import WeakSet from './weak_set'; const { toString: objectToString } = Object.prototype; const { toString: functionToString } = Function.prototype; const { isArray } = Array; const { keys: objectKeys } = Object; const { stringify } = JSON; const LIST_LIMIT = 100; const DEPTH_LIMIT = 4; const SAFE_KEY = /^[\w$]+$/; /** @module @ember/debug */ /** Convenience method to inspect an object. This method will attempt to convert the object into a useful string description. It is a pretty simple implementation. If you want something more robust, use something like JSDump: @method inspect @static @param {Object} obj The object you want to inspect. @return {String} A description of the object @since 1.4.0 @private */ export default function inspect(obj) { // detect Node util.inspect call inspect(depth: number, opts: object) if (typeof obj === 'number' && arguments.length === 2) { return this; } return inspectValue(obj, 0); } function inspectValue(value, depth, seen) { let valueIsArray = false; switch (typeof value) { case 'undefined': return 'undefined'; case 'object': if (value === null) return 'null'; if (isArray(value)) { valueIsArray = true; break; } // is toString Object.prototype.toString or undefined then traverse if (value.toString === objectToString || value.toString === undefined) { break; } // custom toString return value.toString(); case 'function': return value.toString === functionToString ? ? `[Function:${}]` : `[Function]` : value.toString(); case 'string': return stringify(value); case 'symbol': case 'boolean': case 'number': default: return value.toString(); } if (seen === undefined) { seen = new WeakSet(); } else { if (seen.has(value)) return `[Circular]`; } seen.add(value); return valueIsArray ? inspectArray(value, depth + 1, seen) : inspectObject(value, depth + 1, seen); } function inspectKey(key) { return SAFE_KEY.test(key) ? key : stringify(key); } function inspectObject(obj, depth, seen) { if (depth > DEPTH_LIMIT) { return '[Object]'; } let s = '{'; let keys = objectKeys(obj); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { s += i === 0 ? ' ' : ', '; if (i >= LIST_LIMIT) { s += `... ${keys.length - LIST_LIMIT} more keys`; break; } let key = keys[i]; s += inspectKey(key) + ': ' + inspectValue(obj[key], depth, seen); } s += ' }'; return s; } function inspectArray(arr, depth, seen) { if (depth > DEPTH_LIMIT) { return '[Array]'; } let s = '['; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { s += i === 0 ? ' ' : ', '; if (i >= LIST_LIMIT) { s += `... ${arr.length - LIST_LIMIT} more items`; break; } s += inspectValue(arr[i], depth, seen); } s += ' ]'; return s; }