#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/provider/confine_collection' describe Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection do it "should be able to add confines" do Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label").should respond_to(:confine) end it "should require a label at initialization" do lambda { Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should make its label available" do Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("mylabel").label.should == "mylabel" end describe "when creating confine instances" do it "should create an instance of the named test with the provided values" do test_class = mock 'test_class' test_class.expects(:new).with(%w{my values}).returns(stub('confine', :label= => nil)) Puppet::Provider::Confine.expects(:test).with(:foo).returns test_class Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label").confine :foo => %w{my values} end it "should copy its label to the confine instance" do confine = mock 'confine' test_class = mock 'test_class' test_class.expects(:new).returns confine Puppet::Provider::Confine.expects(:test).returns test_class confine.expects(:label=).with("label") Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label").confine :foo => %w{my values} end describe "and the test cannot be found" do it "should create a Facter test with the provided values and set the name to the test name" do confine = Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:variable).new(%w{my values}) confine.expects(:name=).with(:foo) confine.class.expects(:new).with(%w{my values}).returns confine Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label").confine(:foo => %w{my values}) end end describe "and the 'for_binary' option was provided" do it "should mark the test as a binary confine" do confine = Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).new(:bar) confine.expects(:for_binary=).with true Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:exists).expects(:new).with(:bar).returns confine Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label").confine :exists => :bar, :for_binary => true end end end it "should be valid if no confines are present" do Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label").should be_valid end it "should be valid if all confines pass" do c1 = stub 'c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil c2 = stub 'c2', :valid? => true, :label= => nil Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:new).returns(c1) Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:new).returns(c2) confiner = Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label") confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee confiner.should be_valid end it "should not be valid if any confines fail" do c1 = stub 'c1', :valid? => true, :label= => nil c2 = stub 'c2', :valid? => false, :label= => nil Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:new).returns(c1) Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:new).returns(c2) confiner = Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label") confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee confiner.should_not be_valid end describe "when providing a summary" do before do @confiner = Puppet::Provider::ConfineCollection.new("label") end it "should return a hash" do @confiner.summary.should be_instance_of(Hash) end it "should return an empty hash if the confiner is valid" do @confiner.summary.should == {} end it "should add each test type's summary to the hash" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns :tsumm Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm @confiner.summary.should == {:true => :tsumm, :false => :fsumm} end it "should not include tests that return 0" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns 0 Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm} end it "should not include tests that return empty arrays" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns [] Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm} end it "should not include tests that return empty hashes" do @confiner.confine :true => :bar, :false => :bee Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:true).expects(:summarize).returns({}) Puppet::Provider::Confine.test(:false).expects(:summarize).returns :fsumm @confiner.summary.should == {:false => :fsumm} end end end