# Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech), manual changes will be lost - read more on https://github.com/algolia/api-clients-automation. DO NOT EDIT. require 'date' require 'time' module Algolia module Search # Maximum radius for a search around a central location. This parameter works in combination with the `aroundLatLng` and `aroundLatLngViaIP` parameters. By default, the search radius is determined automatically from the density of hits around the central location. The search radius is small if there are many hits close to the central coordinates. module AroundRadius class << self # List of class defined in oneOf (OpenAPI v3) def openapi_one_of [ :AroundRadiusAll, :Integer ] end # Builds the object # @param [Mixed] Data to be matched against the list of oneOf items # @return [Object] Returns the model or the data itself def build(data) # Go through the list of oneOf items and attempt to identify the appropriate one. # Note: # - We do not attempt to check whether exactly one item matches. # - No advanced validation of types in some cases (e.g. "x: { type: string }" will happily match { x: 123 }) # due to the way the deserialization is made in the base_object template (it just casts without verifying). # - TODO: scalar values are de facto behaving as if they were nullable. # - TODO: logging when debugging is set. openapi_one_of.each do |klass| next if klass == :AnyType # "nullable: true" typed_data = find_and_cast_into_type(klass, data) return typed_data if typed_data rescue # rescue all errors so we keep iterating even if the current item lookup raises end openapi_one_of.include?(:AnyType) ? data : nil end private SchemaMismatchError = Class.new(StandardError) # NOTE: 'File' is missing here because in the regular case we get the data _after_ a call to JSON.parse. def find_and_cast_into_type(klass, data) return if data.nil? case klass.to_s when 'Boolean' return data if data.instance_of?(TrueClass) || data.instance_of?(FalseClass) when 'Float' return data if data.instance_of?(Float) when 'Integer' return data if data.instance_of?(Integer) when 'Time' return Time.parse(data) when 'Date' return Date.parse(data) when 'String' return data if data.instance_of?(String) when 'Object' # "type: object" return data if data.instance_of?(Hash) when /\AArray<(?.+)>\z/ # "type: array" if data.instance_of?(Array) sub_type = Regexp.last_match[:sub_type] return data.map { |item| find_and_cast_into_type(sub_type, item) } end when /\AHash.+)>\z/ # "type: object" with "additionalProperties: { ... }" if data.instance_of?(Hash) && data.keys.all? { |k| k.instance_of?(Symbol) || k.instance_of?(String) } sub_type = Regexp.last_match[:sub_type] return data.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hsh| hsh[k] = find_and_cast_into_type(sub_type, v) } end else # model const = Algolia::Search.const_get(klass) if const if const.respond_to?(:openapi_one_of) # nested oneOf model model = const.build(data) else # raise if data contains keys that are not known to the model raise unless (data.keys - const.acceptable_attributes).empty? model = const.build_from_hash(data) end return model if model end end raise # if no match by now, raise rescue raise SchemaMismatchError, "#{data} doesn't match the #{klass} type" end end end end end