# Check domains on <%= fetch(:nginx_use_ssl) ? 'https' : 'http' %> for <%= fetch(:application) %> [<%= fetch(:stage) %>] <% domain_list.uniq.each do |domain| %> check host <%= domain %> with address <%= domain %> if failed <% if fetch(:nginx_use_ssl) %> port 443 type TCPSSL protocol https <% else %> port 80 protocol http <% end %> <% if fetch(:monit_website_check_content, false) %> request "<%= fetch(:monit_website_check_path, '/') %>" content = "<%= fetch(:monit_website_check_text, '') %>" <% else %> # status = 200 <% end %> with timeout <%= fetch(:monit_website_check_timeout, 10) %> seconds for <%= fetch(:monit_website_check_cycles, 3) %> cycles then alert <% end %>