require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), '/spec_helper') describe "List plugin" do def klass(opts={}) @db = MODEL_DB c =[:items])) c.class_eval do columns :id, :position, :scope_id, :pos plugin :list, opts self.use_transactions = false end c end before do @c = klass @o = @c.load(:id=>7, :position=>3) @sc = klass(:scope=>:scope_id) @so = @sc.load(:id=>7, :position=>3, :scope_id=>5) @db.reset end it "should default to using :position as the position field" do @c.position_field.should == :position == 'SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY position' end it "should accept a :field option to modify the position field" do klass(:field=>:pos).position_field.should == :pos end it "should accept a :scope option with a symbol for a single scope column" do>4).list_dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items WHERE (scope_id = 4) ORDER BY scope_id, position' end it "should accept a :scope option with an array of symbols for multiple scope columns" do ['SELECT * FROM items WHERE ((scope_id = 4) AND (pos = 3)) ORDER BY scope_id, pos, position', 'SELECT * FROM items WHERE ((pos = 3) AND (scope_id = 4)) ORDER BY scope_id, pos, position']. should include(klass(:scope=>[:scope_id, :pos]).new(:scope_id=>4, :pos=>3).list_dataset.sql) end it "should accept a :scope option with a proc for a custom list scope" do klass(:scope=>proc{|o| o.model.dataset.filter(:active).filter(:scope_id=>o.scope_id)}).new(:scope_id=>4).list_dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items WHERE (active AND (scope_id = 4)) ORDER BY position' end it "should modify the order when using the plugin" do c = c.model.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items' c.plugin :list c.model.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY position' end it "should be able to access the position field as a class attribute" do @c.position_field.should == :position klass(:field=>:pos).position_field.should == :pos end it "should be able to access the scope proc as a class attribute" do @c.scope_proc.should == nil @sc.scope_proc[>4)].sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items WHERE (scope_id = 4) ORDER BY scope_id, position' end it "should work correctly in subclasses" do c =>:scope_id)) c.position_field.should == :position c.scope_proc[>4)].sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items WHERE (scope_id = 4) ORDER BY scope_id, position' end it "should have at_position return the model object at the given position" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>1, :position=>1} @o.at_position(10).should == @c.load(:id=>1, :position=>1) @sc.dataset._fetch = {:id=>2, :position=>2, :scope_id=>5} @so.at_position(20).should == @sc.load(:id=>2, :position=>2, :scope_id=>5) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 10) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1", "SELECT * FROM items WHERE ((scope_id = 5) AND (position = 20)) ORDER BY scope_id, position LIMIT 1"] end it "should have last_position return the last position in the list" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} @o.last_position.should == 10 @sc.dataset._fetch = {:max=>20} @so.last_position.should == 20 @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT max(position) FROM items LIMIT 1", "SELECT max(position) FROM items WHERE (scope_id = 5) LIMIT 1"] end it "should have list_dataset return the model's dataset for non scoped lists" do @o.list_dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items ORDER BY position' end it "should have list dataset return a scoped dataset for scoped lists" do @so.list_dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items WHERE (scope_id = 5) ORDER BY scope_id, position' end it "should have move_down without an argument move down a single position" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} @o.move_down.should == @o @o.position.should == 4 @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT max(position) FROM items LIMIT 1", "UPDATE items SET position = (position - 1) WHERE ((position >= 4) AND (position <= 4))", "UPDATE items SET position = 4 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_down with an argument move down the given number of positions" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} @o.move_down(3).should == @o @o.position.should == 6 @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT max(position) FROM items LIMIT 1", "UPDATE items SET position = (position - 1) WHERE ((position >= 4) AND (position <= 6))", "UPDATE items SET position = 6 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_down with a negative argument move up the given number of positions" do @o.move_down(-1).should == @o @o.position.should == 2 @db.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET position = (position + 1) WHERE ((position >= 2) AND (position < 3))", "UPDATE items SET position = 2 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_to raise an error if an invalid target is used" do proc{@o.move_to(0)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} proc{@o.move_to(11)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should have move_to use a transaction if the instance is configured to use transactions" do @o.use_transactions = true @o.move_to(2) @db.sqls.should == ["BEGIN", "UPDATE items SET position = (position + 1) WHERE ((position >= 2) AND (position < 3))", "UPDATE items SET position = 2 WHERE (id = 7)", "COMMIT"] end it "should have move_to do nothing if the target position is the same as the current position" do @o.use_transactions = true @o.move_to(@o.position).should == @o @o.position.should == 3 @db.sqls.should == [] end it "should have move to shift entries correctly between current and target if moving up" do @o.move_to(2) @db.sqls.first.should == "UPDATE items SET position = (position + 1) WHERE ((position >= 2) AND (position < 3))" end it "should have move to shift entries correctly between current and target if moving down" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} @o.move_to(4) @db.sqls[1].should == "UPDATE items SET position = (position - 1) WHERE ((position >= 4) AND (position <= 4))" end it "should have move_to_bottom move the item to the last position" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} @o.move_to_bottom @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT max(position) FROM items LIMIT 1", "UPDATE items SET position = (position - 1) WHERE ((position >= 4) AND (position <= 10))", "UPDATE items SET position = 10 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_to_top move the item to the first position" do @o.move_to_top @db.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET position = (position + 1) WHERE ((position >= 1) AND (position < 3))", "UPDATE items SET position = 1 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_up without an argument move up a single position" do @o.move_up.should == @o @o.position.should == 2 @db.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET position = (position + 1) WHERE ((position >= 2) AND (position < 3))", "UPDATE items SET position = 2 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_up with an argument move up the given number of positions" do @o.move_up(2).should == @o @o.position.should == 1 @db.sqls.should == ["UPDATE items SET position = (position + 1) WHERE ((position >= 1) AND (position < 3))", "UPDATE items SET position = 1 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have move_up with a negative argument move down the given number of positions" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:max=>10} @o.move_up(-1).should == @o @o.position.should == 4 @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT max(position) FROM items LIMIT 1", "UPDATE items SET position = (position - 1) WHERE ((position >= 4) AND (position <= 4))", "UPDATE items SET position = 4 WHERE (id = 7)"] end it "should have next return the next entry in the list if not given an argument" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>9, :position=>4} == @c.load(:id=>9, :position=>4) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 4) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1"] end it "should have next return the entry the given number of positions below the instance if given an argument" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>9, :position=>5} == @c.load(:id=>9, :position=>5) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 5) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1"] end it "should have next return a previous entry if given a negative argument" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>9, :position=>2} == @c.load(:id=>9, :position=>2) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 2) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1"] end it "should have position_value return the value of the position field" do @o.position_value.should == 3 end it "should have prev return the previous entry in the list if not given an argument" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>9, :position=>2} @o.prev.should == @c.load(:id=>9, :position=>2) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 2) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1"] end it "should have prev return the entry the given number of positions above the instance if given an argument" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>9, :position=>1} @o.prev(2).should == @c.load(:id=>9, :position=>1) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 1) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1"] end it "should have prev return a following entry if given a negative argument" do @c.dataset._fetch = {:id=>9, :position=>4} @o.prev(-1).should == @c.load(:id=>9, :position=>4) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT * FROM items WHERE (position = 4) ORDER BY position LIMIT 1"] end end