=begin rdoc This is Watir - Web Application Testing In Ruby http://wtr.rubyforge.org To Install Ruby: http://ruby-lang.org Best is to use Ruby 1.8.2-14 or later. However, if you are using the Watir::IE#modal_dialog method, you must use Ruby 1.8.2-14 and not a more recent version. Watir (in general) will not work with Ruby 1.8.1-13. (This version of Ruby has a bad WIN32OLE library.) To Install Watir: Best way to install is to use the gem. From your command line: > gem install win32-process --include-dependencies > gem install watir This will download and install watir, win32-process and all dependencies. How To Use: This only works on Windows. Requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer. Check out the mail lists and the documentation for the workarounds. User Guide: http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/User+Guide Unit Tests: Run the unittests in a cmd shell. Go to the dir where you installed it and then type 'ruby unittests/core_tests.rb'. See the user guide if you are having problems with security blocking. Typical Usage # include the controller require 'watir' # create an instance of the controller ie = Watir::IE.new # go to the page you want to test ie.goto('http://myserver/mypage') # to enter text into a text field - assuming the field is named 'username' ie.text_field(:name, 'username').set('Paul') # if there was a text field that had an id of 'company_ID', you could set it to 'Ruby Co': ie.text_field(:id ,'company_ID').set('Ruby Co') # to click a button that has a caption of 'Cancel' ie.button(:value, 'Cancel').click Identifying something using two or more identifying characteristics # Html objects can also be identified via a combination of two of the above methods, # for example to click a span with a class name of 'Label', and whose text is 'Add new', one could say ie.span(:class =>'Label', :text => 'Add new').click # Or to find one object within another (for example the first text_field within a div of class # 'PasswordInput', where your password equals 'MyPassword'), one could say ie.div(:class, 'PasswordInput').text_field(:index, 1).set('MyPassword') The ways that are available to identify an html object depend upon the object type, but include :id used for an object that has an ID attribute.* :name used for an object that has a name attribute.* :value value of text fields, captions of buttons. :index finds the nth object of the specified type - eg button(:index , 2) finds the second button. This is 1 based.
:class used for an object that has a class attribute. :text used for links and other objects that contain text. :xpath finds the item using xpath query * :id and :name are the quickest of these to process, and so should be used when possible to speed up scripts. The objects that are currently supported include Button Radio CheckBox TextField (Including TextArea and Password) Hidden SelectList Label Span Div P Link Table Image These 2 web sites provide info on Internet Explorer and on the DOM as implemented by Internet Explorer http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/browser/webbrowser/webbrowser.asp http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/browser/overview/overview.asp Command line options: -b (background) Run Internet Explorer invisible -f (fast) Run tests very fast Note that if you also use test/unit, you will need to require 'watir' first to avoid conflicts with its command line switches. Javascript Pop Up Support Watir now optionally installs AutoIt - http://www.autoitscript.com/ This is the prefered method for dealing wth pop ups, file requesters etc. Support for Winclickers will be removed. Contacts: Paul Rogers (paul.rogers@shaw.ca) Bret Pettichord (bret@pettichord.com) Charley Baker (charley.baker@gmail.com) The mailing list: http://rubyforge.org/mail/?group_id=104 Contributors: Bret Pettichord Paul Rogers Jonathan Kohl Chris Morris Karlin Fox Lorenzo Jorquera Atilla Ozgur Justin McCarthy Chris McMahon Elisabeth Hendrickson Michael Kelly Peter Chau Danny Faught Andy Sipe John Lloyd-Jones Chris Hedges Park Heesob Shashank Date Jared Luxenberg Alexey Verkhovsky Tuyet Cong-Ton-Nu Jeff Wood Angrez Singh Abhishek Goliya Yaxin Wang Michael Bolton Paul Carvalho Konstantin Sobolev David Schmidt Dara Lillis Charley Baker Prema Arya Xavier Noria Jeff Fry Zeljko Filipin Acknowledgements: Chris Morris Brian Marick Jonathan Kohl Penny Tonita Janet Gregory Andy Tinkham Jacinda Scott (logo creator) Thanks for your ideas and support! =end