# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb') describe "One-off JSON examples" do it "should not blow up with a bad surrogate trailer" do # https://github.com/brianmario/yajl-ruby/issues/176 bad_json = "{\"e\":{\"\\uD800\\\\DC00\":\"a\"}}" Yajl::Parser.new.parse(bad_json) end it "should parse 23456789012E666 and return Infinity" do infinity = (1.0/0) silence_warnings do expect(Yajl::Parser.parse(StringIO.new('{"key": 23456789012E666}'))).to eq({"key" => infinity}) end end it "should not parse JSON with a comment, with :allow_comments set to false" do json = StringIO.new('{"key": /* this is a comment */ "value"}') expect { Yajl::Parser.parse(json, :allow_comments => false) }.to raise_error(Yajl::ParseError) end it "should parse JSON with a comment, with :allow_comments set to true" do json = StringIO.new('{"key": /* this is a comment */ "value"}') expect { Yajl::Parser.parse(json, :allow_comments => true) }.not_to raise_error end it "should not parse invalid UTF8 with :check_utf8 set to true" do parser = Yajl::Parser.new(:check_utf8 => true) expect { parser.parse("[\"#{"\201\203"}\"]") }.to raise_error(Yajl::ParseError) end it "should parse invalid UTF8 with :check_utf8 set to false" do parser = Yajl::Parser.new(:check_utf8 => false) parser.parse("[\"#{"\201\203"}\"]").inspect end it "should parse using it's class method, from an IO" do io = StringIO.new('{"key": 1234}') expect(Yajl::Parser.parse(io)).to eq({"key" => 1234}) end it "should parse using it's class method, from a string with symbolized keys" do expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": 1234}', :symbolize_keys => true)).to eq({:key => 1234}) end it "should parse using it's class method, from a utf-8 string with multibyte characters, with symbolized keys" do expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"日本語": 1234}', :symbolize_keys => true)).to eq({:"日本語" => 1234}) end it "should parse using it's class method, from a string" do expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": 1234}')).to eq({"key" => 1234}) end it "should parse using it's class method, from a string with a block" do output = nil Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": 1234}') do |obj| output = obj end expect(output).to eq({"key" => 1234}) end it "should parse numbers greater than 2,147,483,648" do expect(Yajl::Parser.parse("{\"id\": 2147483649}")).to eql({"id" => 2147483649}) expect(Yajl::Parser.parse("{\"id\": 5687389800}")).to eql({"id" => 5687389800}) expect(Yajl::Parser.parse("{\"id\": 1046289770033519442869495707521600000000}")).to eql({"id" => 1046289770033519442869495707521600000000}) end if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1.9/ it "should encode non-ascii symbols in utf-8" do parsed = Yajl::Parser.parse('{"曦": 1234}', :symbolize_keys => true) expect(parsed.keys.fetch(0).encoding).to eq(Encoding::UTF_8) end it "should return strings and hash keys in utf-8 if Encoding.default_internal is nil" do Encoding.default_internal = nil expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": "value"}').keys.first.encoding).to eql(Encoding.find('utf-8')) expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": "value"}').values.first.encoding).to eql(Encoding.find('utf-8')) end it "should return strings and hash keys encoded as specified in Encoding.default_internal if it's set" do Encoding.default_internal = Encoding.find('utf-8') expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": "value"}').keys.first.encoding).to eql(Encoding.default_internal) expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": "value"}').values.first.encoding).to eql(Encoding.default_internal) Encoding.default_internal = Encoding.find('us-ascii') expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": "value"}').keys.first.encoding).to eql(Encoding.default_internal) expect(Yajl::Parser.parse('{"key": "value"}').values.first.encoding).to eql(Encoding.default_internal) end end end