.each do |hResUse| @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceSpecificUsage') do useClass.writeXML(hResUse) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceSpecificUsage') end # data identification - resource constraints - use constraints aUseLimits = hDataId[:useConstraints] if !aUseLimits.empty? @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceConstraints') do uConClass.writeXML(aUseLimits) end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceConstraints') do @xml.tag!('gmd:MD_Constraints') end end # data identification - resource constraints - legal constraints aLegalCons = hDataId[:legalConstraints] if !aLegalCons.empty? aLegalCons.each do |hLegalCon| @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceConstraints') do lConClass.writeXML(hLegalCon) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceConstraints') do @xml.tag!('gmd:MD_LegalConstraints') end end # data identification - resource constraints - security constraints # empty tag cannot be shown for security constraints - XSD issue aSecurityCons = hDataId[:securityConstraints] unless aSecurityCons.empty? aSecurityCons.each do |hSecCon| @xml.tag!('gmd:resourceConstraints') do sConClass.writeXML(hSecCon) end end end # data identification - aggregate information if !aAssocRes.empty? aAssocRes.each do |hAssocRes| @xml.tag!('gmd:aggregationInfo') do aggInfoClass.writeXML(hAssocRes) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:aggregationInfo') end # data identification - taxonomy hTaxonomy = hDataId[:taxonomy] if !hTaxonomy.empty? @xml.tag!('gmd:taxonomy') do taxClass.writeXML(hTaxonomy) end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:taxonomy') end # data identification - spatial representation type aSpatialType = hDataId[:spatialRepresentationTypes] if !aSpatialType.empty? aSpatialType.each do |spType| @xml.tag!('gmd:spatialRepresentationType') do spatialCode.writeXML(spType) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:spatialRepresentationType') end # data identification - spatial resolution aSpatialRes = hDataId[:spatialResolutions] if !aSpatialRes.empty? aSpatialRes.each do |hSpRes| @xml.tag!('gmd:spatialResolution') do resolutionClass.writeXML(hSpRes) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:spatialResolution') end # data identification - language - required - default of english applied aLanguages = hDataId[:resourceLanguages] if !aLanguages.empty? aLanguages.each do |language| @xml.tag!('gmd:language') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', language) end end else @xml.tag!('gmd:language') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', 'eng; USA') end end # data identification - topic category aTopics = hDataId[:topicCategories] if !aTopics.empty? aTopics.each do |spType| @xml.tag!('gmd:topicCategory') do topicCode.writeXML(spType) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:topicCategory') end # data identification - environment description s = hDataId[:environmentDescription] if !s.nil? @xml.tag!('gmd:environmentDescription') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', s) end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:environmentDescription') end # data identification - extent aExtents = hDataId[:extents] if !aExtents.empty? aExtents.each do |hExtent| @xml.tag!('gmd:extent') do extentClass.writeXML(hExtent) end end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:extent') end # data identification - supplemental info s = hDataId[:supplementalInfo] if !s.nil? @xml.tag!('gmd:supplementalInformation') do @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', s) end elsif $showAllTags @xml.tag!('gmd:supplementalInformation') end end end end