module Chroma # Class to hold all palette methods. class Harmonies # @param color [Color] def initialize(color) @color = color end # Generate a complement palette. # # @example # 'red'.paint.palette.complement #=> [red, cyan] # 'red'.paint.palette.complement(as: :name) #=> ['red', 'cyan'] # 'red'.paint.palette.complement(as: :hex) #=> ['#ff0000', '#00ffff'] # # @param options [Hash] # @option options :as [Symbol] (nil) optional format to output colors as strings # @return [Array, Array] depending on presence of `options[:as]` def complement(options = {}) with_reformat([@color, @color.complement], options[:as]) end # Generate a triad palette. # # @example # 'red'.paint.palette.triad #=> [red, lime, blue] # 'red'.paint.palette.triad(as: :name) #=> ['red', 'lime', 'blue'] # 'red'.paint.palette.triad(as: :hex) #=> ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'] # # @param options [Hash] # @option options :as [Symbol] (nil) optional format to output colors as strings # @return [Array, Array] depending on presence of `options[:as]` def triad(options = {}) hsl_map([0, 120, 240], options) end # Generate a tetrad palette. # # @example # 'red'.paint.palette.tetrad #=> [red, #80ff00, cyan, #7f00ff] # 'red'.paint.palette.tetrad(as: :name) #=> ['red', '#80ff00', 'cyan', '#7f00ff'] # 'red'.paint.palette.tetrad(as: :hex) #=> ['#ff0000', '#80ff00', '#00ffff', '#7f00ff'] # # @param options [Hash] # @option options :as [Symbol] (nil) optional format to output colors as strings # @return [Array, Array] depending on presence of `options[:as]` def tetrad(options = {}) hsl_map([0, 90, 180, 270], options) end # Generate a split complement palette. # # @example # 'red'.paint.palette.split_complement #=> [red, #ccff00, #0066ff] # 'red'.paint.palette.split_complement(as: :name) #=> ['red', '#ccff00', '#0066ff'] # 'red'.paint.palette.split_complement(as: :hex) #=> ['#ff0000', '#ccff00', '#0066ff'] # # @param options [Hash] # @option options :as [Symbol] (nil) optional format to output colors as strings # @return [Array, Array] depending on presence of `options[:as]` def split_complement(options = {}) hsl_map([0, 72, 216], options) end # Generate an analogous palette. # # @example # 'red'.paint.palette.analogous #=> [red, #ff0066, #ff0033, red, #ff3300, #ff6600] # 'red'.paint.palette.analogous(as: :hex) #=> ['#f00', '#f06', '#f03', '#f00', '#f30', '#f60'] # 'red'.paint.palette.analogous(results: 3) #=> [red, #ff001a, #ff1a00] # 'red'.paint.palette.analogous(results: 3, slices: 60) #=> [red, #ff000d, #ff0d00] # # @param options [Hash] # @option options :results [Symbol] (6) number of results to return # @option options :slices [Symbol] (30) # the angle in degrees to slice the hue circle per color # @option options :as [Symbol] (nil) optional format to output colors as strings # @return [Array, Array] depending on presence of `options[:as]` def analogous(options = {}) results = options[:results] || 6 slices = options[:slices] || 30 hsl = @color.hsl part = 360 / slices hsl.h = ((hsl.h - (part * results >> 1)) + 720) % 360 palette = (results - 1).times.reduce([@color]) do |arr, n| hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360 arr <<, @color.format) end with_reformat(palette, options[:as]) end # Generate a monochromatic palette. # # @example # 'red'.paint.palette.monochromatic #=> [red, #2a0000, #550000, maroon, #aa0000, #d40000] # 'red'.paint.palette.monochromatic(as: :hex) #=> ['#ff0000', '#2a0000', '#550000', '#800000', '#aa0000', '#d40000'] # 'red'.paint.palette.monochromatic(results: 3) #=> [red, #550000, #aa0000] # # @param options [Hash] # @option options :results [Symbol] (6) number of results to return # @option options :as [Symbol] (nil) optional format to output colors as strings # @return [Array, Array] depending on presence of `options[:as]` def monochromatic(options = {}) results = options[:results] || 6 h, s, v = @color.hsv modification = 1.0 / results palette = do, s, v), @color.format).tap do v = (v + modification) % 1 end end with_reformat(palette, options[:as]) end private def with_reformat(palette, as)! { |color| color.to_s(as) } unless as.nil? palette end def hsl_map(degrees, options) h, s, l = @color.hsl! do |deg| + deg) % 360, s, l), @color.format) end with_reformat(degrees, options[:as]) end end end