require 'json' require_relative 'alba/version' require_relative 'alba/errors' require_relative 'alba/resource' require_relative 'alba/deprecation' require_relative 'alba/railtie' if defined?(Rails::Railtie) # Core module module Alba class << self attr_reader :backend, :encoder # Getter for inflector, a module responsible for inflecting strings attr_reader :inflector # Set the backend, which actually serializes object into JSON # # @param backend [#to_sym, nil] the name of the backend # Possible values are `oj`, `active_support`, `default`, `json` and nil # @return [Proc] the proc to encode object into JSON # @raise [Alba::UnsupportedBackend] if backend is not supported def backend=(backend) @backend = backend&.to_sym set_encoder_from_backend end # Set encoder, a Proc object that accepts an object and generates JSON from it # Set backend as `:custom` which indicates no preset encoder is used # # @param encoder [Proc] # @raise [ArgumentError] if given encoder is not a Proc or its arity is not one def encoder=(encoder) raise ArgumentError, 'Encoder must be a Proc accepting one argument' unless encoder.is_a?(Proc) && encoder.arity == 1 @encoder = encoder @backend = :custom end # Serialize the object with inline definitions # # @param object [Object] the object to be serialized # @param root_key [Symbol, nil, true] # @param block [Block] resource block # @return [String] serialized JSON string # @raise [ArgumentError] if block is absent or `with` argument's type is wrong def serialize(object, root_key: nil, &block) klass = block ? resource_class(&block) : infer_resource_class( resource = resource.serialize(root_key: root_key) end # Enable inference for key and resource name # # @param with [Symbol, Class, Module] inflector # When it's a Symbol, it sets inflector with given name # When it's a Class or a Module, it sets given object to inflector # @deprecated Use {#inflector=} instead def enable_inference!(with:) Alba::Deprecation.warn('Alba.enable_inference! is deprecated. Use `Alba.inflector=` instead.') @inflector = inflector_from(with) @inferring = true end # Disable inference for key and resource name # # @deprecated Use {#inflector=} instead def disable_inference! Alba::Deprecation.warn('Alba.disable_inference! is deprecated. Use `Alba.inflector = nil` instead.') @inferring = false @inflector = nil end # @deprecated Use {#inflector} instead # @return [Boolean] whether inference is enabled or not def inferring Alba::Deprecation.warn('Alba.inferring is deprecated. Use `Alba.inflector` instead.') @inferring end # Set an inflector # # @param inflector [Symbol, Class, Module] inflector # When it's a Symbol, it accepts `:default`, `:active_support` or `:dry` # When it's a Class or a Module, it should have some methods, see {Alba::DefaultInflector} def inflector=(inflector) @inflector = inflector_from(inflector) end # @param block [Block] resource body # @return [Class] resource class def resource_class(&block) klass = klass.include(Alba::Resource) klass.class_eval(&block) if block klass end # @param name [String] a String Alba infers resource name with # @param nesting [String, nil] namespace Alba tries to find resource class in # @return [Class] resource class def infer_resource_class(name, nesting: nil) raise Alba::Error, 'Inference is disabled so Alba cannot infer resource name. Set inflector before use.' unless Alba.inflector const_parent = nesting.nil? ? Object : Object.const_get(nesting) const_parent.const_get("#{inflector.classify(name)}Resource") end # Reset config variables # Useful for test cleanup def reset! @encoder = default_encoder @_on_error = :raise @_on_nil = nil end private def inflector_from(name_or_module) case name_or_module when nil then nil when :default, :active_support require_relative 'alba/default_inflector' Alba::DefaultInflector when :dry require 'dry/inflector' else validate_inflector(name_or_module) end end def set_encoder_from_backend @encoder = case @backend when :oj, :oj_strict then try_oj when :oj_rails then try_oj(mode: :rails) when :oj_default then try_oj(mode: :default) when :active_support then try_active_support when nil, :default, :json then default_encoder else raise Alba::UnsupportedBackend, "Unsupported backend, #{backend}" end end def try_oj(mode: :strict) require 'oj' case mode when :default ->(hash) { Oj.dump(hash) } else ->(hash) { Oj.dump(hash, mode: mode) } end rescue LoadError Kernel.warn '`Oj` is not installed, falling back to default JSON encoder.' default_encoder end def try_active_support require 'active_support/json' ->(hash) { ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(hash) } rescue LoadError Kernel.warn '`ActiveSupport` is not installed, falling back to default JSON encoder.' default_encoder end def default_encoder lambda do |hash| JSON.generate(hash) end end def validate_inflector(inflector) unless %i[camelize camelize_lower dasherize classify].all? { |m| inflector.respond_to?(m) } raise Alba::Error, "Given inflector, #{inflector.inspect} is not valid. It must implement `camelize`, `camelize_lower`, `dasherize` and `classify`." end inflector end end reset! end