module Verbs module Conjugator extend self class Conjugations include Singleton attr_reader :irregulars, :single_terminal_consonants, :copulars def initialize @irregulars, @single_terminal_consonants, @copulars = {}, [], {} end def irregular(infinitive, preterite = nil, past_participle = nil, &blk) if block_given? irregular = infinitive, &blk else raise ArgumentError, "Standard irregular verbs must specify preterite and past participle forms" unless preterite and past_participle irregular = infinitive, :preterite => preterite, :past_participle => past_participle end @irregulars[infinitive] = irregular end def single_terminal_consonant(infinitive) @single_terminal_consonants << infinitive end end def conjugations if block_given? yield Conjugations.instance else Conjugations.instance end end def conjugate(infinitive, options = {}) tense = options[:tense] || :present # present, past, future person = options[:person] || :third # first, second, third plurality = options[:plurality] || :singular # singular, plural diathesis = options[:diathesis] || :active # active, passive mood = options[:mood] || :indicative # imperative, subjunctive aspect = options[:aspect] || :habitual # perfective, habitual, progressive, perfect, prospective check_for_improper_constructions(tense, person, mood) form = form_for(tense, aspect) conjugation = { |e| resolve e, infinitive, tense, person, plurality, mood }.join(' ').strip if options[:subject] actor = options.delete(:subject) actor = subject(options).humanize if actor.is_a?(TrueClass) end "#{actor} #{conjugation}".strip end def subject(options) case [options[:person], options[:plurality]] when [:first, :singular] 'I' when [:first, :plural] 'we' when [:second, :singular], [:second, :plural] 'you' when [:third, :singular] 'he' when [:third, :plural] 'they' end end private def resolve(element, infinitive, tense, person, plurality, mood) case element when String element when :infinitive infinitive when :present, :past, :present_participle, :past_participle inflect infinitive, element, person, plurality, mood when Symbol inflect element, tense, person, plurality, mood end end def inflect(infinitive, inflection, person, plurality, mood) send(*([inflection, infinitive, person, plurality, mood][0, method(inflection).arity + 1])) end def present(infinitive, person, plurality, mood) if verb = conjugations.irregulars[infinitive] conjugate_irregular(verb, :tense => :present, :person => person, :plurality => plurality, :mood => mood) elsif person == :third and plurality == :singular and not mood == :subjunctive present_third_person_singular_form_for infinitive else infinitive end end def past(infinitive, person, plurality, mood) if verb = conjugations.irregulars[infinitive] conjugate_irregular(verb, :tense => :past, :person => person, :plurality => plurality, :mood => mood) else regular_preterite_for infinitive end end def present_participle(infinitive) if infinitive.to_s.match(/#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}#{VOWEL_PATTERN}#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}$/) and !conjugations.single_terminal_consonants.include?(infinitive) present_participle_with_doubled_terminal_consonant_for infinitive elsif infinitive.to_s.match(/c$/) infinitive.to_s.concat('king').to_sym elsif infinitive.to_s.match(/ye$/) or infinitive.to_s.match(/oe$/) or infinitive.to_s.match(/nge$/) or infinitive.to_s.match(/ee$/) infinitive.to_s.concat('ing').to_sym elsif infinitive.to_s.match(/ie$/) infinitive.to_s[0..-2].concat('ying').to_sym elsif infinitive.to_s.match(/e$/) infinitive.to_s[0..-2].concat('ing').to_sym else infinitive.to_s[0..-1].concat('ing').to_sym end end def past_participle(infinitive) if verb = conjugations.irregulars[infinitive] conjugate_irregular(verb, :tense => :past, :derivative => :participle) else regular_preterite_for infinitive end end def conjugate_irregular(verb, options) return verb[options] if verb[options] tense = options[:tense] person = options[:person] plurality = options[:plurality] derivative = options[:derivative] if [tense, person, plurality] == [:present, :third, :singular] present_third_person_singular_form_for verb elsif [tense, derivative] == [:past, :participle] verb.past_participle elsif tense == :present verb.infinitive elsif tense == :past verb.preterite end end def present_third_person_singular_form_for(verb) infinitive = verb.is_a?(Verb) ? verb.infinitive.to_s : verb.to_s if infinitive =~ /[a-z&&#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}]y$/i infinitive[0..-2] + 'ies' elsif infinitive =~ /(ss|sh|t?ch|zz|x|#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}o)$/i infinitive + 'es' elsif infinitive =~ /[^s]s$/i infinitive + 'ses' else infinitive + 's' end end def regular_preterite_for(verb) infinitive = verb.is_a?(Verb) ? verb.infinitive.to_s : verb.to_s if verb.to_s.match(/#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}#{VOWEL_PATTERN}#{DOUBLED_CONSONANT_PATTERN}$/) and !conjugations.single_terminal_consonants.include?(verb) regular_preterite_with_doubled_terminal_consonant_for verb elsif verb.to_s.match(/#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}e$/) or verb.to_s.match(/ye$/) or verb.to_s.match(/oe$/) or verb.to_s.match(/nge$/) or verb.to_s.match(/ie$/) or verb.to_s.match(/ee$/) infinitive.to_s.concat('d').to_sym elsif verb.to_s.match(/#{CONSONANT_PATTERN}y$/) infinitive.to_s.chomp('y').concat('ied').to_sym else infinitive.to_s.concat('ed').to_sym end end def regular_preterite_with_doubled_terminal_consonant_for(verb) regular_preterite_for verb.to_s.concat(verb.to_s[-1,1]).to_sym end def present_participle_with_doubled_terminal_consonant_for(verb) present_participle verb.to_s.concat(verb.to_s[-1,1]).to_sym end def form_for(tense, aspect) form = [] if tense == :future form << 'will' form << :infinitive if aspect == :habitual form.concat ['have', :past_participle] if aspect == :perfect form.concat ['be having', :past_participle] if aspect == :perfective form.concat ['be', :present_participle] if aspect == :progressive form.concat ['be about to', :infinitive] if aspect == :prospective else form.concat ['usually', :past_participle] if [tense, aspect] == [:past, :habitual] form.concat [:have, :past_participle] if aspect == :perfect form << :past if [tense, aspect] == [:past, :perfective] form.concat [:be, :present_participle] if aspect == :progressive form.concat [:be, 'about to', :infinitive] if aspect == :prospective form << :present if [tense, aspect] == [:present, :habitual] form.concat [:be, 'having', :past_participle] if [tense, aspect] == [:present, :perfective] end form end def check_for_improper_constructions(tense, person, mood) if mood == :imperative and not (person == :second and tense == :present) raise Verbs::ImproperConstruction, 'The imperative mood requires present tense and second person' end end end end