# Lono ![CodeBuild](https://codebuild.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/badges?uuid=eyJlbmNyeXB0ZWREYXRhIjoiYTloZ3dBZkZTYnlTaU1ZZTMvenROM1dmY2lDZzE0MDRVZ2d6NXdqb2JmSXNrQ3pkVGpKRTJMMnhTNDlOYUNOUlZZUmR6TktGcXRWMVFoYzhrSXFZWVZNPSIsIml2UGFyYW1ldGVyU3BlYyI6IkkrSGlFcTBWUjMzbk5xVGYiLCJtYXRlcmlhbFNldFNlcmlhbCI6MX0%3D&branch=master) [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/tongueroo/lono.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/tongueroo/lono) [![Support](https://img.shields.io/badge/get-support-blue.svg)](https://boltops.com?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=lono) [![BoltOps Badge](https://img.boltops.com/boltops/badges/boltops-badge.png)](https://www.boltops.com) Lono is a powerful CloudFormation framework. Lono handles the entire CloudFormation lifecycle. It builds, manages and deploys CloudFormation templates. * Lono generates CloudFormation templates based on a [DSL](http://lono.cloud/docs/dsl/). * Lono takes simple env-like files and generates the CloudFormation parameter files. * Lono provides a simple CLI interface to launch the CloudFormation stacks. See [lono.cloud](http://lono.cloud) for full lono documentation. ## Upgrading If you are on version 4.2 and upgrade to 5.0. You can run `lono upgrade v4to5` within your project to upgrade it to version 5.0. Refer to the [Upgrading Guide](http://lono.cloud/docs/extras/upgrading/). ## Quick Usage It only takes a couple of commands to start using lono. gem install lono lono new infra cd infra lono cfn deploy demo ![Lono flowchart](http://lono.cloud/img/tutorial/lono-flowchart.png "Lono flowchart") ## DSL Here's an example of what the Lono CloudFormation DSL looks like: ```ruby description "Demo stack" parameter("InstanceType", "t3.micro") mapping("AmiMap", "us-east-1": { Ami: "ami-0de53d8956e8dcf80" }, "us-west-2": { Ami: "ami-061392db613a6357b" } ) resource("Instance", "AWS::EC2::Instance", InstanceType: ref("InstanceType"), ImageId: find_in_map("AmiMap", ref("AWS::Region"), "Ami"), SecurityGroupIds: [get_att("SecurityGroup.GroupId")], UserData: base64(user_data("bootstrap.sh")) ) resource("SecurityGroup", "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", group_description: "demo security group", ) output("Instance") output("SecurityGroup", get_att("SecurityGroup.GroupId")) ``` ### Lono Cfn Lifecycle Commands Lono provides a `lono cfn` lifecycle command that allows you to launch stacks quickly. The `lono cfn` tool automatically runs `lono generate` internally and then launches the CloudFormation stack all in one command. If you are in a lono project and have a `demo` lono blueprint. To create a stack you can simply run: $ lono cfn deploy demo The above command will generate files to `output/infra/templates/demo.yml` and `output/infra/params/demo.txt` and use them to create a CloudFormation stack. Here are some more examples of cfn commands: lono cfn deploy demo # shorthand if blueprint, template and params file matches. lono cfn deploy demo-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) --blueprint demo --template demo --param demo lono cfn diff demo lono cfn preview demo lono cfn delete demo lono cfn deploy -h # getting help See [lono.cloud](http://lono.cloud) for full lono documentation. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request