# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'optparse' require 'msgpack' require 'fluent/msgpack_factory' require 'fluent/formatter' require 'fluent/plugin' require 'fluent/config/element' class FluentBinlogReader SUBCOMMAND = %w(cat head formats) HELP_TEXT = < [] Commands of fluent-binlog-reader: cat : Read files sequentially, writing them to standard output. head : Display the beginning of a text file. format : Display plugins that you can use. See 'fluent-binlog-reader --help' for more information on a specific command. HELP def initialize(argv = ARGV) @argv = argv end def call command_class = BinlogReaderCommand.const_get(command) command_class.new(@argv).call end private def command command = @argv.shift if !command || !SUBCOMMAND.include?(command) usage "Required subcommand : #{SUBCOMMAND.join(' | ')}" end command.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join('') end def usage(msg = nil) puts HELP_TEXT puts "Error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end end module BinlogReaderCommand class Base def initialize(argv = ARGV) @argv = argv @options = { plugin: [] } @opt_parser = OptionParser.new do |opt| opt.separator 'Options:' opt.on('-p DIR', '--plugin', 'add library directory path') do |v| @options[:plugin] << v end end end def call raise NotImplementedError, 'BUG: command MUST implement this method' end private def usage(msg = nil) puts @opt_parser.to_s puts "Error: #{msg}" if msg exit 1 end def parse_options! @opt_parser.parse!(@argv) unless @options[:plugin].empty? if dir = @options[:plugin].find { |d| !Dir.exist?(d) } usage "Directory #{dir} doesn't exist" else @options[:plugin].each do |d| Fluent::Plugin.add_plugin_dir(d) end end end rescue => e usage e end end module Formattable DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { format: :out_file } def initialize(argv = ARGV) super @options.merge!(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) configure_option_parser end private def configure_option_parser @options.merge!(config_params: {}) @opt_parser.banner = "Usage: fluent-binlog-reader #{self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase} [options] file" @opt_parser.on('-f TYPE', '--format', 'configure output format') do |v| @options[:format] = v.to_sym end @opt_parser.on('-e KEY=VALUE', 'configure formatter config params') do |v| key, value = v.split('=') usage "#{v} is invalid. valid format is like `key=value`" unless value @options[:config_params].merge!(key => value) end end def lookup_formatter(format, params) conf = Fluent::Config::Element.new('ROOT', '', params, []) formatter = Fluent::Plugin.new_formatter(format) if formatter.respond_to?(:configure) formatter.configure(conf) end formatter rescue => e usage e end end class Head < Base include Formattable DEFAULT_HEAD_OPTIONS = { count: 5 } def initialize(argv = ARGV) super @options.merge!(default_options) parse_options! end def call @formatter = lookup_formatter(@options[:format], @options[:config_params]) File.open(@path, 'rb') do |io| i = 1 Fluent::MessagePackFactory.unpacker(io).each do |(time, record)| print @formatter.format(@path, time, record) # path is used for tag break if @options[:count] && i == @options[:count] i += 1 end end end private def default_options DEFAULT_HEAD_OPTIONS end def parse_options! @opt_parser.on('-n COUNT', 'Set the number of lines to display') do |v| @options[:count] = v.to_i usage "illegal line count -- #{@options[:count]}" if @options[:count] < 1 end super usage 'Path is required' if @argv.empty? @path = @argv.first usage "#{@path} is not found" unless File.exist?(@path) end end class Cat < Head DEFAULT_CAT_OPTIONS = { count: nil # Overwrite DEFAULT_HEAD_OPTIONS[:count] } def default_options DEFAULT_CAT_OPTIONS end end class Formats < Base def initialize(argv = ARGV) super parse_options! end def call prefix = Fluent::Plugin::FORMATTER_REGISTRY.dir_search_prefix || 'formatter_' plugin_dirs = @options[:plugin] unless plugin_dirs.empty? plugin_dirs.each do |d| Dir.glob("#{d}/#{prefix}*.rb").each do |path| require File.absolute_path(path) end end end $LOAD_PATH.map do |lp| Dir.glob("#{lp}/#{prefix}*.rb").each do |path| require path end end puts Fluent::Plugin::FORMATTER_REGISTRY.map.keys end end end