# frozen_string_literal: true
module HybridAnalysis
module Clients
class QuickScan < Client
# return list of available scanners
# @return [Array]
def state
_get("/quick-scan/state") { |json| json }
# submit a file for quick scan, you can check results in overview endpoint
# @param [String] scan_type Type of scan, please see /quick-scan/state to see available scanners
# @param [String] file File to submit
# @param [Boolean, nil] no_share_third_party When set to 'true', the sample is never shared with any third party. Default: true
# @param [Boolean, nil] allow_community_access When set to 'true', the sample will be available for the community. Default: true (Note: when 'no_share_third_party' is set to 'false', it won't be possible to set different value than 'true')
# @param [String, nil] comment Optional comment text that may be associated with the submission/sample (Note: you can use #tags here)
# @param [String, nil] submit_name Optional 'submission name' field that will be used for file type detection and analysis
# @return [Hash]
def file(scan_type:, file:, no_share_third_party: nil, allow_community_access: nil, comment: nil, submit_name: nil)
name = File.basename(file)
data = File.read(file)
params = {
scan_type: scan_type,
no_share_third_party: no_share_third_party,
allow_community_access: allow_community_access,
comment: comment,
submit_name: submit_name
_post_with_file("/quick-scan/file", file: data, filename: name, params: params) { |json| json }
# submit a website's url or url with file for analysis
# @param [String] scan_type type of scan, please see /quick-scan/state to see available scanners
# @param [String] url website's url or url with file to submit
# @param [Boolean, nil] no_share_third_party When set to 'true', the sample is never shared with any third party. Default: true
# @param [Boolean, nil] allow_community_access When set to 'true', the sample will be available for the community. Default: true (Note: when 'no_share_third_party' is set to 'false', it won't be possible to set different value than 'true')
# @param [String, nil] comment Optional comment text that may be associated with the submission/sample (Note: you can use #tags here)
# @param [String, nil] submit_name Optional 'submission name' field that will be used for file type detection and analysis
# @return [Hash]
def url(scan_type:, url:, no_share_third_party: nil, allow_community_access: nil, comment: nil, submit_name: nil)
params = {
scan_type: scan_type,
url: url,
no_share_third_party: no_share_third_party,
allow_community_access: allow_community_access,
comment: comment,
submit_name: submit_name
_post("/quick-scan/url", params) { |json| json }
# some scanners need time to process file, if in response `finished` is set to false, then you need use this endpoint to get final results
# @param [String] id id of scan
# @return [Hash]
def get(id)
_get("/quick-scan/#{id}") { |json| json }
# convert quick scan to sandbox report
# @param [String] id ID of quick scan to convert
# @param [Integer, nil] environment_id Environment ID. Available environments ID: 300: 'Linux (Ubuntu 16.04, 64 bit)', 200: 'Android Static Analysis', 120: 'Windows 7 64 bit', 110: 'Windows 7 32 bit (HWP Support)', 100: 'Windows 7 32 bit'
# @param [Boolean, nil] no_hash_lookup Default: false
# @param [String, nil] action_script Optional custom runtime action script. Available runtime scripts: **default**, **default_maxantievasion**, **default_randomfiles**, **default_randomtheme**, **default_openie**
# @param [Boolean, nil] hybrid_analysis When set to 'false', no memory dumps or memory dump analysis will take place. Default: true
# @param [Boolean, nil] experimental_anti_evasion When set to 'true', will set all experimental anti-evasion options of the Kernelmode Monitor. Default: false
# @param [Boolean, nil] script_logging When set to 'true', will set the in-depth script logging engine of the Kernelmode Monitor. Default: false
# @param [Boolean, nil] input_sample_tampering When set to 'true', will allow experimental anti-evasion options of the Kernelmode Monitor that tamper with the input sample. Default: false
# @param [Boolean, nil] tor_enabled_analysis When set to 'true', will route the network traffic for the analysis via TOR (if properly configured on the server). Default: false
# @param [Boolean, nil] offline_analysis When set to “true”, will disable outbound network traffic for the guest VM (takes precedence over ‘tor_enabled_analysis’ if both are provided). Default: false
# @param [String, nil] email Optional E-Mail address that may be associated with the submission for notification
# @param [String, nil] comment Optional comment text that may be associated with the submission/sample (Note: you can use #tags here)
# @param [String, nil] custom_date_time Optional custom date/time that can be set for the analysis system. Expected format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
# @param [String, nil] custom_cmd_line Optional commandline that should be passed to the analysis file
# @param [Integer, nil] custom_run_time Optional runtime duration (in seconds)
# @param [String, nil] submit_name Optional 'submission name' field that will be used for file type detection and analysis
# @param [String, nil] document_password Optional document password that will be used to fill-in Adobe/Office password prompts
# @param [String, nil] environment_variable Optional system environment value. The value is provided in the format: name=value
# @return [Hash]
def convert_to_full(id, environment_id:, no_hash_lookup: nil, action_script: nil, hybrid_analysis: nil, experimental_anti_evasion: nil, script_logging: nil, input_sample_tampering: nil, tor_enabled_analysis: nil, offline_analysis: nil, email: nil, comment: nil, custom_date_time: nil, custom_cmd_line: nil, custom_run_time: nil, submit_name: nil, document_password: nil, environment_variable: nil)
params = {
environment_id: environment_id,
no_hash_lookup: no_hash_lookup,
action_script: action_script,
hybrid_analysis: hybrid_analysis,
experimental_anti_evasion: experimental_anti_evasion,
script_logging: script_logging,
input_sample_tampering: input_sample_tampering,
tor_enabled_analysis: tor_enabled_analysis,
offline_analysis: offline_analysis,
email: email,
comment: comment,
custom_date_time: custom_date_time,
custom_cmd_line: custom_cmd_line,
custom_run_time: custom_run_time,
submit_name: submit_name,
document_password: document_password,
environment_variable: environment_variable
_post("/quick-scan/#{id}/convert-to-full", params) { |json| json }