require "spec_helper" describe Spree::Gateway::KomojuWebMoney do subject { } describe "#auto_captured?" do it { should be_auto_capture } end describe "#purchase" do let(:money) { 1000.0 } let(:source) { Spree::WebMoney.create!( email: "", prepaid_number: "1111111111111111") } let(:options) { { login: "api_key", shipping: 100.0, tax: 200.0, subtotal: 800.0, discount: 100.0, order_id: "ORDERID-PAYMENTID", currency: "JPY" } } let(:order) { double Spree::Order, payments: [] } let(:response) {, "success", response_params) } let(:response_params) do { "status" => "captured", "payment_deadline" =>, "payment_details" => { "short_amount" => 1000, "prepaid_cards" => [ { "last_four_digits" => "1111", "points" => 100 } ] } } end context 'with valid parameters' do context 'when its a new webmoney request' do it "updates the source payment" do stub_order(order) expect_any_instance_of(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway).to receive(:purchase) { response } subject.purchase(money, source, options) expect(source.prepaid_cards).to eq([{"last_four_digits" => "1111", "points" => 100}]) expect(source.short_amount).to eq(1000) end it "creates a payment with correct active merchant options" do stub_order(order) options_converted_to_dollars = options.merge({shipping: 1.0, tax: 2.0, subtotal: 8.0, discount: 1.0}) payment_details = {type: "web_money", email: "", prepaid_number: "1111111111111111"} expect_any_instance_of(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway).to receive(:purchase).with(998.0, payment_details, options_converted_to_dollars) { response } subject.purchase(money, source, options) end context 'when the status is pending' do it 'returns an insufficient funds error' do stub_order(order) expect_any_instance_of(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway).to receive(:purchase) { response } response_params["status"] = 'pending' response = subject.purchase(money, source, options) expect(response).to_not be_success expect(response.message).to eq(I18n.t('spree.komoju.web_money.insufficient_funds')) end end end context 'when webmoney request is continued' do let(:webmoney) { double Spree::WebMoney, payment_uuid: "123" } let(:payment) { double Spree::Payment, source: webmoney } let(:order) { double Spree::Order, payments: [payment, payment] } it 'makes an activemerchant continue request' do stub_order(order) expect_any_instance_of(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway).to receive(:continue). with("123", {type: "web_money", email: "", prepaid_number: "1111111111111111"}). and_return(response) subject.purchase(money, source, options) end it 'updates the prepaid cards hash on source' do stub_order(order) allow_any_instance_of(ActiveMerchant::Billing::KomojuGateway). to receive(:continue).and_return(response) subject.purchase(money, source, options) expect(source.prepaid_cards).to eq(response_params["payment_details"]["prepaid_cards"]) expect(source.short_amount).to eq(response_params["payment_details"]["short_amount"]) end end end context 'with invalid parameters' do context 'when currency is not JPY' do it 'raises an unsupported currency exception' do expect { subject.purchase(nil, nil, currency: "USD") }.to raise_error(SpreeKomoju::Errors::UnsupportedCurrency) end end end end def stub_order(order) allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Gateway::KomojuWebMoney).to receive(:options) { options } allow(Spree::Order).to receive(:find_by_number) { order } end end